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  • Bullying and Prevention/Intervention Strategies Among U.S. Nationally Representative Sample of Public Schools



本研究はアメリカの2270の公立小中高校において、学校規模のいじめ予防介入プログラムの有効性を実証することを目的とする。また教師トレーニングといじめの関係も調査する。リサーチクエスチョンは1)いじめの予防介入プログラムのある学校とない学校ではいじめ頻度に違いがあるか? 2)もしあるとするならば、どのようなプログラムが有効か? 3)教師トレーニングのある学校とない学校ではいじめ頻度に違いがあるか?方法:アメリカ教育省により公表されているThe Scnool Survey on Crime and Safety(SSOCS)というデータベースを使用。結果:いじめの予防介入プログラムのある学校とない学校ではいじめ頻度に統計的有意な違いが見られた。しかし、ソーシャルスキルトレーニングなどよくあるプログラム間での有効性は証明されなかった。更に、教師トレーニングの有無はいじめ頻度に有意な違いは見られなかった。 The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of formal prevention/intervention programs intended to prevent or reduce school bullying among 2,270 nationally representative elementary, middle, and high schools. This study also aimed to examine the relationship between teacher training and school bullying. The research questions were: (l) Are there any differences between schools with and without formal prevention/intervention in terms of the frequency of school bullying? , (2) If so, what types of programs are effective?, and (3) Are there any differences between schools with and without teacher training in terms of the frequency of school bullying? Public data from the School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS) were analyzed for the purposes of this study. A statistically significant difference was found between schools with and without formal prevention program in terms of the frequency of school bullying. However, there were no statistically significant differences among schools which implement popular prevention/intervention programs, such as social skill training and behavioral modification. In addition, no statistically significant difference was found between schools with and without teacher training in the frequency of school bullying.


  • 教育研究

    教育研究 (53), 51-58, 2011-03-31




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