中小企業における CSR の普及・伝播要因に関する制度論的考察


  • An institutional analysis of the factors promoting SME CSR
  • チュウショウ キギョウ ニ オケル CSR ノ フキュウ ・ デンパ ヨウイン ニ カンスル セイドロンテキ コウサツ



This study extends our understanding of factors promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Specifically, this study adopted the idea of institutional pressure drawn from the institutional theory (DiMaggio & Powell, 1983) as a source of CSR diffusion and analyzed why CSR was not substantially spread in the context of SMEs comparing to those of large companies. The present research concluded that the mimetic isomorphism was an only institutional pressure that fostered CSR in SMEs while coercive and normative isomorphism, in addition to mimetic isomorphism, were found in the contexts of large companies. This study also explores the factors promoting SME CSR and presents some propositions that social identity and vicarious learning in managers’ network promote CSR in SMEs.


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