Characteristics of world-class rally in table tennis:


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Other Title
  • 卓球のワールドクラスの試合におけるラリーの特徴
  • Focusing on the number of shots played per rally
  • -ラリー中の打球回数に着目して-


<p>    A notational analysis of 12,428 rallies in 149 singles matches at the London Olympic Games was conducted to clarify the characteristics of world-class rallies in table tennis. The number of shots played per rally, which was the sum of a correct service and correct returns, was measured. And the winning ratios of server and receiver were determined by the number of shots played per rally (Odd numbers indicate the server won the point, even numbers indicate the receiver won the point). The playing styles of the players were classified into all-round types and defensive types (chopper type), and the types of matches were classified into 3 by the combination of playing styles as: all-rounder vs. all-rounder (AA type), all-rounder vs. defensive (AD type) and defensive vs. defensive (DD type). The numbers of shots and the two ratios, and relations to both gender and type of match were considered. The DD type was excluded from this analysis because there were too few measured data. As a result, the mode of the number of shots for men and women was 3 each. The maximums for men and women were 38 and 60, respectively. The minimum for men and women were 0 each. The mean number of shots for women was significantly larger than that for men for AD type (p<0.01), and that for AD type was significantly larger than that for AA type for both men (p<0.01) and women (p<0.001). The mean winning ratios for servers for both men and women for AA type and AD type were all at the same level at about 55%, which were significantly higher than those for receivers of about 45% (p<0.01). Additionally, the evaluation criteria for the mean number of shots in a match, and those for the winning ratios of a server and a receiver were proposed. It was suggested that these results could be valuable for table tennis coaching.</p>


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