コロナ禍でのISLS/PSLS(Immediate Stroke Life Support/Prehospital Stroke Life Support)コースの運営に関する意識調査と今後の展開―秋田ISLS/PSLS コースの場合―


  • Awareness survey on the operation of ISLS/PSLS courses under the COVID-19 and future evolution of this courses-Akita ISLS/PSLS courses-
  • コロナ カ デ ノ ISLS/PSLS(Immediate Stroke Life Support/Prehospital Stroke Life Support)コース ノ ウンエイ ニ カンスル イシキ チョウサ ト コンゴ ノ テンカイ : アキタ ISLS/PSLS コース ノ バアイ



<p>By the present state under the COVID-19 spread, the ISLS/PSLS courses are not held except in some areas. We conducted an awareness survey of course staff registered in the Akita ISLS/PSLS in order to obtain effective data for creating a new this course operation. Using the Akita ISLS/PSLS mailing list, the survey period was from February to March 2021 and the method was to answer the questionnaire. The number of questionnaire respondents was 79 persons. Regarding the necessity of this course continuation, 94% answered “necessary”. As for this course operation means, 16% answered “face-to-face meeting only”, 69% was “both face-to-face meeting and Web service”, and 15% was “Web service only”. The ratio of face-to-face/Web that respondents who answered both was 5.6/4.4. The percentage of respondents who answered that each booth can be operated with audiovisual materials is as follows. In the ISLS, A-booth was 79%, B-booth was 57%, C-booth was 41%, and D-booth was 6%. In the PSLS, A-booth was 78%, B-booth was 61%, C-booth was 58%, and D-booth was 8%. With reference to the free-form from the respondents, we will produce audiovisual materials that take advantage of the characteristics of neuroresuscitation simulation training and propose a revised Akita ISLS/PSLS.</p>


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