Syntheses, X-ray structural analyses, and reactivities of new rare earth complexes 新規希土類錯体の合成とX線構造解析及びそれらの反応性に関する研究

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    • 西浦, 正芳 ニシウラ, マサヨシ

Bibliographic Information


Syntheses, X-ray structural analyses, and reactivities of new rare earth complexes

Other Title



西浦, 正芳

Author(Another name)

ニシウラ, マサヨシ



Types of degree

博士 (理学)

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Note and Description


研究科: 千葉大学大学院自然科学研究科


Table of Contents

  1. Contents / p1 (0005.jp2)
  2. Chapter I General Introduction / (0008.jp2)
  3. I.1 Introduction / p2 (0009.jp2)
  4. I.2 Character of Lanthanide Elements / p2 (0009.jp2)
  5. I.3 Organic Synthesis by Means of Lanthanide Compounds / p5 (0012.jp2)
  6. I.4 Lanthanide Lewis Acids Promoted Organic Reactions / p6 (0013.jp2)
  7. I.5 Organolanthanide Chemistry / p8 (0015.jp2)
  8. I.6 Samarium Diiodide Promoted Organic Reactions / p9 (0016.jp2)
  9. I.7 The Purpose of the Present Doctor Thesis / p11 (0018.jp2)
  10. I.8 References / p13 (0020.jp2)
  11. Chapter II X-ray Structural Analyses of a Series of Rare Earth Triflate Complexes with Hexamethylphosphoramide / (0023.jp2)
  12. II.1 Introduction / p17 (0024.jp2)
  13. II.2 Results and Discussion / p18 (0025.jp2)
  14. II.3 Experimental Section / p25 (0032.jp2)
  15. II.4 References and Notes / p31 (0038.jp2)
  16. Chapter III Preparation and Properties of Hexamethy1phosphoramide Coordinated Samarium(III) Complexes / (0040.jp2)
  17. III.1 Introduction / p34 (0041.jp2)
  18. III.2 Results and Discussion / p35 (0042.jp2)
  19. III.3 Conclusion / p49 (0056.jp2)
  20. III.4 Experimental Section / p50 (0057.jp2)
  21. III.5 References and Notes / p56 (0063.jp2)
  22. Chapter IV X-ray Analyses of Rare Earth Trifluoromethanesulfonate Complexes Bearing Urea Derivatives / (0065.jp2)
  23. IV.1 Introduction / p59 (0066.jp2)
  24. IV.2 Results and Discussion / p60 (0067.jp2)
  25. IV.3 Experimental Section / p75 (0082.jp2)
  26. IV.4 References / p83 (0090.jp2)
  27. Chapter V Ring-Opening Polymerization and Copolymerization of Lactones by Samarium(II) Aryloxide Complexes / (0093.jp2)
  28. V.1 Introduction / p87 (0094.jp2)
  29. V.2 Results and Discussion / p88 (0095.jp2)
  30. V.3 Conclusion / p101 (0108.jp2)
  31. V.4 Experimental Section / p102 (0109.jp2)
  32. V.5 References and Notes / p104 (0111.jp2)
  33. Chapter VI Synthesis, X-ray Structural Characterization, and Reactivity of Novel Heteroleptic Samarium (III/II) Complexes Bearing Siloxide and Pentamethylcyclopentadienide Ligands / (0114.jp2)
  34. VI.1 Introduction / p108 (0115.jp2)
  35. VI.2 Results and Discussion / p109 (0116.jp2)
  36. VI.3 Conclusion / p123 (0130.jp2)
  37. VI.4 Experimental Section / p124 (0131.jp2)
  38. VI.5 References / p129 (0136.jp2)
  39. Chapter VII Isolation and X-ray Structural Characterization of Samarium(II) Diiodide Complexes Bearing Urea Derivatives / (0139.jp2)
  40. VII.1 Introduction / p133 (0140.jp2)
  41. VII.2 Results and Discussion / p134 (0141.jp2)
  42. VII.3 Conclusion / p146 (0153.jp2)
  43. VII.4 Experimental Section / p147 (0154.jp2)
  44. VII.5 References / p152 (0159.jp2)
  45. X-ray Crystallographic Data of Rare Earth Complexes / p154 (0161.jp2)
  46. Acknowledgment / p267 (0274.jp2)
  47. List of Publications / p269 (0276.jp2)


  • NII Article ID (NAID)
  • NII Author ID (NRID)
    • 8000000187382
  • DOI(NDL)
  • Text Lang
    • eng
  • NDLBibID
    • 000000351413
  • Source
    • Institutional Repository
    • NDL Digital Collections
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