気泡除去装置内の流れ解析 : 気泡除去率による性能評価


  • キホウ ジョキョ ソウチ ナイ ノ ナガレ カイセキ キホウ ジョキョリツ ニ ヨル セイノウ ヒョウカ
  • Numerical Analysis of Flow in Bubble Eliminator : Evaluation for Removal Performance of Bubbles





Air entrainment in working fluids has greatly detrimental effects on function and lifetime of the fluid power components and systems. This may cause major problems such as cavitation and aeration, noise generation and vibration, oil temperature rise, and deterioration of oil quality. Especially, when bubbles in oil are compressed adiabatically at the high pressure in a pump, the temperature of bubble rise sharply and the surrounding fluid temperature also rise. Thus, it is important to eliminate the air bubbles from the oil to preserve oil quality, system performance and to avoid possible damage of the components. One of the authors has developed a newly device using swirl flow for bubble elimination capable of eliminating bubbles and of decreasing dissolved gases. This device is called the Bubble Eliminator. In this paper, numerical analysis has been performed for clarifying swirl flow characteristics and pressure distributions. The numerical analysis of two-phase flows has also been carried out to investigate the performance of bubble removal. As results of the numerical simulation, we will design a more efficient type of bubble eliminator


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