Proceedings of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering
Bibliographic Information
Proceedings of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering
The Society
- Vol. 266 (1981)-
- Other Title
Proc. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng
Proceedings of SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering
Proceedings of Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers-the International Society for Optical Engineering
Proceedings of S.P.I.E.--The International Society for Optical Engineering
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5-6, 9-10, 12, 14-16, 21, 38, 62, 66, 71, 77, 80-81, 83, 86-87, 92, 94, 99-100, 103-104, 111, 117-124, 126-152, 154-155, 157, 159, 161-164, 166-167, 169-226, 229-260, 262-295, 297-376, 378, 380-435, 437-450, 452-545, 547-551, 553-576, 578-582, 584-591, 593-602, 604-605, 607-611, 613-645, 648, 650-661, 663-676, 678-704, 706-707, 709-710, 712-713, 715-723, 726-744, 746-763, 765-783, 786-789, 791-819, 821-836, 838-843, 845-869, 871-902, 904, 906-961, 963-1033, 1036-1068, 1070-1118, 1120-1213, 1215-1246, 1248-1438, 1440-1620, 1622-1638, 1640-1710, 1713-1750, 1752-1754, 1756-1757, 1759-1795, 1797-1800, 1802-1809, 1811-1820, 1822-1830, 1832-1835, 1838-1844, 1847, 1849-1850, 1853, 1857-1858, 1861, 1874, 1886, 1902-1903, 1906, 1908, 1914, 1917, 1923-1924, 1926-1927, 1929-1930, 1933-1935, 1946, 1953, 1963-1964, 1980, 1982, 1986, 1990, 2020, 2040, 2104, 2157, 2176, 2194, 2224-2226, 2269, 2274, 2288, 2406-2407, 2409, 2437, 2439-2440, 2470, 2552, 2577, 2650, 2652-2653, 2684-2685, 2690-2691, 2693-2694, 2699, 2723, 2725, 2754, 2841, 2854, 2954, 2966, 2969, 2994, 2998-2999, 3001, 3003-3005, 3007, 3038, 3048, 3050-3051, 3076, 3135, 3138, 3142, 3145, 3147, 3160, 3230, 3232-3234, 3271, 3277-3281, 3283-3288, 3290, 3331-3332, 3334, 3347, 3385, 3419, 3469, 3473-3474, 3490, 3532, 3547, 3551-3552, 3554, 3616, 3620-3621, 3623, 3625-3626, 3629, 3631-3632, 3636, 3676-3677, 3679, 3725, 3733, 3740, 3791, 3795-3796, 3799, 3803, 3850, 3861, 3878, 3883, 3997-3998, 4000, 4186, 4343-4344, 4346, 4688, 5751 OPAC
慶應義塾大学 理工学メディアセンター1981-2007
297-376, 378, 380-435, 437-450, 452-487, 489-545, 547-576, 578-582, 584-591, 593-602, 604-605, 607-611, 613-645, 648, 650-661, 663-676, 678-704, 706-707, 709-710, 712-713, 715-723, 726-744, 746-763, 765-783, 786-789, 791-819, 821-836, 838-843, 845-869, 871-902, 904, 906-961, 963-1033, 1036-1068, 1070-1118, 1120-1213, 1215-1246, 1248-1438, 1440-1533, 1535-1638, 1640-2372, 2374-2451, 2453-2532, 2534-2602, 2604-2732, 2734-2899, 2901-3102, 3104-4900, 4902-5958, 5960-6513 OPAC
国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所 つくば第七 図書室地質1990-2008
1320, 1341, 1490, 1540, 1683-1686, 1939, 2268, 2553, 2757, 2817, 3117-3118, 3122, 3437-3438, 3698, 3750, 3753, 3759, 4130-4132, 4135, 4483, 4486, 4881, 5570, 5573, 5655, 5657, 5980, 5982-5983, 6043-6044, 6064, 6365-6366, 6419, 6748-6749, 6787, 6790, 7109, 7147 OPAC
国立研究開発法人 理化学研究所 図書館1979-2000371||SPI
1494, 1549, 1734, 1742-1743, 1745, 1945, 1948, 2006, 2011, 2201, 2209, 2278, 2280, 2283, 2305, 2453, 2478-2479, 2517-2519, 2536, 2577, 2805-2808, 3112-3115, 3141, 3143, 3156, 3264, 3343, 3351, 3356, 3443-3446, 3449, 3550, 3595, 3600, 3604, 3664, 3764-3768, 3773, 3785-3786, 4004, 4012-4013, 4138, 4140-4141, 4143, 4145, 4152, 4173 OPAC
帝京大学 宇都宮キャンパス 図書館1982-1996PR
322-323, 325, 330, 334, 336, 339, 342-343, 347, 368, 385, 389, 391, 396, 398, 400, 406, 408, 410, 412, 416, 460, 464, 466, 478-479, 483, 492, 500, 503, 505, 508-509, 511, 517, 523-524, 532, 535, 540, 545, 549, 551, 554, 578, 611, 617, 650, 654, 656, 658, 732, 736, 740-741, 744, 746, 774-776, 780, 793-794, 797, 800, 802, 805, 810, 2664 -
東京科学大学 大岡山図書館図書館1981-2008(intend)P63600
297-376, 378, 380-435, 437-450, 452-487, 489-545, 547-576, 578-582, 584-591, 593-602, 604-605, 607-611, 613-645, 648, 650-661, 663-676, 678-704, 706-707, 709-710, 712-713, 715-723, 726-744, 746-763, 765-769, 771-783, 786-789, 791-815, 817-819, 821-829, 831-836, 838-843, 845-859, 866-869, 871-878, 880-902, 904, 906-961, 963-1033, 1036-1068, 1070-1118, 1120-1137, 1139-1213, 1215-1220, 1222-1572, 1574-1774, 1776-1783, 1790, 1792-1795, 1797, 1799-1803, 1805-1838, 1840-1854, 1856-1857, 1859-1969, 1971-1979, 1981-2045, 2048, 2050-2072, 2075-2451, 2453-2532, 2534-2575, 2578-2579, 2581-2590, 2593-2597, 2599-2602, 2604-2727, 2729-2899, 2901-3056, 3058-3102, 3104-3243, 3245-3260, 3262-3640, 3642-3668, 3670-3684, 3686-3703, 3705-3720, 3722-3813, 3815-3840, 3842, 3845, 3847-3862, 3864-4226, 4228-4765, 4767-4900, 4902-4978, 4980-5028, 5030-5323, 5325-6422, 6424-6494, 6496-6698, 6700-7160, 7266-7270, 7276-7285, 7296-7297, 7374-7375, 7377+ -
東京大学 工学部・工学系研究科物計1982-1996P:S1:
363, 371, 422, 460, 475, 485, 514, 671, 718, 798, 868, 880, 881, 883, 884, 902, 924, 928, 934, 949, 975, 979, 985, 1052, 1129, 1211, 1300, 1944, 2315, 2579, 2955 -
東北大学 多元物質科学研究所 図書室1986-1996425.9/1
678, 680, 688-691, 733, 815, 821, 831, 931, 921, 982, 984, 1140, 1160, 1164, 1319, 1739, 2855-2856 -
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