

  • Love as a Medium of Communication
  • アイ ト イウ メディア シャカイ ヘンドウ ノ ゼマンティーク
  • The Semantics of Social Change
  • 社会変動のゼマンティーク



The high complexity of modern societies is maintained by “love” as well as “power” or “money”, which are called “generalized symbolic media of communication” by Niklas Luhmann. Based on Luhmann's theory of media, this paper tries to make clear the roll of love as a medium of communication in the process of industrialization and modernization of societies.<BR>The media-theoretical model of social change does not assign the mechanism of social change to the micro level (psychological system) or the macro level (social system), but to the media of communication which link each level through thier meanings. That is, the theory assumes that the semantical change of media gives rise to the change of social structures. Based on this assumption, this paper explains that the birth of modern families in Western societies, whith is a distinctive feature of industrialization and modernization, was a fulfillment of the autonomy of love as a medium of communication through its semantical changes.


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