
  • 木之下 博
    兵庫県立大学 大学院工学研究科 機械工学専攻
  • 松本 直浩
    兵庫県立大学 大学院工学研究科 機械工学専攻


  • Directional Low Friction for Insect Leg and Directional Water Transportation on the Pitcher Rim of the Nepenthes
  • ウツボカズラホチュウキ ノ イリグチエンブ ニ オケル コンチュウ キャク ノ イチホウコウ テイマサツセイ ト ミズ ノ イチホウコウ リュウドウセイ



<p>There are biological textures which have unique functions to survive, such as a microtexture of the lotus leaf for superhydrophobic surfaces, a huge number of submicron-size spatula-shaped structures on gecko's foots for climbing vertical smooth surfaces and moth eye structures for anti-reflective. These biological textures basically require hydrophobicity and dryness to have their superior performances. Nepenthes have pitchers to capture insects. For dropping insects into the pitchers, rims of the pitchers (peristomes) have directional low friction surfaces which require hydrophilicity and wetness. A microtexture on the peristomes would assist to drop insects into the pitchers. In addition, the hydrophilic microtexture on the peristomes generate continuous directional water transport. In this article, the special functions and applications of the Nepenthes will be discussed.</p>


  • トライボロジスト

    トライボロジスト 65 (5), 308-314, 2020-05-15

    一般社団法人 日本トライボロジー学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

