唐代瘟神「五帝」考 -御霊信仰の源流-


  • View on the Five Chief Demons of Pestilence(Wudi 五帝) in the Tang Dynasty : -the Origin of Worship of Goryo( Evil Spirits)-
  • トウダイオンシン 「 ゴテイ 」 コウ : ミタマ シンコウ ノ ゲンリュウ
  • View on the Five Chief Demons of Pestilence(Wudi 五帝) in the Tang Dynasty : -the Origin of Worship of Goryo( Evil Spirits)-



The author has been claiming that worship of the demon of pestilence and related folk rituals developed in the 6th or 7th century among ordinary Chinese people and were introduced to Japan, giving rise to the word 鬼(oni). Based on this theory, the author published a paper titled “Formation of the Demon of Pestilence and its Influence in Japan” in the previous issue. It concluded that the ancient worship of onryo (grudge-bearing spirits) and goryo(evil spirits) in Japan was a variation of the original Chinese version. In this paper, how the concept of the demon of pestilence was formed between the Northern and Southern Dynasties and the Tang Dynasty will be specifically traced back, in light of Daoism and the Buddhist scriptures. Moreover, this paper will examine how the origin of the concept relates to the word goryo written for the first time ever in two works by Japanese Buddhist monk Saichō ― Chōkō Konkōmyōkyō Eshiki 『長講金光明経会式』(A program for a Long Recitation of the Sutra of Golden Light) and Chōkō Ninnō Hannyakyō Eshiki 『長講仁王若経会式』(A program for a Long Recitation of the Benevolent King Sutra).

Departmental Bulletin Paper



  • 年報 非文字資料研究

    年報 非文字資料研究 (10), 217-232, 2014-03-20

    神奈川大学日本常民文化研究所 非文字資料研究センター

詳細情報 詳細情報について

