Actual Situations of Educational Practice Research by Educator with Teaching Career of Graduate School of Practical Teacher Education

DOI Web Site Open Access
  • KIHARA Toshiyuki
    The United Graduate School of Professional Teacher Education, Osaka Kyoiku University
  • OYANAGI Wakio
    Faculty of Informatics, Kansai University
  • NONAKA Yoichi
    Graduate School of Education, Department of Advanced Professional Practice in Education, Yokohama National University

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Other Title
  • 教職大学院実務家教員による教育実践研究の実態
  • 教職大学院実務家教員による教育実践研究の実態 : 教師教育者としての取り組みに注目して
  • キョウショク ダイガクイン ジツムカ キョウイン ニ ヨル キョウイク ジッセン ケンキュウ ノ ジッタイ : キョウシ キョウイクシャ ト シテ ノ トリクミ ニ チュウモク シテ
  • Focusing on the Roles as a Teacher Educator
  • 教師教育者としての取り組みに注目して

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<p>It is clear that the "university educator with teaching career" of the graduate school for teacher education need to have the ability to plan and manage educational practice research as "a teacher educator". Therefore, in this study, the final goal was to develop a program for those educators to improve their abilities, and a questionnaire survey was conducted as a basic research for that purpose. Specifically, for university educator with teaching career, question items related to the improvement of lectures and so on for graduate students were constructed and implemented. The survey contents include the category of "identification of problems", "formulation of plans for solutions", "execution of actions for solutions", and "evaluation of actions and research development". We asked educators with teaching career whether they were engaged in activities that belong to them or whether they were instructing graduate students. As a result of analyzing the responses from 162 people, it was found that there were difficulties in educational practice research by the university educator with teaching career in situations such as "evaluation of actions and research development" or in satisfying requirements such as "collaboration".</p>


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