Airflow, the volume and transfer factor of lungs in elderly asthmatics with long-term cigarette smoking



The influence of cigarette smoke on pulmonary function, airflow, lung volume, and transfer factor in patients with asthma was examined in 40 subjects over the age of 70 years (20 ever-smokers and 20 never-smokers), and 20 patients with pulmonary emphysema over age 70 (all ex-smokers). The ventilatory parameters showing airflow limitation (% FEV(1) and FEV(1)%) were not significantly different between ever-smokers and never-smokers of elderly asthmatics. In contrast, % FEV(1) and FEV(1) % values were significantly lower in patients with pulmonary emphysema than in those with asthma with or without a history of smoking. The % RV value was significantly larger and % DLco value was significantly more decreased in ever-smokers compared with neversmokers of the elderly asthmatics. However, there were no significant differences in % RV and % DLco values between asthmatics with a history of smoking and patients with pulmonary emphysema. The results show that cigarette smoke inflluences % RV and % DLco, but not % FEV(1) and FEV(1) %, suggesting airflow limitation of large and moderate size airways.

高齢者気管支喘息40例(20年以上の喫煙者20例,非喫煙者20例)および肺気腫(全症例喫煙者)20例を対象に,長期間喫煙の肺機能,airflow,lung volume およびlung transfer factor,に及ぼす影響について検討した。まずFVC値は,喘息の喫煙例,非喫煙例,および肺気腫症例の間に有意の差は見られなかった。% FEV(1)およびFEV(1)/FVC値は,喫煙例,非喫煙例いずれの喘息症例も肺気腫と比 べ有意に高い値を示したが,喘息の喫煙例と非喫煙例の間には有意差は見られなかった。一方,% RVおよびDLco値は,喘息の非喫煙例に比べ,喫煙例および肺気腫症例で有意に低い値を示した。 これらの結果は,長期間の喫煙は% FEV(1)やFEV(1)/FVCにはあまり影響しないこと, しかし,% RVや% DLcOにはかなり影響することを示している。


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