

  • Development of rat eggs with pronuclei transplanted by electrofusion.
  • デンキテキ ユウゴウホウ ニ ヨル ラット 1 サイボウキ ラン ノ ゼンカク



The pronuclei of one-cell eggs were replaced by means of electrofusion between two different strains of rats and development of the reconstituted eggs to term after transfer to recipients was examined. Enucleated eggs with a karyoplast in the perivitelline space were subjected to a train of two pulses of 150 μsec each of a strength of 15 V. Successful fusion rate of the enucleated eggs with a karyoplast 3 hr after culture was quite high (123/147=84%) and 106 (86%) of the fused eggs developed to the two-cell stage 12-16 hr after culture. When 24 2-cell embryos originated from enucleated eggs of DA strain (inbred strain, agouti) fused with pronuclei from Wistar strain (closed colony, albino) were transferred to 3 pseudopregnant recipients, 6 young (25%) were obtained from 2 pregnant recipients. On the other hand, 5 young (13%) were obtained from 2 of 5 recipients transferred 40 2-cell embryos which were originated from enucleated eggs of Wistar strain fused with DA pronuclei. All of the young ob-tained did not show any morphological abnormalities and had the same coat and eye colors as donor rats of pronuclei.


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