

  • Application of Novel Fabric Structural Composites for Regenerative Medical Scaffold
  • 編物構造複合材料の再生医療用スカフォールドへの適用(2)マウス骨芽細胞様細胞による骨組織形成過程
  • アミモノ コウゾウ フクゴウ ザイリョウ ノ サイセイ イリョウヨウ スカフォールド エノ テキヨウ 2 マウス コツ ガサイボウヨウ サイボウ ニ ヨル コツ ソシキ ケイセイ カテイ
  • Formation Process of Bone Tissue by Mouse Osteoblast-like Cell (MC3T3-E1)
  • マウス骨芽細胞様細胞による骨組織形成過程



We developed novel fabric structural composite scaffolds using a bioabsorbable polymer for a tissue regeneration of alveolar bone. This scaffold consists of the high strength polylactic acid (PLA) resin fiber fabric and the flexible ε-polycaprolactone (PCL) resin coat. The rigidity and yield strength of scaffold are increased owing to the bonding of fiber intersection by resin coat. In the aim of evaluation of cell proliferation and differentiation on scaffolds, mouse osteoblast-like cells (MC3T3-E1) were seeded onto the scaffolds and cultured in vitro for six weeks. The cells proliferated during the time in culture and formed a space-filling tissue between polymer fibers. Bone regenerative messenger ALP/DNA levels remained high compared with those one of culture dish. Mineralization of the deposited collagen on scaffold was initially observed at four weeks and subsequently increased. Similarly, rigidity and strength to the radial direction of scaffold increased. Culture of cell on scaffold led to formation of a bone tissue for six weeks.


  • 材料システム

    材料システム 26 (0), 89-95, 2008

    学校法人 金沢工業大学 材料システム研究所



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