Loss of homeostatic microglia in rare neurological disorders: implications for cell transplantation

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  • 中枢性希少難病における恒常性ミクログリアの破綻と細胞移植療法の可能性
  • チュウスウセイ キショウ ナンビョウ ニ オケル コウジョウセイ ミクログリア ノ ハタン ト サイボウ イショク リョウホウ ノ カノウセイ

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<p>Microglia originating from yolk sac exert various functions to maintain the homeostasis in the brain, and their functional breakdown appears to be involved in the pathophysiology of various neurological diseases. In this review article, loss of homeostatic microglia and new therapeutic approaches for rare neurological disorders are discussed. ASLP (adult-onset leukoencephalopathy with axonal spheroids and pigmented glia) known as a primary microgliopathy is an adult-onset leukoencephalopathy caused by CSF1R mutation. CSF1 receptor encoded by CSF1R plays an important role in the function of microglia. In brain of ALSP patients, homeostatic microglia are significantly reduced. The biallelic mutations for CSF1R cause childhood-onset severe phenotype and elimination of microglia from the brain parenchyma. Since microglia also almost disappear in CSF1R-deficient mice and rats, CSF1R deficiency and loss of microglia appear to be tightly associated across species. Based on the underlying mechanism of homeostatic microglia loss, novel approaches using cell transplantation of normal microglia-like cells have been attempted. Transplantation of wild-type bone marrow cells into Csf1r–/ mice results in replacement by donor-derived microglial-like cells in the recipient’s brain. The concept of “microglial niche” may explain the rationale behind the microglial cell transplantation in disease condition(s). Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) has been attempted in 4 patients with ALSP. Beneficial effects by showing stabilization of the disease course have been observed. Although the effectiveness of HSCT for ALSP patients warrants further investigation, the approach of cell transplantation that replaces ruptured homeostatic microglia with normal microglia-like cells seems to be promising.</p>



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