学校教育とホームスクール ──家庭を学習拠点とする義務教育機会の諸相


  • School Education and Homeschooling: Various Systems of Home-based Compulsory Education in the United States
  • 学校教育とホームスクール : 家庭を学習拠点とする義務教育機会の諸相
  • ガッコウ キョウイク ト ホームスクール : カテイ オ ガクシュウ キョテン ト スル ギム キョウイク キカイ ノ ショソウ



Homeschooling in a broad sense implies not only educational opportunities where parents solely provide formal education for their children who do not go to school at all. In the United States, homeschools and schools are involved in various ways. The article aimed to review such homeschooling systems in the U.S. and to suggest the issues to be explored. There are some systems or programs, such as dual enrollment and assistance programs, to offer some public support for homeschools run by parents. Schools or public agencies, in some cases, run homeschools by themselves. Through examining these homeschools, I find two theoretical types of homeschooling: one as“exit”from schools, and the other as“extension”of schools. Both types of homeschools require consideration of measures to evaluate input or outcome. In addition, the“exit”type of homeschools raises the issues of what actors other than schools can properly provide compulsory education and of what tasks these providers undertake. When more than one person or institution provide compulsory education for a child, it should be made clear how they are collectively accountable for education. Finally, I offered some policy recommendations for the revision of compulsory education system in Japan.




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