Evaluation of Dust Generation from Animal Farm Activities



<p>Dust generated in feedlots from roads, animal activity in pens, and equipment can have detrimental effects on air quality for animals, workers and surrounding communities. Controlling dust in cattle feedlots requires an understand of the key sources and processes needed to better manage dust generation and associated activities. There is growing recognition internationally that dust sources from the agricultural sector may contribute to regional sources with both local and area wide effects on the population, animals and other biota in the environment. Monitoring of fine 10 micron-sized particulate matter (PM10 air particulate matter) over the last decade shows that agricultural activities can contribute to regional dust generation from diffuse sources such as from farms and feedlots. The basic features and processes of manure generation at feedlots and storage with water are dried to become a source of dust but other subtle phenomena associated with interaction of conditions and constituents are being identified. In the Central Plains of the United States antibiotic residues and antibiotic-resistant bacteria absorbed on particles have been observed. By understanding the processes of dust generation from feedlots as diffuse sources, it should be possible to identify risks to the population, animals and other biota in the environment. Sustainable production systems rely on keeping soil in place and in good health, efficient use of water, minimizing nutrient loss and maintaining or enhancing biodiversity. This is primarily achieved through management of the pasture base (native, naturalized and sown) in a highly variable and changing climate. This review provides a summary of the significant advances in dust suppression technologies and strategies to suppress dust generated from farms. It also identifies that emerging issues including the dispersion of antibiotics, antibiotic-resistant genes and human-pathogenic bacteria on dust particles from feedlots require managing.</p>


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  • データソース種別
    • JaLC
    • CiNii Articles
  • 抄録ライセンスフラグ

