UHPFRC により床版上面を打替えた RC 中空床版橋の構造特性に関する検討


  • Investigation of structural behaviour of a reinforced concrete void slab bridge improved with UHPFRC
  • UHPFRC ニ ヨリ ショウバン ウワツラ オ ウチカエエタ RC チュウクウ ショウバンバシ ノ コウゾウ トクセイ ニ カンスル ケントウ



<p>This paper presents an analytical investigation of the structural behaviour of a reinforced concrete (RC) void slab bridge improved with Ultra-High Performance Fibre Reinforced cement-based Composites (UHPFRC) where nonlinear three-dimensional finite element method is employed. UHPFRC layer on top of the bridge deck modifies the bending moment redistribution behaviour and is understood to be effective for strengthening the bridge for both longitudinal hogging and sagging bending. In addition, the distribution behaviour of the internal forces in the transverse direction is made better by the UHPFRC layer and the internal forces are carried more evenly in the transverse direction than the bridge without UHPFRC improvement.</p>


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