

  • Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamic Analysis to Link Pharmacokinetics to Efficacy and Drug Interaction of Alzheimer's Disease Drugs
  • Symposium Review 体内動態を効果へとつなぐアルツハイマー病治療薬の薬物動態学/薬力学解析と薬物相互作用
  • Symposium Review タイナイ ドウタイ オ コウカ エ ト ツナグ アルツハイマービョウ チリョウヤク ノ ヤクブツ ドウタイガク/ヤクリキガク カイセキ ト ヤクブツ ソウゴ サヨウ



<p>In recent years, the number of patients with Alzheimer's type dementia continues to increase year by year. As a first-line drug, cholinesterase inhibitor is used. There is a close relationship between the time course of the drug plasma concentration (pharmacokinetics; PK) and the time course of its effects and side effects (pharmacodynamics; PD). However, the relationship between PK and PD is not simply that plasma concentrations are proportional to the effects. The effect is expressed through the characteristics of various pharmacokinetic processes. Therefore, it is important to investigate the transition of effects accompanying its pharmacokinetics. We conducted a fundamental PK/PD analysis using donepezil. Time course of acetylcholine in the hippocampus was investigated with relation to its PK after donepezil administration using rats. The PK and PD characteristics of the drug, including its active metabolite, were investigated. Additionally, Alzheimer's type dementia drugs are often given in combination with antiplatelet drugs such as cilostazol. It is reported that donepezil and cilostazol interact clinically, partly due to inhibition in the efflux transporters in certain tissues. There are various transporters in the body, and interactions through them may cause unexpected changes in the effects. So, it is important to calculate the correlation between the donepezil level in plasma and tissues after their combined administration. From the PK/PD point of view, the results of this study will provide insight into the time course of effects and the characteristics of drug-drug interaction in clinical practice.</p>


  • 薬学雑誌

    薬学雑誌 141 (6), 831-833, 2021-06-01

    公益社団法人 日本薬学会

参考文献 (7)*注記


詳細情報 詳細情報について

