A geochemical interpretation of the lithium content of natural waters based on water-rock interaction 水-岩石相互作用に基づく天然水のリチウム含量の地球化学的解釈

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    • 高松, 信樹 タカマツ, ノブキ

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A geochemical interpretation of the lithium content of natural waters based on water-rock interaction

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高松, 信樹

Author(Another name)

タカマツ, ノブキ



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Table of Contents

  1. CONTENT / (0007.jp2)
  2. General Introduction / p1 (0009.jp2)
  3. Part I / p4 (0012.jp2)
  4. The behavior of lithium during water-rock interaction / p4 (0012.jp2)
  5. Introduction / p5 (0013.jp2)
  6. Chapter1.The influence of pH of reaction solutions on lithium dissolution a synthesized glass and Li-minerals / p7 (0015.jp2)
  7. Introduction / p7 (0015.jp2)
  8. Experimental procedure / p9 (0017.jp2)
  9. Materials / p9 (0017.jp2)
  10. Results and discussion / p14 (0022.jp2)
  11. Conclusions / p35 (0043.jp2)
  12. Chapter2.The influence of chemical constituents in reaction solutions on lithium dissolution from Li-minerals at low temperatures / p37 (0045.jp2)
  13. Introduction / p37 (0045.jp2)
  14. Experimental procedure / p37 (0045.jp2)
  15. Results and discussion / p38 (0046.jp2)
  16. Conclusions / p46 (0054.jp2)
  17. Chapter3.The influence of chemical constituents in reaction solutions on lithium dissolution from Li-minerals and rocks at high temperatures / p47 (0055.jp2)
  18. Introduction / p47 (0055.jp2)
  19. Experimental procedure / p49 (0057.jp2)
  20. Results and discussion / p51 (0059.jp2)
  21. Conclusions / p74 (0082.jp2)
  22. Part II / p76 (0084.jp2)
  23. A geochemical interpretation of lithium content of natural waters / p76 (0084.jp2)
  24. Introduction / p77 (0085.jp2)
  25. Chapter4.The lithium contents of natural waters in Japan / p80 (0088.jp2)
  26. Introduction / p80 (0088.jp2)
  27. Experimental / p81 (0089.jp2)
  28. Results and discussion / p82 (0090.jp2)
  29. Conclusions / p98 (0106.jp2)
  30. Chapter5.A geochemical interpretation of the lithium content of natural waters / p100 (0108.jp2)
  31. Introduction / p100 (0108.jp2)
  32. Results and discussion / p101 (0109.jp2)
  33. Conclusions / p122 (0130.jp2)
  34. Conclusions / p123 (0131.jp2)
  35. Acknowledgments / p125 (0133.jp2)
  36. References / p126 (0134.jp2)
  37. Appendix / p135 (0143.jp2)
  38. List of the author's publications on lithium and related papers / p135 (0143.jp2)


  • NII Article ID (NAID)
  • NII Author ID (NRID)
    • 8000000078016
  • DOI(NDL)
  • NDLBibID
    • 000000242127
  • Source
    • NDL Digital Collections
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