The commonwealth and international library of science, technology, engineering and liberal studies
The commonwealth and international library of science, technology, engineering and liberal studies
Pergamon Press , Macmillan
- タイトル別名
The commonwealth and international library of science, technology, engineering
The commonwealth and international library of science, technology and engineering
The commonwealth and international library
Commonwealth and international library
The American and international library of science, technology, engineering and liberal studies
- Educreation : education for creation, growth and change : the concept, general implications and specific applications to schools of architecture, environmental design or ekistics
by Paul Ritter
Pergamon Press 1978 2nd ed The commonwealth and international library of science,
technology, engineering and liberal studies 所蔵館3館
- El condenado por desconfiado : a play attributed to Tirso de Molina (Fray Gabriel Téllez)
edited with introduction and notes by Daniel Rogers
Pergamon Press c1974 The commonwealth and international library of science,
technology, engineering and liberal studies . Pergamon Oxford Spanish division 所蔵館1館
- Meat science
by R.A. Lawrie
Pergamon Press c1974 2nd ed The commonwealth and international library of science,
technology, engineering and liberal studies . Food science and technology : flexicover
- Bilingual guide to business and professional correspondence, German-English = Zweisprachen-Briefsteller für das Geschäft und den Beruf, Englisch-Deutsch
Joseph Harvard
Pergamon 1973 The commonwealth and international library of science,
technology, engineering and liberal studies . Pergamon Oxford English bilingual series ; vol. 2 : pbk
- Marketing technological products to industry
by Roy W. Hill
Pergamon Press [1973] [1st ed.] The commonwealth and international library of science,
technology, engineering and liberal studies . Essentials of marketing series 所蔵館10館
- Solid-state circuits
by G.J. Pridham
Pergamon Press c1973 The commonwealth and international library of science,
technology, engineering and liberal studies . Electrical engineering division : pbk
- Government in Spain : the executive at work
by Kenneth N. Medhurst
Pergamon Press [1973] [1st ed.] Governments of Western Europe , The commonwealth and international library of science,
technology, engineering and liberal studies 所蔵館7館
- Services for children and their families : aspects of child care for social workers
edited by John Stroud
Pergamon Press 1973 The commonwealth and international library of science,
technology, engineering and liberal studies . Social work division : hard , : pbk
- Benjamin Franklin : New World physicist
by Raymond J. Seeger
Pergamon Press c1973 The commonwealth and international library of science,
technology, engineering and liberal studies . Selected readings in physics . Men of physics 所蔵館12館
- An introduction to real analysis
by Derek G. Ball
Pergamon Press [1973] [1st ed.] The commonwealth and international library of science,
technology, engineering and liberal studies Mathematical topics pbk.
- Engineering field theory
A.J. Baden Fuller
Pergamon Press c1973 The commonwealth and international library of science,
technology, engineering and liberal studies . Applied electricity and electronics division : pbk
- The comprehensive school : guidelines for the reorganization of secondary education
by Elizabeth Halsall
Pergamon Press 1973 The commonwealth and international library of science,
technology, engineering and liberal studies . Education and educational research division : pbk
- General theory of relativity
by C.W. Kilmister
Pergamon Press [1973] [1st ed.] The commonwealth and international library of science,
technology, engineering and liberal studies . Selected readings in physics : pbk
- Basic farm machinery
by J.M. Shippen and J.C. Turner
Pergamon Press c1973 2nd ed The commonwealth and international library of science,
technology, engineering and liberal studies 所蔵館5館
- Industrial gases
Norman Booth
Pergamon Press 1973 The commonwealth and international library of science,
technology, engineering and liberal studies Chemical industry 所蔵館1館
- How to find out about children's literature
by Alec Ellis
Pergamon Press 1973 3rd ed The commonwealth and international library of science,
technology, engineering and liberal studies Libraries and technical information division 所蔵館30館
- Julius Robert Mayer, prophet of energy
by Robert Bruce Lindsay
Pergamon Press c1973 The commonwealth and international library of science,
technology, engineering and liberal studies . Selected readings in physics . Men of physics 所蔵館11館
- Complex variables
by H. R. Chillingworth
Pergamon Press [1973] [1st ed.] The commonwealth and international library of science,
technology, engineering and liberal studies mathematical topics. pbk
- Elements of human and social geography : some anthropological perspectives
Eric Sunderland
Pergamon Press 1973 1st ed The commonwealth and international library of science,
technology, engineering and liberal studies , Pergamon Oxford geographies : flexicover
- Landscape and buildings
by Kenneth Lindley
Pergamon Press 1972 1st ed Appreciation of architecture , The commonwealth and international library of science,
technology, engineering and liberal studies . Painting, sculpture, and fine arts division 所蔵館1館