

  • スパースコーディング オ モチイタ シンセイ ニューロン オ モツ レンソウ キオク モデル ノ ソウゴ ジョウホウリョウ ニ ヨル サイテキ カ ト シスウテキ ボウキャク ト ノ ヒカク
  • Optimization of the Sparsely Encoded Associative Memory Model with Unit Replacement by the Mutual Information and Comparison with the Forgetting Model




According to the previous researches, the associative memory model with unit replacement, in which a few old units are replaced with new ones at each learning step for embedding a new pattern, could avoid overloading. However, the previous researches decided whether the network could retrieve the stored pattern correctly in an arbitrary manner, in other words, the direction cosine between the memory pattern and the stationary state of the sparsely encoded network. Recently, it has been shown that the mutual information should be the most appropriate concept to measure the retrieval quality, especially for sparsely encoded networks but also in general. In this paper, from the view of information theory, we analyze the sparsely encoded associative memory model with unit replacement. We searched the optimal replacement number to maximize the mutual information of the sparsely encoded network by the numerical simulations. Moreover, for comparison, we also analyze the sparsely encoded associative memory model with the forgetting process, which also avoids overloading. We searched the optimal decay rate to maximize the mutual information at each firing rate by the numerical simulations. Using the mutual information, we obtain the different results of the optimal values from those using the direction cosine. In the case of the unit replacement model, the optimal number of replacement units to maximize the mutual information is smaller than that to maximize the storage capacity using the direction cosine. On the other hand, the optimal decay rate of the forgetting model to maximize the mutual information is larger than that to maximize the storage capacity using the direction cosine.




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