Efficient quantum circuits for arithmetic operations and their applications 算術演算のための効率的な量子回路とその応用

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    • 高橋, 康博 タカハシ, ヤスヒロ
Bibliographic Information

Efficient quantum circuits for arithmetic operations and their applications

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高橋, 康博

Author(Another name)

タカハシ, ヤスヒロ



Types of degree

博士 (工学)

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This thesis focuses on constructing efficient quantum circuits for arithmetic operationsand applying them to Shor’s factoring algorithm to answer the question: Whatwould be sufficient computational resources for a quantum computer to be able toperform Shor’s factoring algorithm for a large input number? The answers to theproblem would contribute to our understanding of the computational power of smallquantum circuits such as logarithmic-depth quantum circuits. Moreover, the answerswould be useful for analyzing the detailed relationships between the computationalpower of a quantum computer and the security of cryptosystems and for designinga new cryptosystem that is secure against a quantum computer. First, I constructa linear-size quantum circuit for addition with no ancillary qubits. This is an affirmativeanswer to Cuccaro et al.’s question. Then, using the circuit, I construct alogarithmic-depth quantum circuit for addition with few qubits and apply it to constructingan O(n2 log n)-depth O(n3 log n)-size quantum circuit for Shor’s algorithmwith 2n+O(n/ log n) qubits, where n is the length of the number to be factored. Thenumber of qubits is less than that in any other O(n2 log n)-depth quantum circuit everconstructed for Shor’s algorithm. Then, I construct a quantum circuit for comparisonwith uninitialized ancillary qubits and apply it to constructing an O(n3)-depthO(n3 log n)-size quantum circuit for Shor’s algorithm with 2n+2 qubits. The numberof qubits is less than that in any other quantum circuit ever constructed for Shor’salgorithm. Lastly, on a linear nearest neighbor architecture, I construct a small-sizequantum circuit for the quantum Fourier transform and apply it to constructing anO(n3)-depth O(n3 log n)-size quantum circuit for Shor’s algorithm with 2n+4 qubits.The size is less than that of any other quantum circuit ever constructed for Shor’salgorithm on a linear nearest neighbor architecture.

  • NII Article ID (NAID)
  • NII Author ID (NRID)
    • 8000000436841
  • Text Lang
    • eng
  • NDLBibID
    • 000009368615
  • Source
    • Institutional Repository
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