
  • 小出 明
    富山大学 大学院理工学研究部 先端電力システム (北陸電力)共同研究講座
  • 辻 隆男
    横浜国立大学 大学院理工学府
  • 田中 和幸
    富山大学 大学院理工学研究部 先端電力システム (北陸電力)共同研究講座
  • 杉本 仁志


  • Probabilistic Supply and Demand Balance Control Method based on Electricity Market Mechanism Considering N-1 Criterion
  • N-1 キジュン オ コウリョ シタ デンリョク シジョウ メカニズム ニ モトズク カクリツテキ ジュキュウ セイギョ シュホウ



<p>To solve energy and environmental issue, Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) has been greatly promoted and power flow in transmission system becomes more uncertain due to VRE output fluctuation. N-1 criterion has been applied to determine secure generation dispatch or clearing point in the market so far, however, more strict risk management will be needed in the near future with more VRE integration. In this paper, a new market mechanism is proposed to determine clearing point considering overloading probability in addition to N-1 criterion. Supposing the clearing point can be given as a solution of optimal power flow calculation, congestion management is available with adjusting upper and lower limits of thermal capacity of transmission lines in the formulation. The effectiveness of the proposed method was verified through numerical simulation using modified IEEE New England 39 bus system model with taking into account bidding curves of both suppliers and customers.</p>


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