The enigma of Piero : Piero della Francesca : the Baptism, the Arezzo cycle, the Flagellation
Bibliographic Information
The enigma of Piero : Piero della Francesca : the Baptism, the Arezzo cycle, the Flagellation
Verso, 1985
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Indagini su Piero
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Indagini su Piero
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Includes biblobraphies and index
Description and Table of Contents
Sifting the available evidence, Carlo Ginzburg builds up a vivid portrait of Piero della Francesca's patrons and convincingly explains the contemporary intrigues resonant in his paintings. This new edition includes additional material by Ginzburg dealing with the work of Roberto Longhi, the dating of the Arezzo Cycle and the rediscovery of della Francesca in the 20th century.
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