

  • Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Concerning Natural Disaster Prevention Among Elementary Schoolchildren
  • ボウサイ ニ カンスル ショウガクセイ ノ チシキ タイド コウドウ チョウサ ノ ブンセキ



The present study examined knowledge, attitudes and practices concerning disaster prevention among elementary schoolchildren (n=439). Subjects were selected between 3rdgrade and 6thgrade from 3 elementary schools. The questionnaire measured knowledge about natural disasters, evacuation, and places of refuge. It also measured children' s attitudes and practices concerning disaster prevention. Results revealed that most of children perceived the hazard of natural disasters correctly, especially earthquakes and severe weather. Small numbers of children knew preparations for natural disasters, evacuation, and places of refuge in the neighborhood. Despite their having much knowledge about natural disasters, their practices are insufficient to prevent disasters except gathering information about typhoon and heavy rain on TV or radio. A small number of practices were related to knowledge about natural disasters. We need to focus on developing their abilities to prevent disasters practically through disaster prevention education in cooperation with family and community


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