
  • 加賀美 常美代
    お茶の水女子大学大学院人間文化創成科学研究科 教授 異文化間心理学


  • Overview of the 32nd Symposium
  • 公開シンポジウム 偏見の形成メカニズムと低減のための教育 : 誰一人切り捨てられない社会の構築に向けて
  • コウカイ シンポジウム ヘンケン ノ ケイセイ メカニズム ト テイゲン ノ タメ ノ キョウイク : ダレ ヒトリ キリステラレナイ シャカイ ノ コウチク ニ ムケテ



<p>The theme of the 32nd Symposium was “The Mechanisms of Prejudice Formation in Multicultural Society and Educational Practices to Reduce Prejudice.” Participants examined issues of theory and practice, developmental perspectives, and subjectivity. Under the organizer and the master of ceremony Tomiyo Kagami, four symposium participants presented the following. First, Chise Sato used case studies and field work to explain the kinds of pre-prejudice (prejudice developed independently by young children) that form in Japanese and non-Japanese children in Japanese kindergartens. Next, Shotaro Tezuka from Unique Face spoke on potential prejudice and discriminatory experiences in his own life from a personal perspective. He shared his story with the audience on the discrimination faced by people that have problems with their appearance. Thirdly, Kazuhiro Kudo used data from semi-structured interviews on student managers’ observations of the practices of the Human Library to show the potential for relationships between “books, readers and staff” to reduce prejudice. Fourthly, Nobuko Asai gave a theoretical overview of the prejudice formation process and strategies to lessen it, based on her knowledge of social psychology. She then offered her theoretical interpretations of the presentations given by the other participants. Commentator Masahiro Yokota argued the importance of providing opportunities to reduce prejudice as a deliberate educational intervention. Finally, the organizers announced that they would like to continue the theme of reducing prejudice in future conferences in order to build communities and places of education that are tolerant of diversity and empathetic to minorities and individual diversity (Honorifics omitted).</p>


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