The Management of Trust and Risk

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  • 信頼とリスクのマネジメント
  • シンライ ト リスク ノ マネジメント

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Since the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, “a Japanese version of a trust crisis” has been the subject of controversy. It has become increasingly important for sociology in Japan to discuss “risk and trust”. Our concern here is to consider the perplexing relationship between risk and trust mainly from the perspective of the social system theory of Niklas Luhmann. First, we attempt to revisit his concept of “system trust” (Systemvertrauen) which is distinguished from “personal trust (Personenvertrauen)” (Chapter 2) and to characterize a “trust crisis” as a “system trust crisis”. Chapter 3 sketches out the process leading to (system) trust crisis through the “Social Amplification of Risk Framework (SARF)” proposed by Kasperson et al. (1988). As a result of “ripple effect”, the loss of confidence in institutions (=system trust) has become an urgent issue for organizations in our time. In Chapter 4, we show that “trustworthiness” has become a new target of risk management for a variety of organizations in the form of “reputational risk” or “operational risk” and therefore a new source of an another kind of problem. That is, the risk management as building a reputation for trustworthiness (=the second order risk management or management of “institutional risk” (Rothstein et. al.)) does not necessarily mean the HSE (health, safety, environment) risk management (=the first order risk management or management of “social risk” (Rothstein et. al.)). Thus we would like to emphasize the need for academic and practical inquiry into the relationship between the first order risk management and the second order risk management.


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