Electrical properties of metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistors made in ultrathin-film silicon-on-insulators 絶縁膜上のシリコンに形成したMOSトランジスタの電気特性
- タイトル
Electrical properties of metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistors made in ultrathin-film silicon-on-insulators
- タイトル別名
- 著者名
吉見, 信
- 著者別名
ヨシミ, マコト
- 学位授与大学
- 取得学位
博士 (工学)
- 学位授与番号
- 学位授与年月日
資料形態 : テキストデータ プレーンテキスト
コレクション : 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション > デジタル化資料 > 博士論文
- Table of Contents
- Chapter1 Introduction
- Chapter2 Simulation and analysis of the fundamental properties of ultrathin-film SOI MOSFETs
- 2.1 Simulated device structure
- 2.2 Subthreshold characteristic
- 2.3 Static current-voltage characteristic
- 2.4 Switching characteristic
- Chapter3 Preparation of SOI films by electron beam recrystallization and their application to 3D LSIs
- 3.1 Amplitude-modulated pseudo-line electron beam recrystallization
- 3.2 Heat analysis using the finite element method
- 3.3 Fabrication of a stacked CMOS inverter using a tungsten cap
- 3.4 Improvement of the seed structure and crystal properties of SOI films
- 3.5 Application of electron beam annealed SOI films to the fabrication of a 3D image processor
- Chapter4 Fabrication of ultrathin-film SOI MOSFETs and measurements on their fundamental characteristics
- 4.1 Device fabrication process
- 4.2 Measurements of fundamental electrical characteristics
- Chapter5 Study on the lowering of drain breakdown voltage in ultrathin-film SOI MOSFETs
- 5.1 Background
- 5.2 Drain breakdown voltage in fabricated ultrathin-film SOI MOSFETs
- 5.3 Analysis by two-dimensional simulation
- 5.4 Measurements of an asymmetric structured device
- 5.5 Transient analysis for the drain breakdown process
- Chapter6 Perspectives of ultrathin-film SOI MOSFET technology
- 6.1 Comparison of scalability between bulk MOSFETs and ultrathin-film SOI MOSFETs
- 6.2 Problems to be overcome in ultrathin-film SOI MOSFET technology
- Chapter7 Conclusions
- Appendix A: Analytical formulation of the threshold voltage and vertical electric field in ultrathin-film SOI MOSFETs
- Appendix B: Formulation of the heat conduction equation in the finite element method
- Appendix C: Electrical measurement of SOI thickness in ultrathin-film SOI MOSFETs
- Appendix D: Generation-recombination model in the 2D device simulator employed
- References
- List of publications and presentations at international conferences