Seismic microzonation of urban areas considering the level of excitation and the local soil nonlinearity 入力レベルと地盤の局地的な非線形性を考慮した都市地域の地震マイクロゾーネーション
- タイトル
Seismic microzonation of urban areas considering the level of excitation and the local soil nonlinearity
- タイトル別名
- 著者名
Karkee, Madan Bahadur
- 著者別名
カルキー, マダン バハズル
- 学位授与大学
- 取得学位
博士 (工学)
- 学位授与番号
- 学位授与年月日
資料形態 : テキストデータ プレーンテキスト
コレクション : 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション > デジタル化資料 > 博士論文
- Contents
- 1 Introduction
- 1.1 The Background
- 1.2 The Rationale of the Research
- 1.3 Organization of the Text of Dissertation
- I Nonlinear Response and Level of Excitation
- 2 Response to White Noise Type Input Motion
- 2.1 Local Effects and Nonlinear Response
- 2.2 Ground Profile Database System
- 2.3 Nonlinear Response Analysis
- 2.4 Classification of Sites
- 2.5 Predominant Period and Level of Excitation
- 2.6 Amplification of Maximum Acceleration
- 2.7 Response Spectra of Surface Response
- 2.8 Summary
- 3 Response to a Suite of Scaled Ground Motions
- 3.1 Scaling for Compatibility in Nonlinearity
- 3.2 Ground Motions and Scaling Parameters
- 3.3 Selection of Soil Profiles
- 3.4 Soil Types and Their Dynamic Properties
- 3.5 Indicators of the Level of Nonlinear Response
- 3.6 Compatibility in Nonlinear Response
- 3.7 Predominant Period of Surface Response Motion
- 3.8 Concept of Spectrum Intensity Amplification(SIA)
- 3.9 Summary
- 4 Influence of Long Period Components
- 4.1 Importance of Long Period Components
- 4.2 Generation of Response Spectra Compatible Motions
- 4.3 Selection of Soil Profiles for Investigation
- 4.4 Nonlinear Response Analysis
- 4.5 Effect of Increased Long period Contents
- 4.6 Deficient Short and Long Period Components
- 4.7 Response to Band Limited White Noise Sequence
- 4.8 Summary
- II Seismic Microzonation of Sendai
- 5 Incident Motion Response Spectra
- 5.1 Factors Affecting Incident Ground Motion
- 5.2 Frequent,Medium and Extreme Level Earthquakes
- 5.3 Response Spectra in Short Period Range
- 5.4 Dense Strong Motion Array in Sendai
- 5.5 Synthesis of Strong Motion from Small Events
- 5.6 Response Spectra in Long Period Range
- 5.7 Generation of Response Spectra Compatible Incident Motions
- 5.8 Summary
- 6 Response Analysis and Seismic Microzonation
- 6.1 Geotechnical Information and Database
- 6.2 Nonlinear Model of Different Soil Types
- 6.3 Ground Response Analysis
- 6.4 Site Dependent Response Spectra
- 6.5 Spectrum Intensity Amplification(SIA)
- 6.6 Spatial Variation of Parameters
- 6.7 SIA and Damage to Wooden Dwellings
- 6.8 Summary
- 7 Conclusions
- 7.1 Summary of Findings
- 7.2 Directions for Continuation of Research
- 7.3 Future Directions in Seismic Microzonation
- Acknowledgements
- Acknowledgements in Japanese
- Bibliography
- Appendix-A:Time Domain Perturbation
- Appendix-B:Glossary of Notations
- List of Publications