The limits of the metaphorical concept of taste and the development of aesthetics and criticism in eighteenth-century Britain Tasteの隠喩概念の限界と18世紀イギリスの美学および批評の発展

    • 下谷, 和幸 シモタニ, カズユキ

The limits of the metaphorical concept of taste and the development of aesthetics and criticism in eighteenth-century Britain




下谷, 和幸


シモタニ, カズユキ











  1. TABLE OF CONTENTS / (0003.jp2)
  2. INTRODUCTION / p1 (0010.jp2)
  3. CHAPTER I.The Late Seventeenth- and Early Eighteenth-Century Background for the Prevalence of Taste / p6 (0015.jp2)
  4. 1.Overview of Changes in the Criteria for Aesthetics and Literary Criticism in the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries / p6 (0015.jp2)
  5. 2.The Influence of Seventeenth-Century French Critical Thought / p10 (0019.jp2)
  6. 3.Aesthetic and Critical Thought in Late Seventeenth-Century Britain / p16 (0025.jp2)
  7. 4.Liking and Disliking―the Primary Connotation of Taste / p23 (0032.jp2)
  8. CHAPTER II.The Metaphorical Concept of'Taste' and its Ambiguity / p30 (0039.jp2)
  9. 1.Contradictions and Ambiguities in the Eighteenth-Century Conception of 'Taste' / p30 (0039.jp2)
  10. 2.The "Danger of Metaphorical Language" / p49 (0058.jp2)
  11. 3.The Metaphorical Concept of 'Taste' and Its Conceptual Limitations in Representing the Aesthetic Faculty / p52 (0061.jp2)
  12. 4.Gerard's Argumentative Inconsistency and the Limit of the Metaphorical Concept / p63 (0072.jp2)
  13. CHAPTER III.Hutcheson's "Internal Sense" and the Philosophical Basis for Taste Theory / p68 (0077.jp2)
  14. 1.The Instantaneous Sense-Perception of Pleasure / p68 (0077.jp2)
  15. 2.Internal Sense Theory as a Basis for the Appropriateness of the Taste Metaphor / p78 (0087.jp2)
  16. 3.The Aim of Hutcheson's Internal Sense Theory―Rejection of Subjective Realism / p84 (0093.jp2)
  17. 4.The Weakness of the Internal Sense Theory in Describing the Total Concept of the Aesthetic Faculty / p90 (0099.jp2)
  18. CHAPTER IV.Cognitive Discernment as an Occasion for the Metaphorical Application of the Word Taste and Addison's Conceptualization of Taste / p97 (0106.jp2)
  19. 1.The Discerning Power of Taste / p97 (0106.jp2)
  20. 2.Possibility Conflicting Positions Concerning Aesthetic Judgment / p100 (0109.jp2)
  21. 3.Addison's Discerning Power of'Taste' / p110 (0119.jp2)
  22. 4.Addison's Power of Imagination and his Concept of a Fine Taste / p118 (0127.jp2)
  23. 5.Imagination as a Total concept of the Aesthetic Faculty / p125 (0134.jp2)
  24. 6.The Limit of the Metaphorical Concept of Taste / p125 (0134.jp2)
  25. CHAPTER V.The Idea of a Standard of'Taste' and Hume's Conceptualization of 'Taste' / p127 (0136.jp2)
  26. 1."Criticism" and the "Aesthetic Faculty" / p127 (0136.jp2)
  27. 2.An Apparently Relativistic Account for Aesthetic Sentiment―Subjective Realism / p129 (0138.jp2)
  28. 3."Relational Realism" / p133 (0142.jp2)
  29. 4.Universal Sentiment and Common Human Nature / p134 (0143.jp2)
  30. 5.Correlation between Certain Objective Qualities and Aesthetic Sentiments / p136 (0145.jp2)
  31. 6.Correlative Quality in an Object and the Occasion of the Taste Metaphor / p139 (0148.jp2)
  32. 7.The Necessary Mental Attitudes for Correct Aesthetic Judgments / p144 (0153.jp2)
  33. 8.Qualifications for the Ideal Critics and the Extension of the Metaphorical Concept of Taste / p145 (0154.jp2)
  34. 9.Predilection―an Essential Entailment of the Taste Metaphor, but an Object beyond 'Critical Taste' / p151 (0160.jp2)
  35. 10.The Necessity for a New Conception of 'Taste' / p154 (0163.jp2)
  36. CHAPTER VI. Burke's Concept of Taste as an Amalgam of Three Different Powers / p157 (0166.jp2)
  37. 1.Burke's "Introduction on Taste" as an Immediate Response to Hume's Essay on Taste / p157 (0166.jp2)
  38. 2.Universality in Sensation and its Emotional Effect as an Occasion for the Metaphor Taste / p158 (0167.jp2)
  39. 3.The Difference between Sensations and Sentiments / p161 (0170.jp2)
  40. 4.A Complex Faculty of "Senses," "Imagination," and "Reasoning" / p162 (0171.jp2)
  41. 5.Universal Principles of Imagination / p166 (0175.jp2)
  42. 6.Burke's Notion of'Judgment'―'Reason' or 'Understanding' / p167 (0176.jp2)
  43. 7.Departure from the Hutchesonian Internal Sense Doctrine and the Inappropriateness of the Taste Metaphor / p170 (0179.jp2)
  44. CHAPTER VII.The Rationalization of the Aesthetic Sense―Reid's Concept of Taste and Common Sense / p175 (0184.jp2)
  45. 1.Reid's Analogy between External and Internal Taste as an Occasion of the Metaphor / p175 (0184.jp2)
  46. 2.Objective Existence of Aesthetic Qualities / p179 (0188.jp2)
  47. 3.The Two Kinds of Beauty: "Instinctive" and "Rational" / p185 (0194.jp2)
  48. 4.The Rationalization of Aesthetic perception / p189 (0198.jp2)
  49. 5.Reid's Notion of Common Sense Compared with the Sense of Beauty / p192 (0201.jp2)
  50. 6.Common Sense as a Consequence of Rationalizing the Aesthetic Sense / p197 (0206.jp2)
  51. CHAPTER VIII.Allan Ramsay's Exclusion of'Taste'from Judgment,Both Rational and Sensory / p204 (0213.jp2)
  52. 1.The Persistent Primary Connotation of the Taste Metaphor / p204 (0213.jp2)
  53. 2.The Investigator and "A Dialogue on Taste' / p206 (0215.jp2)
  54. 3.The Proper Metaphorical Meaning of Taste―a Private Feeling or Opinion / p207 (0216.jp2)
  55. 4.Ramsay's Aesthetics / p211 (0220.jp2)
  56. 5.The Limits of the Metaphorical Concept of Taste for Representing the Notion of the Aesthetic Faculty of the Time / p219 (0228.jp2)
  57. CHAPTER IX. Imagination and Genius:the Decline of the Metaphorical Concept of Taste / p225 (0234.jp2)
  58. 1.Association, Fancy, and Imagination:Subjective Individualism in Aesthetic Experience / p225 (0234.jp2)
  59. 2.Alison's Shift of Attention from Objects to the Effect on the Mind―from Sense to Imagination / p229 (0238.jp2)
  60. 3.Genius:the Alternative to the Aesthetic Sense / p237 (0246.jp2)
  61. 4.Wordsworth's Abandonment of'Taste' / p249 (0258.jp2)
  62. CHAPTER X.Conclusion / p254 (0263.jp2)
  63. APPENDIX / p260 (0269.jp2)
  64. Chronological List of Eighteenth-Century Essays on 'Taste' used as sources for this dissertation / p260 (0269.jp2)
  65. BIBLIOGRAPHY / p265 (0274.jp2)
  66. I.Primary Sources / p265 (0274.jp2)
  67. II.Secondary Sources / p270 (0279.jp2)
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