Mechanisms of inorganic and organometallic reactions


Mechanisms of inorganic and organometallic reactions

edited by M.V. Twigg

Plenum Press, c1983-<c1994 >

  • v. 1
  • v. 2
  • v. 3
  • v. 4
  • v. 5
  • v. 6
  • v. 7
  • v. 8

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 40



Includes bibliographical references and indexes

Indexed selectively by: Chemical abstracts ISSN 0009-2258 1983-



v. 1 ISBN 9780306411427


During recent years a high level of interest has been maintained in the kinetics and mechanisms of inorganic compounds in solution, and there has also been a notable upsurge of literature concerned with reaction mechanisms of organo- transition metal compounds. The reviews of the primary literature previously provided by "Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms" (Royal Society of Chemistry) and "Reaction Mechanisms in Inorganic Chemistry" in "MTP International Re- views of Science" (Butterworths) continue to be of considerable value to those concerned with mechanistic studies, and it is unfortunate they are no longer published. The objective of the present series is to provide a continuing critical review of literature dealing with mechanisms of inorganic and organometallic reactions in solution. The scope of potentially relevant work is very large, particularly in the field of organotransition metal chemistry, and papers for inclusion have been chosen that specifically probe mechanistic aspects, rather than those of a prep- arative nature. This volume covers the literature published during the period July 1979 to December 1980 inclusive. Material is arranged basically by type of reaction and type of compound along generally accepted lines. Numerical data are usually reported in the units used by the original authors, though the units of some results have been converted in order to make comparisons.


1. Electron Transfer Reactions.- 1. General Redox Processes and Reactions between Two Complexes.- 1.1. Introduction.- 1.2. General Background.- 1.2.1. General and Theoretical.- 1.2.2. Theoretical Developments.- 1.2.3. Optical Electron Transfer.- 1.3. Reaction Mechanisms.- 1.3.1. Inner-Sphere and Outer-Sphere Reactions.- 1.3.2. Solvent Effects in Electron Transfer Reactions.- 1.4. Excited State Electron Transfer.- 1.5. Stereoselectivity in Electron Transfer.- 1.6. Metalloprotein Redox Reactions.- 2. Metal-Ion-Ligand Redox Reactions.- 2.1. Introduction.- 2.2. Metal Complexes with Inorganic Substrates.- 2.2.1. Reactions of Hydrazine and Hydroxylamine.- 2.2.2. Reactions of Nitrate and Nitrite.- 2.2.3. Reactions of Thiocyanate.- 2.2.4. Reactions of Dithionite and Thiosulfate.- 2.2.5. Reactions of Iodide.- 2.2.6. Other Reductants.- 2.3. Oxidation of Organic Substrates by Metal Ion Complexes.- 2.3.1. Chromium(VI).- 2.3.2. Vanadium(V).- 2.3.3. Manganese(III) and Manganese(VII).- 2.3.4. Iron(III).- 2.3.5. Thallium(III).- 2.3.6. Iridium(IV).- 2.3.7. Cerium(IV).- 2.3.8. Cobalt(III).- 2.3.9. Bromate.- 2.3.10. Other Oxidizing Agents.- 2.4. Oxidation of Metal Ion Complexes.- 2.4.1. Iron(II).- 2.4.2. Chromium(II).- 2.4.3. Vanadium(II).- 2.4.4. Cobalt(II).- 2.4.5. Other Reductants.- 2.5. Intramolecular Electron Transfer.- 2. Substitution and Related Reactions.- 3. Reactions of Compounds of the Nonmetallic Elements.- 3.1. Introduction.- 3.2. Boron.- 3.3. Group IV Elements.- 3.3.1. Carbon.- 3.3.2. Silicon.- 3.3.3. Germanium.- 3.4. Group V Elements.- 3.4.1. Nitrogen.- 3.4.2. Phosphorus.- 3.4.3. Arsenic.- 3.4.4. Antimony.- 3.5. Group VI Elements.- 3.5.1. Oxygen.- 3.5.2. Sulfur.- 3.5.3. Selenium.- 3.5.4. Tellurium.- 3.6. Group VII Elements.- 3.6.1. Fluorine.- 3.6.2. Chlorine.- 3.6.3. Bromine.- 3.6.4. Iodine.- 4. Substitution Reactions of Inert Metal Complexes- Coordination Numbers 4 and 5.- 4.1. Introduction.- 4.2. Square-Planar Complexes.- 4.2.1. Platinum(II).- 4.2.2. Palladium(II).- 4.2.3. Nickel(II).- 4.2.4. Gold(III).- 4.2.5. Miscellaneous.- 4.2.6. Isomerization.- 4.3. Tetrahedral Complexes.- 4.4. Five-Coordinate Complexes.- 5. Substitution Reactions of Inert Metal Complexes-Coordination Numbers 6 and Above.- 5.1. Introduction.- 5.2. Chromium.- 5.2.1. Introduction.- 5.2.2. Aquation and Solvolysis of Chromium(III) Complexes.- 5.2.3. Formation of Chromium(III) Complexes.- 5.2.4. Chromium(III) Photochemistry.- 5.2.5. Isomerization and Racemization Reactions.- 5.2.6. Base Hydrolysis.- 5.2.7. Solids.- 5.2.8. Other Chromium Oxidation States.- 5.3. Group VII Elements.- 5.3.1. Technetium.- 5.3.2. Rhenium.- 5.4. Iron.- 5.4.1. Pentacyanoferrate(II) Complexes.- 5.4.2. Diimine Complexes.- 5.4.3. Other Low-Spin Iron(II) Complexes.- 5.4.4. Iron(III) Complexes.- 5.5. Ruthenium.- 5.5.1. Ruthenium(II).- 5.5.2. Ruthenium (III).- 5.5.3. Ruthenium(IV).- 5.6. Osmium.- 5.7. Cobalt(III).- 5.7.1. Aquation and Solvolysis.- 5.7.2. Base Hydrolysis and Base Solvolysis.- 5.7.3. Catalyzed Aquation.- 5.7.4. Formation.- 5.7.5. Solvent and Ligand Exchange.- 5.7.6. Racemization and Isomerization.- 5.7.7. Carbonate and Sulfite Complexes.- 5.7.8. Bis(glyoximato) Complexes.- 5.7.9. ?-Dicobalt(III) Complexes.- 5.7.10. Photochemistry.- 5.7.11. Reactions of Coordinated Ligands.- 5.8. Rhodium(III).- 5.8.1. Aquation.- 5.8.2. Base Hydrolysis.- 5.8.3. Catalyzed Aquation.- 5.8.4. Formation.- 5.8.5. Solvent and Ligand Exchange.- 5.8.6. Ring Opening and Closing.- 5.8.7. Isomerization.- 5.8.8. Carbonate and Sulfite Complexes.- 5.8.9. Bis(glyoximato) Complexes.- 5.8.10. Photochemistry.- 5.9. Iridium.- 5.9.1. Iridium(III).- 5.9.2. Iridium(IV).- 5.10. Platinum(IV).- 5.10.1. General.- 5.10.2. Inversion at Coordinated Sulfur and Selenium.- 6. Substitution Reactions of Labile Metal Complexes.- 6.1. Complex Formation Involving Unsubstituted Metal Ions with Unidentate Ligands and Solvent Exchange.- 6.1.1. Univalent Ions.- 6.1.2. Bivalent Ions.- 6.1.3. Ions of Valency 3 and Higher.- 6.2. Complex Formation Involving Unsubstituted Metal Ions and Multidentate Ligands.- 6.2.1. Univalent Ions.- 6.2.2. Bivalent Ions.- 6.2.3. Ions of Valency 3 and Higher.- 6.3. The Effects of Bound Ligands.- 6.3.1. Reactions in Water.- 6.3.2. Reactions in Nonaqueous Solvents.- 3. Reactions of Organometallic Compounds.- 7. Metal-Alkyl Bond Fission and Formation.- 7.1. Introduction.- 7.2. Metal-Alkyl Bond Fission.- 7.3. Miscellaneous Thermal Decompositions.- 7.4. Metal-Alkyl Bond Formation.- 7.5. Transalkylation.- 8. Substitution, Oxidative Addition-Reductive Elimination, and Migration-Insertion Reactions.- 8.1. Introduction.- 8.2. Substitution Reactions.- 8.2.1. Reactions Involving Carbonyls or Carbon Monoxide.- 8.2.2. Reactions Involving Di- or Multihapto Ligands.- 8.3. Oxidative Addition and Reductive Elimination.- 8.4. Migration-Insertion Reactions.- 9. Rearrangements, Intramolecular Exchanges, and Isomerization of Organometallic Compounds.- 9.1. Mononuclear Compounds.- 9.1.1. Isomerizations and Intramolecular Exchanges.- 9.1.2. Simple Ligand Rotation at a Metal Center.- 9.1.3. Ligand Motion Involving Changes in Hapiticity.- 9.1.4. Metal Migration between Different Ligand Sites.- 9.1.5. Hydrogen Migrations Involving Hydrogen Bound to Carbon.- 9.1.6. Alkyl Migration Reactions.- 9.1.7. Intraligand Rotations and Rearrangements.- 9.2. Dinuclear Compounds.- 9.2.1. Migration of CO and Related Ligands.- 9.2.2. Hydrogen Migration Reactions.- 9.2.3. Motion Involving Bridging Organic Ligands.- 9.2.4. Rotation about Metal-Metal Bonds.- 9.3. Cluster Compounds.- 9.3.1. Fluxional Metal Frameworks.- 9.3.2. Migration of CO and Related Ligands.- 9.3.3. Hydrogen Migration Reactions.- 9.3.4. Motion Involving Bridging Organic Ligands.- 10. Reactivity of Coordinated Hydrocarbons.- 10.1. Introduction.- 10.2. Nucleophilic Addition and Substitution.- 10.2.1. ?-Bonded Hydrocarbons.- 10.2.2. ?-Bonded Hydrocarbons.- 10.2.3. Reactions at Side Chains and Exocyclic Carbocations.- 10.2.4. Attack at Carbonyl Ligands.- 10.3. Electrophilic Attack.- 11. Homogeneous Catalysis of Organic Reactions by Complexes of Metal Ions.- 11.1. Introduction.- 11.1.1. Scope of the Review.- 11.1.2. Elementary Steps in Homogeneous Catalysis.- 11.2. Reactions Catalyzed by Carbene Complexes.- 11.2.1. Alkene Metathesis.- 11.2.2. Ring-Opening Polymerization by Metallocarbene Complexes.- 11.3. Hydrogenation.- 11.3.1. Introduction.- 11.3.2. Hydrogenation of Alkenes.- 11.3.3. Asymmetric Hydrogenation.- 11.3.4. Hydrogenation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons.- 11.3.5. Hydrogen Transfer Hydrogenation.- 11.4. Reactions of Carbon Monoxide.- 11.4.1. Hydroformylation.- 11.4.2. Carbonylation of Alcohols.- 11.4.3. The Homogeneous Water Gas Shift Reaction (WGSR).- 11.5. Oxidation.- References.- Author Index.- General Subject Index.

v. 2 ISBN 9780306414046


This series provides a continuing critical review of the literature concerned with mechanistic aspects of inorganic and organometallic reactions in solu­ tion, with coverage over the whole area being complete in each volume. The format of this second volume is very similar to that of the first, with material arranged according to reaction type and compound type along generally accepted lines. Papers discussed are selected on the basis of relevance to the elucidation of reaction mechanisms but may also include results of a nonkinetic nature, such as stereochemical studies and product ratios, when useful mechanistic information can be deduced. In this volume extra space has been given to areas concerned with electron transfer processes and substitution reactions of inert complexes, and to improve convenience for the reader the text has been further divided to form three additional chapters. Electron transfer processes are discussed in three chapters: "General and Theoretical," "Reactions between Two Complexes," and "Metal-Ligand Redox Reactions," while six chapters are concerned with substitution and related reactions. Here reactions of inert chromium and cobalt complexes are discussed in separate chapters. The period of literature coverage is January 1981 through June 1982 inclusive and in a few instances, where delays in delivery of journals have been encountered, the issues not covered will be included in the next volume.


  • 1. Electron Transfer Reactions.- 1. Electron Transfer: General and Theoretical.- 2. Redox Reactions between Metal Complexes.- 3. Metal—Ligand Redox Reactions.- 2. Substitution and Related Reactions.- 4. Reactions of Compounds of the Nonmetallic Elements.- 5. Substitution Reactions of Inert Metal Complexes-Coordination Numbers 4 and.- 6. Substitution Reactions of Inert Metal Complexes—Coordination Numbers 6 and Above: Chromium.- 7. Substitution Reactions of Inert Metal Complexes—Coordination Numbers 6 and Above: Cobalt.- 8. Substitution Reactions of Inert Metal Complexes—Coordination Numbers 6 and Above: Other Inert Centers.- 9. Substitution Reactions of Labile Metal Complexes.- 3 Reactions of Organometallic Compounds.- 10. Substitution and Insertion Reactions of Organometallic Compounds.- 11. Metal-Alkyl Bond Formation and Fission
  • Oxidative Addition and Reductive Elimination.- 12. Reactivity of Coordinated Hydrocarbons.- 13. Rearrangements, Intramolecular Exchanges, and Isomerizations of Organometallic Compounds.- 14. Homogeneous Catalysis of Organic Reactions by Complexes of Metal Ions.- References.- Author Index.

v. 3 ISBN 9780306419607


The purpose of this series is to provide a continuing critical review of the literature concerned with mechanistic aspects of inorganic and organo­ metallic reactions in solution, with coverage being complete in each volume. The papers discussed are selected on the basis of relevance to the elucidation of reaction mechanisms and many include results of a nonkinetic nature when useful mechanistic information can be deduced. The period of literature covered by this volume is July 1982 through December 1983, and in some instances papers not available for inclusion in the previous volume are also included. Numerical results are usually reported in the units used by the original authors, except where data from different papers are com­ pared and conversion to common units is necessary. As in previous volumes material included covers the major areas of redox processes, reactions of the nonmetallic elements, reaction of inert and labile metal complexes and the reactions of organometallic compounds. While maintaining the space devoted to other areas, that given to the nonmetallic elements has been increased. In recognition of the increasing importance of the determination of volumes of activation in understanding the mechanisms of both inorganic and organometallic reactions a special reference section giving tabulated Ll V* values has been included and this extensive compilation will be updated in future volumes.


  • 1. Electron Transfer Reactions.- 1. Electron Transfer: General and Theoretical.- 2. Redox Reactions between Metal Complexes.- 3. Metal-Ligand Redox Reactions.- 2: Substitution and Related Reactions.- 4. Reactions of Compounds of the Nonmetallic Elements.- 5. Substitution Reactions of Inert-Metal Complexes— Coordination Numbers 4 and 5.- 6. Substitution Reactions of Inert-Metal Complexes— Coordination Numbers 6 and Above: Chromium.- 7. Substitution Reactions of Inert-Metal Complexes— Coordination Numbers 6 and Above: Cobalt.- 8. Substitution Reactions of Inert-Metal Complexes— Coordination Numbers 6 and Above: Other Inert Centers.- 9. Substitution Reactions of Labile Metal Complexes.- 3. Reactions of Organometallic Compounds.- 10. Substitution and Insertion Reactions of Organometallic Compounds.- 11. Metal-Alkyl Bond Formation and Fission
  • Oxidative Addition and Reductive Elimination.- 12. Reactivity of Coordinated Hydrocarbons.- 13. Rearrangements, Intramolecular Exchanges, and Isomerization of Organometallic Compounds.- 14. Homogeneous Catalysis of Organic Reactions by Complexes of Metal Ions.- 4. Compilations of Numerical Data.- 15. Volumes of Activation for Inorganic and Organometallic Reactions: A Tabulated Compilation.- References.- Author Index.

v. 4 ISBN 9780306423321


The current volume covers electron transfer reactions, substitution and relation reactions, and reactions of organometallic compounds.

v. 5 ISBN 9780306428418


The current volume covers electron transfer reactions, substitution and relation reactions, and reactions of organometallic compounds.

v. 6 ISBN 9780306432606


This series, Mechanisms of Inorganic and Organometallic Reactions, provides an ongoing critical review of the published literature concerned with the mechanisms of reactions of inorganic and organometallic compounds. Emphasis is on reactions in solution, although solid state and gas phase studies are included where they provide mechanistic insight. The sixth volume deals with papers published during the period January 1987 through June 1988 inclusive, together with some earlier work where it is appropriate to make comparisons. Coverage spans the whole area as comprehensively as practically possible, and the cited references are chosen for their relevance to the elucidation of reaction mechanisms. The now familiar format of earlier volumes has been maintained to facilitate tracing progress in a particular topic over several volumes, but some small changes have been made. Reflecting the a'mount of mechanistic work associated with ligand reactivity, and the growing importance of this area, Chapter 12 has been renamed and enlarged to bring together informa­ tion on both coordination and organometallic systems involving ligand reactions. Numerical data are usually reported in the units used by the original authors, except when making comparisons and conversion to common units is necessary.


  • I. Electron Transfer Reactions.- 1. Electron Transfer: General and Theoretical.- 2. Redox Reactions between Two Metal Complexes.- 3. Metal-Ligand Redox Reactions.- II. Substitutions and Related Reactions.- 4. Reactions of Compounds of the Nonmetallic Elements.- 5. Substitution Reactions of Inert-Metal Complexes-Coordination Numbers 4 and 5.- 6. Substitution Reactions of Inert-Metal Complexes-Coordination Numbers 6 and Above: Chromium.- 7. Substitution Reactions of Inert-Metal Complexes—Coordination Numbers 6 and Above: Cobalt.- 8. Substitution Reactions of Inert—Metal Complexes-Coordination Numbers 6 and Above: Other Inert Centers.- 9. Substitution Reactions of Labile Metal Complexes.- III. Reactions of Organometallic Compounds.- 10. Substitution and Insertion Reactions.- 11. Metal-Alkyl and Metal-Hydride Bond Formation and Fission
  • Oxidative Addition and Reductive Elimination.- 12. Reactivity of Coordinated Ligands.- 13. Rearrangements. Intramolecular Exchanges. and Isomerizations of Organometallic Compounds.- 14. Homogeneous Catalysis of Organic Reactions by Transition Metal Complexes.- IV. Compilations of Numerical Data.- 15. Volumes of Activation for Inorganic and Organometallic Reactions: A Tabulated Compilation.- References.

v. 7 ISBN 9780306437878


Electron T+

v. 8 ISBN 9780306444371


Mechanisms of Inorganic and Organometallic Reactions provides an ongoing critical review of the primary literature concerned with mechanisms of inorganic and organometallic reactions. The main focus is on reactions in solution, although solid-state and gas-phase studies are included where they provide relevant mechanistic insight. Each volume covers an eighteen-month literature period, and this, the eighth volume in the series, includes papers published during January 1990 through June 1991. Where appropriate, references to earlier reports and to specific sections in previous volumes are given. Coverage spans the whole area as comprehensively as possible in each volume, and while it is impossible to be absolutely exhaustive, every effort is made to include all of the important published work that is relevant to the elucidation of reaction mechanisms. Numerical data are reported in the units used by the original authors, and they are converted to common units only when comparisons are being made. The successful format of earlier volumes is retained to facilitate tracing progress over several years in a particular topic, and the series now permits this to be done for a twelve-year period. The introduction three volumes ago of computerized techniques to improve cross-referencing in the Index brought positive reader comments, and their use is being continued.


  • Electron Transfer Reactions: Electron Transfer
  • J.F. Endicott, et al. Redox Reactions Between Two Metal Complexes
  • D.H. Macartney. Metal-Ligand Redox Reactions
  • R.M.L. Warren, A.G. Lappin. Substitution and Related Reactions: Reactions of Compounds of the Nonmetallic Elements
  • G. Steadman. Ligand Exchange Reactions of Inert-Metal Complexes-Coordination Numbers 4 and 5
  • R.J. Cross. Substitution Reactions of Inert-Metal Complexes-Coordination Numbers 6 and Above: Chromium
  • D.A. House. Substitution Reactions of Inert-Metal Complexes-Coordination Numbers 6 and Above: Cobalt
  • R.W. Hay. Substitution Reactions of Inert-Metal Complexes-Coordination Numbers 6 and Above: Other Inert Centers
  • J. Burgess. Substitution Reactions of Labile Metal Complexes
  • P.A. Tregloan. Reactions of Organometallic Compounds: Substitution and Insertion Reactions
  • A.J. Poe. Metal-Alkyl and Metal-Hydride Bond Formation and Fission
  • Oxidative Addition
  • and Reductive Elimination
  • R.D. Pike. 4 additional articles. Index.

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