Introduction to congestion theory in telephone systems


Introduction to congestion theory in telephone systems

Ryszard Syski ; foreword by Sir Thomas Eades

(Studies in telecommunication, v. 4)

North-Holland, 1986

2nd ed.


Congestion theory


Includes index



This book is a completely revised edition of a classical work, and its aim is to present the study of stochastic processes describing the passage of telephone traffic through a switching system, and to introduce to telephone engineers the recent mathematical developments in the general Congestion Theory applicable to telephone traffic. The book forms a survey of selected theories and methods, which have been chosen in such a way as to give it a uniform logical structure based on the fundamental principles of the Theory of Stochastic Processes. This is essentially a text for engineers, and the mathematical rigour is often sacrificed for the benefit of simplicity and clarity. The result is a simplified but sufficiently general account of the most important theoretical results of Congestion Theory, and a presentation of Queueing Theory in its early development. Finally, a completely new chapter (Chapter 11) covers the author's work on Markovian Queues, indicating connections with probabilistic Potential Theory.


Foreword. Preface. Chapters: 1. Introduction. 2. Telephone Systems. 3. Probability Theory. 4. Traffic Characteristics. 5. Loss Systems. 6. Waiting Systems. 7. Limited Availability. 8. Link Systems. 9. Special Systems. 10. Exchange Problems. 11. Markovian Queues. Mathematical Appendix. References. Name Index. Subject Index.

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