On the Anterior, the Middle and the Posterior Superior Alveolar Arteries of the Dog


  • On the Anterior the Middle and the Post



1. The present study was made on the anterior, the middle and the posterior superior alveolar arteries in 25 adult dogs by means of the acryl plastic injection method.<BR>2. The posterior super i or alveolar artery: It generally arises from the infraorbital and its main stream turns to the zygomatic glandular branch. The dental and alveolar branches of it spread on the maxillary tuber to supply all roots of M2, often also the distobuccal and lingual roots of M1. Rarely the artery arises from the common trunk between the sphenopalatine and the major palatine or the middle superior alveolar or sphenopalatine or the minor palatine.<BR>3. The middle superior alveolar arteries: They,5-13 in number, arise from both the infraorbital and the anterior superior alveolar and supply P1, P2, P3, P4 and M1. According to the origin and location of them, they are grouped into four as follows: The arteries, thickest, arising from the infraorbital proximal to the entrance of the same named canal supply all roots of M1 and the distobuccal root of P4; the arteries arising in the canal supply the mesiobuccal root of P4; the arteries arising from the anterior superior alveolar proximal to the entrance of the same named canal supply the lingual root of P4 and the mesiobuccal root of M1, rarely the lingual and distobuccal roots of M1; the arteries arising in the canal supply the mesial root of P3 an d all roots of P1 and P2.<BR>4. The anterior superior alveolar artery: It arises from the infraorbital in the same named canal, and enters the anterior superior alveolar canal with the satellite nerve arching above the canine root apex. It supplies the canine and the interalveolar septum between C and I3 occasionally also I3 and I2.<BR>5. Distributing arteries of t he upper teeth are not only the anterior, the middle and the posterior superior alveolar arteries but also other arterial resources locating in the vicinity of the teeth such as the sphenopalatine, the gingival branch of the infraorbital, the minor and major palatine, the malar and the dorsal nasal artery of the infraorbital.<BR>6. Each of the upper teeth is supplied with the following arterial resources:<BR>I1, mainly with the major pala tine, rarely the sphenopalatine, but not with the anterior superior alveolar in any cases.<BR>I2, mainly with the major palatine, sometimes the anterior superior alveolar, rarely the sphenopalatine.<BR>I3, with the sphe nopalatine, or the anterior superior alveolar more frequently than in case of I2, but the frequency of the major palatine is reduced.<BR>C, with the canine branch of the anterior superior alveolar in all examples observed.<BR>P1, P2 and the mesial root of P3, with the middle superior alveolar arising from the anterior superior alveolar of the posterior lateral nasal artery of the sphenopalatine, sometimes with both of them for a single root.<BR>The distal root of P3 and the mesiobuccal and lingual roots of P4, with the middle superior alveolar arising from the anterior superior alveolar and the same named artery arising from the infraorbital, sometimes the gingival branch of it, or with all of them for a single root. (The distal root of P3 and other teeth locating posterior to it were not supplied with the posterior lateral nasal artery of the sphenopalatine. )The distobuccal root of P4, with the middle superior alveolar of the infraorbital in all examples observed, rarely the malar artery.<BR>The mesiobuccal root of M1 and M2, with the middle supe r ior alveolar of the infraorbital and the posterior superior alveolar.<BR>The lingual and distobuccal root of M2, with the posterior superior alveolar.



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