The operator behavior in the control of a tractor-trailer combination トラクタ・トレーラ系における人間の制御特性

    • Mugucia, Steve Wangera Tiras ムグシア, スティーブ ワンゲラ ティラス

The operator behavior in the control of a tractor-trailer combination




Mugucia, Steve Wangera Tiras


ムグシア, スティーブ ワンゲラ ティラス




博士 (農学)







  1. Table of contents / p1 (0003.jp2)
  2. Chapter I / p1 (0010.jp2)
  3. Introduction / p1 (0010.jp2)
  4. 1.1 Man-machine system / p1 (0010.jp2)
  5. 1.2 Operator behavior / p3 (0012.jp2)
  6. 1.3 Man-vehicle system / p3 (0012.jp2)
  7. 1.4 Dynamic performance of articulated vehicles / p4 (0013.jp2)
  8. 1.5 Human control of articulated vehicles / p5 (0014.jp2)
  9. 1.6 Human operator/vehicle control system / p6 (0015.jp2)
  10. 1.7 Thesis objectives / p8 (0017.jp2)
  11. 1.8 Study's process flow / p9 (0018.jp2)
  12. Chapter II / p15 (0024.jp2)
  13. Vehicle Modeling / p15 (0024.jp2)
  14. 2.1 Modeling of motion of TTC / p15 (0024.jp2)
  15. 2.2 Four wheel steer vehicle concept / p16 (0025.jp2)
  16. 2.3 Nonlinear vehicle equations of motion of TTC / p18 (0027.jp2)
  17. 2.4 Linearization of the vehicle equations of motion for forward motion / p21 (0030.jp2)
  18. 2.5 Equations of backward motion for a tractor-trailer combination / p21 (0030.jp2)
  19. 2.6 Open-loop stability of motion of a tractor-trailer combination / p22 (0032.jp2)
  20. Chapter III / p29 (0038.jp2)
  21. Field Experiments / p29 (0038.jp2)
  22. 3.1 Introduction / p29 (0038.jp2)
  23. 3.2 Vehicle specifications / p29 (0038.jp2)
  24. 3.3 Measurement of steering angle α and trailer heading angle β / p30 (0039.jp2)
  25. 3.4 Measurement of motion trajectories / p34 (0043.jp2)
  26. 3.5 Determination of tractor speed / p34 (0043.jp2)
  27. 3.6 Analysis of experiment data / p35 (0044.jp2)
  28. Chapter IV / p50 (0059.jp2)
  29. Frequency Response Characteristics of a TTC / p50 (0059.jp2)
  30. 4.1 Introduction / p50 (0059.jp2)
  31. 4.2 Experimental frequency response analysis / p51 (0060.jp2)
  32. 4.3 Theoretical analysis of frequency response to sinusoidal steer input / p56 (0065.jp2)
  33. 4.4 Motion of TTC in a turn / p58 (0067.jp2)
  34. Chapter V / p69 (0078.jp2)
  35. Circular Motion of a TTC / p69 (0078.jp2)
  36. 5.1 Introduction / p69 (0078.jp2)
  37. 5.2 Circular motion of a single vehicle / p69 (0078.jp2)
  38. 5.3 Circular motion of a TTC / p70 (0079.jp2)
  39. 5.4 Theoretical determination of the circular motion of a TTC / p71 (0080.jp2)
  40. 5.5 Experimental procedure / p73 (0082.jp2)
  41. 5.6 Results and discussion / p74 (0083.jp2)
  42. 5.7 Effect of locking the trailer / p75 (0084.jp2)
  43. 5.8 Conclusions / p76 (0085.jp2)
  44. Chapter VI / p90 (0099.jp2)
  45. Operator modeling / p90 (0099.jp2)
  46. 6.1 Introduction / p90 (0099.jp2)
  47. 6.2 Proportional(P)and derivative(D)control models / p90 (0099.jp2)
  48. 6.2 Present error compensation model(PECM)for a single vehicle / p92 (0101.jp2)
  49. 6.3 Present error compensation model for a TTC / p93 (0102.jp2)
  50. Chapter VII / p100 (0109.jp2)
  51. Analysis of Operator Behavior in the Lane Change Maneuver of a Tractor-Trailer Combination / p100 (0109.jp2)
  52. 7.1 Introduction / p100 (0109.jp2)
  53. 7.2 Determination of the characteristic equation / p100 (0109.jp2)
  54. 7.3 Nature of the gains of the HODF / p103 (0112.jp2)
  55. 7.4 Computer simulation of the motion of operator/vehicle system / p108 (0117.jp2)
  56. 7.5 Classification of operators / p110 (0119.jp2)
  57. 7.6 Operator behavior in the forward maneuver / p110 (0119.jp2)
  58. 7.7 Operator behavior in the backward maneuver / p113 (0122.jp2)
  59. 7.8 Observations from simulation results / p114 (0123.jp2)
  60. 7.9 Conclusions / p115 (0124.jp2)
  61. Chapter VIII / p145 (0154.jp2)
  62. Summary / p145 (0154.jp2)
  63. 8.1 Results / p145 (0154.jp2)
  64. 8.2 Conclusions / p149 (0158.jp2)
  65. 8.3 Applications of this study / p150 (0159.jp2)
  66. 8.4 Recommended topics for future studies / p151 (0160.jp2)
  67. Nomenclature / p152 (0161.jp2)
  68. Acknowledgement / p153 (0162.jp2)
  69. References / p155 (0164.jp2)
  70. Appendix A / p170 (0179.jp2)
  71. Appendix B / p177 (0186.jp2)
  72. Japanese summary / p166 (0175.jp2)
    • 8000000130284
  • DOI(NDL)
  • NDL書誌ID
    • 000000294327
  • データ提供元
    • NDLデジタルコレクション