Development of e-learning materials for nurses on physical assessment techniques, focusing on percussion


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  • 打診に焦点化したフィジカルアセスメント技術の看護師用eラーニング教材の開発


The content and methods of education on physical assessment techniques are still in the trial and error stage. Most of the learning materials currently used focus mainly on the cognitive sphere and learning knowledge, and there seem to be no materials in Japan related to the psychomotor sphere for acquiring the relevant techniques. Focusing on thoracoabdominal percussion as an area of high learning need, the aim of this study was to develop self-study e-learning materials to enable nursing students and novice nurses to do chest and liver percussion. The learning content covered three items in the cognitive sphere (pulmonary lobe classification, chest lines, and types and characteristics of percussion sounds), and three items in the psychomotor sphere (percussion technique know-how, distinguishing percussion sounds, and estimating liver position and size). The developed materials were programmed in HTML on Windows, and a web-based system was created. Actual techniques could be simulated on screen, for example, exploring percussion areas using click and scroll, and measuring the size of organs using a point marker and a ruler. Some features include being able to identify areas where percussion sounds change while looking at images, and individualized feedback on points to improve on the percussion techniques implemented. The materials were piloted with five nursing faculty members, who were asked for their opinions on learning effectiveness and content of materials. Positive feedback was received on learning effectiveness, for example, “feedback on specific points for improvement of percussion techniques.” On the other hand, points identified for improvement were “improvement of quality of percussion sounds, careful selection of learning content, and use of learning history.” Issues addressed in the future are improvement of the materials, and investigation of their learning effectiveness in self-study mode.


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    • CiNii Articles
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