看護実践にリラクセーション法をとりいれる際の課題―第38 回日本看護科学学会学術集会 交流集会の報告―

DOI 機関リポジトリ Web Site オープンアクセス


  • Challenges in introducing relaxation method to nursing practices : Report of the 38th Annual Meeting of Japanese Academy of Nursing Science
  • カンゴ ジッセン ニ リラクセーションホウ オ トリイレル サイ ノ カダイ : ダイ38カイ ニホン カンゴ カガク ガッカイ ガクジュツ シュウカイ コウリュウ シュウカイ ノ ホウコク



Although it has been a while since the relaxation method was introduced to nursing education, it has not been well utilized in clinical practices. At the 38th Annual Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing Science, we held an exchanging meeting to discuss the problems of incorporating relaxation methods into nursing practices and the solutions. In the meeting, one of the examples of incorporating the relaxation method into nursing practices was introduced, which involved light touches and strokes on patients’ hands, in nursing students’ training to help them collect patient information and build good relationship with patients. Furthermore, various relaxation methods were reported to build rapport with the patients/families in clinical practices. The problems in introducing relaxation method to nursing practices were listed; indications and contraindications from the nursing perspective were unclear, and the appropriate implementation method was uncertain, therefore there was no consensus about relaxation method across medical staff; these days, the nurses ""touch"" patients' bodies less often, and they could not gain confidence in using relaxation method because of inadequate knowledge, skills, and experiences; they could not find time to implement relaxation methods because of their busy schedules, and evaluation of the specific relaxation method was difficult for children and patients who were not able to communicate their concerns. From now on, it is necessary to clarify that many nurses have the problems noted above and to find solutions.




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