A human-scale virtual environment with force display 力覚提示機能を有する等身大インタフェース装置

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    • 蔡, 奕 サイ, イ

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A human-scale virtual environment with force display

Other Title



蔡, 奕

Author(Another name)

サイ, イ



Types of degree

博士 (工学)

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Note and Description


授与名簿のタイトル: A human-scale interface device with force sensation

Table of Contents

  1. ABSTRACT / p1 (0003.jp2)
  2. Contents / p4 (0006.jp2)
  3. 1 Introduction / p1 (0010.jp2)
  4. 1.1 Computer System and Virtual Reality / p1 (0010.jp2)
  5. 1.2 Human-scale VE / p8 (0017.jp2)
  6. 1.3 Force Feedback in VR / p10 (0019.jp2)
  7. 1.4 Purpose of study / p13 (0022.jp2)
  8. 1.5 Organization of Thesis / p14 (0023.jp2)
  9. 2 SPace Interface Device for Artificial Reality(SPIDAR) / p16 (0025.jp2)
  10. 2.1 Tensed Strings Based Force Display Device / p16 (0025.jp2)
  11. 2.2 Position Measurement / p16 (0025.jp2)
  12. 2.3 Force Feedback Generation / p19 (0028.jp2)
  13. 3 Force Display Method for Human-scale Virtual Environment / p21 (0030.jp2)
  14. 3.1 System structure / p21 (0030.jp2)
  15. 3.2 Position Measurement and Force Display / p29 (0038.jp2)
  16. 3.3 Experiments / p31 (0040.jp2)
  17. 4 Improvement Method of Dynamic Performance / p41 (0050.jp2)
  18. 4.1 Difficulties in Human Scale VE System / p41 (0050.jp2)
  19. 4.2 Dynamic Performance in Human Scale VE System / p42 (0051.jp2)
  20. 4.3 Position Measurement Error / p44 (0053.jp2)
  21. 4.4 General Revise Method / p45 (0054.jp2)
  22. 4.5 Revision Models / p47 (0056.jp2)
  23. 4.6 Experiment / p49 (0058.jp2)
  24. 5 Improvement Method of String Interference / p56 (0065.jp2)
  25. 5.1 Introduction / p56 (0065.jp2)
  26. 5.2 String Interference Revision / p57 (0066.jp2)
  27. 5.3 String Reduced System / p61 (0070.jp2)
  28. 6 Applications / p67 (0076.jp2)
  29. 6.1 Tele-presentation and Tele-operation / p67 (0076.jp2)
  30. 6.2 MultiMedia Entertainment / p71 (0080.jp2)
  31. 6.3 Education and Training System / p72 (0081.jp2)
  32. 6.4 Rehabelitation / p73 (0082.jp2)
  33. 7 Conclusion / p74 (0083.jp2)
  34. 7.1 Summary / p74 (0083.jp2)
  35. 7.2 Conclusion / p76 (0085.jp2)
  36. 7.3 Further Work / p76 (0085.jp2)


  • NII Article ID (NAID)
  • NII Author ID (NRID)
    • 8000001092617
  • DOI(NDL)
  • NDLBibID
    • 000000317889
  • Source
    • NDL Digital Collections
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