A study on protocol design and combinatorial optimization in resource assignment type problems on the basis of net theory and genetic algorithms 資源割当型問題に対するネット理論と遺伝的アルゴリズムに基づくプロトコル設計と組合せ最適化に関する研究

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    • 名嘉村, 盛和 ナカムラ, モリカズ

Bibliographic Information


A study on protocol design and combinatorial optimization in resource assignment type problems on the basis of net theory and genetic algorithms

Other Title



名嘉村, 盛和

Author(Another name)

ナカムラ, モリカズ



Types of degree

博士 (工学)

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Table of Contents

  1. TABLE OF CONTENTS / p4 (0005.jp2)
  2. ABSTRACT / p1 (0002.jp2)
  3. TABLE OF CONTENTS / p4 (0005.jp2)
  4. 1. Introduction / p1 (0007.jp2)
  5. 1.1 Mutual Exclusion Problem / p1 (0007.jp2)
  6. 1.2 Gender-fair Stable Marriage Problem / p4 (0010.jp2)
  7. 1.3 Multiprocessor Scheduling Problem / p6 (0012.jp2)
  8. 1.4 Organization / p7 (0013.jp2)
  9. 2. Fundamental Concepts and Notations / p8 (0014.jp2)
  10. 2.1 Net theory:Graphs and Petri nets / p8 (0014.jp2)
  11. 2.2 Genetic Algorithms / p10 (0016.jp2)
  12. 2.3 Miscellaneous / p11 (0017.jp2)
  13. 3. A Topological Design of Mutual Exclusion Protocol for Single Shared Resource in Distributed Environments of Autonomous Nodes / p13 (0019.jp2)
  14. 3.1 Introduction / p13 (0019.jp2)
  15. 3.2 Distributed Environments of Autonomous Nodes / p15 (0021.jp2)
  16. 3.3 Mutual Exclusion Protocol:Distributed MUTEX / p17 (0023.jp2)
  17. 3.4 Initial Acyclic Set-Up / p20 (0026.jp2)
  18. 3.5 Entry and Exit Protocols / p25 (0031.jp2)
  19. 3.6 Dynamic MUTEX Algorithm / p32 (0038.jp2)
  20. 3.7 Verification of Dynamic MUTEX Algorithm / p37 (0043.jp2)
  21. 3.8 Concluding Remarks / p40 (0046.jp2)
  22. 4. Concurrency Analysis of Acyclic Graph Evolution and Extension to Multiple Shared Resource Cases / p41 (0047.jp2)
  23. 4.1 Introduction / p41 (0047.jp2)
  24. 4.2 Basic Concepts and Notions of Acyclic Graph Evolution / p45 (0051.jp2)
  25. 4.3 Concurrency Analysis of Acyclic Graph Evolution / p48 (0054.jp2)
  26. 4.4 Method to Design Initial Acyclic Graph / p60 (0066.jp2)
  27. 4.5 Mutual Exclusion for Multiple Shared Resource Cases / p65 (0071.jp2)
  28. 4.6 Concluding Remarks / p66 (0072.jp2)
  29. 5. Adaptation of a Genetic Algorithm to Gender-fair Stable Marriage Problem / p67 (0073.jp2)
  30. 5.1 Introduction / p67 (0073.jp2)
  31. 5.2 Preliminaries / p71 (0077.jp2)
  32. 5.3 Adaptation of a Genetic Algorithm / p76 (0082.jp2)
  33. 5.4 Experimental Evaluation / p79 (0085.jp2)
  34. 5.5 Concluding Remarks / p81 (0087.jp2)
  35. APPENDIX / p81 (0087.jp2)
  36. 6. Genetization of Heuristic-Knowledge in Genetic Algorithm and Its Application to Multiprocessor Scheduling Problems / p83 (0089.jp2)
  37. 6.1 Introduction / p83 (0089.jp2)
  38. 6.2 Preliminaries / p85 (0091.jp2)
  39. 6.3 Four Reinforced Genetic Algorithms / p88 (0094.jp2)
  40. 6.4 Genetized-Knowledge GA:gkGA / p96 (0102.jp2)
  41. 6.6 Concluding Remarks / p99 (0105.jp2)
  42. 7. Concluding Remarks / p101 (0107.jp2)
  43. Acknowledgments / p105 (0111.jp2)
  44. References / p106 (0112.jp2)
  45. List of Publications by the Author / p110 (0116.jp2)


  • NII Article ID (NAID)
  • NII Author ID (NRID)
    • 8000000954336
  • DOI(NDL)
  • Text Lang
    • eng
  • NDLBibID
    • 000000294902
  • Source
    • Institutional Repository
    • NDL Digital Collections
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