Stereochemical assignment for acyclic structures in natural products based on long-range C-H nuclear spin coupling constants 遠隔C-H核スピン結合定数を用いた天然物鎖状構造の立体配置決定

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    • 松森, 信明 マツモリ, ノブアキ

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Stereochemical assignment for acyclic structures in natural products based on long-range C-H nuclear spin coupling constants

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松森, 信明

Author(Another name)

マツモリ, ノブアキ



Types of degree

博士 (理学)

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Table of Contents

  1. Contents / (0006.jp2)
  2. Abbreviations / (0009.jp2)
  3. General Introduction / p1 (0011.jp2)
  4. Chapter1.Methodology to Determine Relative Configuration in Acyclic Structures,and NMR Experiments for Measuring [数式] / p9 (0019.jp2)
  5. 1-1 Introduction / p10 (0020.jp2)
  6. 1-2 Dihedral angle dependency of coupling constants / p11 (0021.jp2)
  7. 1-3 Strategy for determining the relative stereochemistry / p13 (0023.jp2)
  8. 1-4 Methods for measuring [数式] / p27 (0037.jp2)
  9. Chapter2.Application to Maitotoxin-Stereochemical Assignments for Terminal Acyclic Portions- / p43 (0053.jp2)
  10. 2-1 Introduction / p44 (0054.jp2)
  11. 2-2 Methods and Materials / p46 (0056.jp2)
  12. 2-3 Results and Discussion / p48 (0058.jp2)
  13. 2-4 Conclusion / p61 (0071.jp2)
  14. Supplementary Material of Chapter2 / p63 (0073.jp2)
  15. Chapter3.Application to Amphidinol 3-Stereochemical Assignments for Amphidinol3- / p73 (0083.jp2)
  16. 3-1 Introduction / p74 (0084.jp2)
  17. 3-2 Methods and Materials / p77 (0087.jp2)
  18. 3-3 Results and Discussion / p82 (0092.jp2)
  19. 3-4 Conclusion / p100 (0110.jp2)
  20. Supplementary Material of Chapter3 / p103 (0113.jp2)
  21. Concluding Remarks / p121 (0131.jp2)
  22. Appendix I.Application to Zooxanthellatoxin Fragment-Stereochemical Assignments for C3´ -C7´Portion- / p124 (0134.jp2)
  23. I-1 Introduction / p125 (0135.jp2)
  24. I-2 Methods and Materials / p126 (0136.jp2)
  25. I-3 Results and Discussion / p127 (0137.jp2)
  26. Supplementary Material of Appendix I / p131 (0141.jp2)
  27. Appendix II.Conformational Analysis of Natural Products Using Long-Range Carbon-Proton Coupling Constants:Three-Dimensional Structure of Okadaic Acid in Solution / p136 (0146.jp2)
  28. II-1 Introduction / p137 (0147.jp2)
  29. II-2 Results and Discussion / p138 (0148.jp2)
  30. II-3 Experimental / p142 (0152.jp2)
  31. Appendix III.Pulse Programs of the NMR experiments / p145 (0155.jp2)
  32. Appendix IV.List of Publications / p174 (0184.jp2)


  • NII Article ID (NAID)
  • NII Author ID (NRID)
    • 8000001138003
  • DOI(NDL)
  • NDLBibID
    • 000000325160
  • Source
    • NDL Digital Collections
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