Studies on gelatin and its taste activity in yellowtail muscle extracts ブリ筋肉エキス中のゼラチンとその呈味活性に関する研究

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    • 久保田, 賢 クボタ, サトシ

Bibliographic Information


Studies on gelatin and its taste activity in yellowtail muscle extracts

Other Title



久保田, 賢

Author(Another name)

クボタ, サトシ



Types of degree

博士 (農学)

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Table of Contents

  1. 論文目録 / (0001.jp2)
  2. Contents / (0004.jp2)
  3. Introduction / p1 (0005.jp2)
  4. Chapter I.Existence of gelatin and its degraded peptides in the hot-water extract / p5 (0007.jp2)
  5. Section 1.Purification of yellowtail type I collagen from acid soluble muscle collagen and its hydroxyproline content / p6 (0008.jp2)
  6. Section 2.Gelatin content in the hot-water extract of yellowtail muscle / p11 (0010.jp2)
  7. Section 3.Molecular weights of gelatin and its degraded peptides in the hot-water extract / p14 (0012.jp2)
  8. Chapter II.Occurrence of gelatinolytic activities in yellowtail tissues and generation of gelatin degraded peptides in hot-water extract / p25 (0018.jp2)
  9. Section 1.Occurrence of gelatinolytic activities in yellowtail tissues / p26 (0019.jp2)
  10. Section 2.Occurrence of gelatinolytic activities in rat tissues / p33 (0022.jp2)
  11. Section 3.Identification of gelatinolytic activities involving in gelatinolysis in yellowtail muscle / p39 (0026.jp2)
  12. Chapter III.Organic taste-active components in the hot-water extract of yellowtail muscle / p46 (0031.jp2)
  13. Section 1.Composition of nitrogenous components and inorganic ions in the hot-water extract / p47 (0031.jp2)
  14. Section 2.Identification of taste-active components in the hot-water extract / p53 (0034.jp2)
  15. Chapter IV.Taste activities of gelatin and its degraded peptides in the reconstituted and hot-water extract / p62 (0039.jp2)
  16. Section 1.Fractionation of gelatinous peptides in the hot-water extract by ethanol precipitation / p63 (0039.jp2)
  17. Section 2.The taste activity of gelatinous peptides in the reconstituted and hot-water extract / p66 (0041.jp2)
  18. Section 3.Effect of intact gelatin on taste activity of the reconstituted and hot-water extract / p69 (0042.jp2)
  19. Summary and Conclusion / p74 (0045.jp2)
  20. Publications / p76 (0046.jp2)
  21. Acknowledgements / p77 (0046.jp2)


  • NII Article ID (NAID)
  • NII Author ID (NRID)
    • 8000000170718
  • DOI(NDL)
  • Text Lang
    • eng
  • NDLBibID
    • 000000334758
  • Source
    • Institutional Repository
    • NDL Digital Collections
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