Mantle diapir model for polygenetic volcanoes : geological and petrological study of Rishiri volcano, northern Hokkaido, Japan 複成火山のマントルダイアピルモデル : 北海道北部,利尻火山の地質学的・岩石学的研究

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    • 石塚, 吉浩 イシズカ, ヨシヒロ

Bibliographic Information


Mantle diapir model for polygenetic volcanoes : geological and petrological study of Rishiri volcano, northern Hokkaido, Japan

Other Title

複成火山のマントルダイアピルモデル : 北海道北部,利尻火山の地質学的・岩石学的研究


石塚, 吉浩

Author(Another name)

イシズカ, ヨシヒロ



Types of degree

博士 (理学)

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Table of Contents

  1. Contents / p5 (0007.jp2)
  2. Abstract / p1 (0003.jp2)
  3. Contents / p5 (0007.jp2)
  4. Chapter1 Introduction / p9 (0011.jp2)
  5. 1.1 Mantle Diapirs for Polygenetic Volcanoes / p9 (0011.jp2)
  6. 1.2 Evolution of Mantle Diapirs for Polygenetic Volcanoes / p9 (0011.jp2)
  7. 1.3 Significance of the Study of Rishiri Volcano / p12 (0014.jp2)
  8. 1.4 Purpose of This Study / p13 (0015.jp2)
  9. Chapter2 Eruptive History of Rishiri Volcano / p16 (0018.jp2)
  10. 2.1 Introduction / p16 (0018.jp2)
  11. 2.2 Outline of Topography / p16 (0018.jp2)
  12. 2.3 General Geology / p20 (0022.jp2)
  13. 2.4 Basement Rocks / p23 (0025.jp2)
  14. 2.5 Initial Stage / p24 (0026.jp2)
  15. 2.6 Climactic Stage / p30 (0032.jp2)
  16. 2.7 Final Stage / p36 (0038.jp2)
  17. 2.8 K-Ar Ages of Stratovolcanoes and Lava Domes / p47 (0049.jp2)
  18. 2.9 Tephras / p52 (0054.jp2)
  19. 2.10 Reconstruction of Volcanic Edifices and Eruptive Volumes / p54 (0056.jp2)
  20. 2.11 Eruptive Ages / p57 (0059.jp2)
  21. 2.12 Inference of Eruption Rates / p58 (0060.jp2)
  22. 2.13 Discussion / p60 (0062.jp2)
  23. 2.14 Conclusion Remarks of Eruptive History of Rishiri Volcano / p67 (0069.jp2)
  24. Chapter3 Petrology of Rishiri volcano / p68 (0070.jp2)
  25. 3.1 Introduction / p68 (0070.jp2)
  26. 3.2 Experimental Procedures / p68 (0070.jp2)
  27. 3.3 Petrography / p69 (0071.jp2)
  28. 3.4 Mineral Chemical Compositions / p77 (0079.jp2)
  29. 3.5 Whole Rock Chemical Compositions / p88 (0090.jp2)
  30. 3.6 Conclusion Remarks of Petrology of Rishiri Volcano / p109 (0111.jp2)
  31. Chapter4 Petrological Evolution of Rishiri Volcano / p113 (0115.jp2)
  32. 4.1 Introduction / p113 (0115.jp2)
  33. 4.2 Magma Types / p113 (0115.jp2)
  34. 4.3 Origin of Andesitic to Rhyolitic Magmas from Each Stage / p117 (0119.jp2)
  35. 4.4 Significance of Coexisting with Basaltic and Felsic Magmas / p124 (0126.jp2)
  36. 4.5 Temperature and Crystallization Depth of Felsic Magmas / p125 (0127.jp2)
  37. 4.6 Source Mantles of Basaltic Magmas / p136 (0138.jp2)
  38. 4.7 Conclusion Remarks of Petrologic Evolution of Rishiri Volcano / p145 (0147.jp2)
  39. Chapter5 Mantle Diapir Model for Development of Rishiri Volcano / p146 (0148.jp2)
  40. 5.1 Introduction / p146 (0148.jp2)
  41. 5.2 Evidence for Existence of a Mantle Diapir Beneath Rishiri Volcano / p146 (0148.jp2)
  42. 5.3 Mantle Diapir Models from Experimental Studies / p149 (0151.jp2)
  43. 5.4 Mantle Diapir Model Consistent With the Physical-Chemical Properties of Rishiri Volcano / p153 (0155.jp2)
  44. 5.5 Conclusion Remarks of Mantle Diapir Model for Development of Rishiri Volcano / p155 (0157.jp2)
  45. Chapter6 Comparison of Mantle Diapir Model Between Rishiri Volcano and Oceanic Island Volcanoes / p156 (0158.jp2)
  46. 6.1 Introduction / p156 (0158.jp2)
  47. 6.2 Development of Oceanic Island Volcanoes / p156 (0158.jp2)
  48. 6.3 Comparison of Mantle Diapir Model Between Ocenic Island Volcanoes and Rishiri Volcano / p164 (0166.jp2)
  49. 6.4 Conclusion Remarks of Mantle Diapir Model Between Oceanic Island Volcanoes and Rishiri Volcano / p165 (0167.jp2)
  50. Chapter7 Conclusions / p166 (0168.jp2)
  51. Acknowledgment / p168 (0170.jp2)
  52. References / p169 (0171.jp2)
  53. Appendix / p178 (0180.jp2)


  • NII Article ID (NAID)
  • NII Author ID (NRID)
    • 8000000189751
  • DOI(NDL)
  • NDLBibID
    • 000000353782
  • Source
    • NDL Digital Collections
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