Silicon interlayer based control of compound semiconductor interfaces and its application to quantum structures シリコン界面層による化合物半導体界面の制御とその量子構造への応用

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    • 児玉, 聡 コダマ, サトシ

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Silicon interlayer based control of compound semiconductor interfaces and its application to quantum structures

Other Title



児玉, 聡

Author(Another name)

コダマ, サトシ



Types of degree

博士 (工学)

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Table of Contents

  1. CONTENTS / p6 (0007.jp2)
  2. Dedication / p3 (0004.jp2)
  3. Acknowledgement / p4 (0005.jp2)
  4. Contents / p6 (0007.jp2)
  5. Chapter 1 Introduction / p1 (0010.jp2)
  6. 1.1 Historical Background / p1 (0010.jp2)
  7. 1.2 Objective of Present Work / p8 (0017.jp2)
  8. 1.3 Synopsis of Each Chapter / p9 (0018.jp2)
  9. REFERENCES / p12 (0021.jp2)
  10. Chapter 2 Processing and Characterization Methods of Semiconductor Surfaces and Interfaces / p16 (0025.jp2)
  11. 2.1 Introduction / p16 (0025.jp2)
  12. 2.2 Ultrahigh Vacuum(UHV)Based System of Fabrication and Characterization of Surfaces and Interfaces / p17 (0026.jp2)
  13. 2.3 Theory of Characterization of Surfaces and Interfaces / p39 (0048.jp2)
  14. REFERENCES / p52 (0061.jp2)
  15. Chapter 3 Basic Concept of Control of Compound Semiconductor Surfaces and Interfaces by Silicon Interface Control Layer(ICL) / p54 (0063.jp2)
  16. 3.1 Introduction / p54 (0063.jp2)
  17. 3.2 Phenomena Induced by Surface and Interface State / p55 (0064.jp2)
  18. 3.3 Models of Origin of Surface and Interface States / p57 (0066.jp2)
  19. 3.4 Control of Surfaces and Interfaces / p64 (0073.jp2)
  20. REFERENCES / p69 (0078.jp2)
  21. Chapter 4 Control of Insulator-Semiconductor Interface by insitu Ultrahigh Vacuum-Based Process / p72 (0081.jp2)
  22. 4.1 Introduction / p72 (0081.jp2)
  23. 4.2 Experimental / p75 (0084.jp2)
  24. 4.3 Experimental Results and Discussion / p78 (0087.jp2)
  25. 4.4 Conclusion / p103 (0112.jp2)
  26. REFERENCES / p105 (0114.jp2)
  27. Chapter 5 Control of Air-exposed Semiconductor Surfaces by ex-situ Process / p106 (0115.jp2)
  28. 5.1 Introduction / p106 (0115.jp2)
  29. 5.2 Experimental / p108 (0117.jp2)
  30. 5.3 Experimental Results and Discussion / p109 (0118.jp2)
  31. 5.4 Conclusion / p122 (0131.jp2)
  32. REFERENCES / p123 (0132.jp2)
  33. Chapter 6 Silicon-Interface-Control-Layer(ICL)Based Surface Passivation of Quantum Structures / p124 (0133.jp2)
  34. 6.1 Introduction / p124 (0133.jp2)
  35. 6.2 Experimental / p126 (0135.jp2)
  36. 6.3 Experimental Results and Discussion / p131 (0140.jp2)
  37. 6.4 Conclusion / p153 (0162.jp2)
  38. REFERENCES / p155 (0164.jp2)
  39. Chapter 7 Summary and Conclusions / p157 (0166.jp2)


  • NII Article ID (NAID)
  • NII Author ID (NRID)
    • 8000000967439
  • DOI(NDL)
  • NDLBibID
    • 000000297163
  • Source
    • NDL Digital Collections
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