Proceedings of the International Symposia on the Comparative History of Medicine--East and West
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Proceedings of the International Symposia on the Comparative History of Medicine--East and West
Distributed by Maruzen Co., c1986-
- 1st and 2nd (Oct. 22-28, 1976, Oct. 23-29, 1977)-
- Other Title
Proc. Int. Symp. Comp. Hist. Med.--East West
Proceedings of the International Symposium the Comparative History of Medicine--East and West
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Tenth symposium (Sept. 8-15, 1985) published: Tokyo : Ishiyaku EuroAmerica, Inc. , c1990
Proceedings for 1st and 2nd jointly published
Consists of papers of the symposium held under the auspices of the Division of Medical History of the Taniguchi Foundation
Each issue has also a thematic title
Latest issue consulted: 17th (1997)