International library of psychology, philosophy and scientific method
International library of psychology, philosophy and scientific method
Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner
- タイトル別名
The international library of psychology, philosophy and scientific method
Publisher's name changed to: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd
Published in U.S. by Harcourt, Brace & Co
Various publisher: Humanities Press
General editor, C.K. Ogden
- Tractatus logico-philosophicus
by Ludwig Wittgenstein ; with an introduction by Bertrand Russell
Routledge , Redwood Press 1992 International library of psychology,
philosophy and scientific method 所蔵館16館
- Tractatus logico-philosophicus
by Ludwig Wittgenstein ; with an introduction by Bertrand Russell ; [translated from the German by C.K. Ogden]
Routledge 1990 International library of psychology,
philosophy and scientific method : pbk
- Logical investigations
Edmund Husserl
Routledge and K. Paul , Humanities Press 1982 International library of psychology,
philosophy and scientific method v. 1 , v. 2
- Tractatus logico-philosophicus
by Ludwig Wittgenstein ; with an introduction by Bertrand Russell
Routledge & Kegan Paul 1981 International library of psychology,
philosophy and scientific method 所蔵館19館
- Referring
by Leonard Linsky
Humanities Press 1980 International library of psychology,
philosophy and scientific method : pbk
- The mind and its place in nature
C.D. Broad
Routledge & Kegan Paul 1980 International library of psychology,
philosophy and scientific method 所蔵館22館
- Ideology and utopia : an introduction to the sociology of knowledge
by Karl Mannheim ; with a preface by Louis Wirth
Routledge & K. Paul 1979 International library of psychology,
philosophy and scientific method (pbk.)
- Ethics and the history of philosophy : selected essays
by C.D. Broad
Hyperion Press 1979 International library of psychology,
philosophy and scientific method 所蔵館10館
- Political argument
Brian Barry
Routledge & K. Paul [1978, c1965] International library of psychology,
philosophy and scientific method 所蔵館1館
- Foundations : essays in philosophy, logic, mathematics and economics
F.P. Ramsey ; edited by D.H. Mellor ; with introductions by D.H. Mellor ... [et al.]
Routledge & K. Paul 1978 International library of psychology,
philosophy and scientific method 所蔵館34館
- The idea of justice and the problem of argument
By Ch. Perelman ; with an Introd. by H. L. A. Hart ; tr. from the French by John Petrie
Routledge & Kegan Paul 1977, c1963. International library of psychology,
philosophy and scientific method 所蔵館4館
- Plato and Parmenides : Parmenides' Way of Truth and Plato's Parmenides
translated with an introd. and a running commentary by Francis Macdonald Cornford
Routledge and K. Paul [1977] International library of psychology,
philosophy and scientific method 所蔵館18館
- The moral judgement of the child
by Jean Piaget ; translated by Marjorie Gabai
Routledge & Kegan Paul 1975 International library of psychology,
philosophy and scientific method 所蔵館13館
- The mentality of apes
translated from the second revisededition by Ella Winter
Routledge and Kegan Paul 1973 International library of psychology,
philosophy and scientific method 所蔵館8館
- The psychology of religious mysticism
James H. Leuba
Routledge & K. Paul 1972 International library of psychology,
philosophy and scientific method 所蔵館5館
- The metaphysical foundations of modern physical science : a historical and critical essay
by Edwin Arthur Burtt
Routledge 1972 2. ed International library of psychology,
philosophy and scientific method 所蔵館4館
- Historical introduction to modern psychology
Gardner Murphy, Joseph K. Kovach
Routledge and Kegan Paul 1972 6th ed International library of psychology,
philosophy and scientific method 所蔵館19館
- The practice and theory of individual psychology
Alfred Adler
Routledge & Kegan Paul 1971 International library of psychology,
philosophy and scientific method 所蔵館1館
- Plato's cosmology : the Timaeus of Plato translated with a running commentary
by Francis Macdonald Cornford
Routledge 1971 International library of psychology,
philosophy and scientific method 所蔵館37館
- The logical syntax of language
by Rudolf Carnap ; [translated by Amethe Smeaton]
Routledge & K. Paul [1971] International library of psychology,
philosophy and scientific method 所蔵館48館