Practical physics
Practical physics
Cambridge University Press, 1985
3rd ed
- Hard covers
- paperback
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全11件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Bibliography: p. [207]-209
Includes index
- 巻冊次
Hard covers ISBN 9780521249522
This book sets out to demonstrate the critical approach that physics students should take towards all experimental work. The present edition retains the basic outlook of earlier editions, but modifications have been made in response to important changes in computational and experimental methods in the past decade. The text is in three parts. The first deals with the statistical treatment of data, the second with the experimental methods,, and finally, there is a section dealing with keeping efficient records, accuracy in arithmetic and how to write up the experiment. The book is liberally sprinkled throughout with examples and exercises.
- 巻冊次
paperback ISBN 9780521270953
This book sets out to demonstrate the purpose and critical approach that should be made to all experimental work in physics. It does not describe a systematic course in practical work. The present edition retains the basic outlook of earlier editions, but modifications have been made in response to important changes in computational and experimental methods in the past decade. The text is in three parts. The first deals with the statistical treatment of data, and here the text has been extensively revised to take account of the now widespread use of electronic calculators. The second deals with experimental methods, giving details of particular experiments that demonstrate the art and craft of the experimenter. The third part deals with such essential matters as keeping efficient records, accuracy in arithmetic, and writing good, scientific English.
- Preface to the third edition
- Preface to the first edition
- 1. The object of practical physics
- Part I. Statistical Treatment of Data: 2. Introduction to errors
- 3. Treatment of a single variable
- 4. Further topics in statistical theory
- 5. Common sense in errors
- Part II. Experimental Methods: 6. Some laboratory instruments and methods
- 7. An analysis of some experiments
- 8. Experimental logic
- 9. Common sense in experiments
- Part III. Record and Calculations: 10. Record of the experiment
- 11. Graphs
- 12. Arithmetic
- 13. Writing a paper
- Appendices
- Solutions to exercises
- Some useful books
- References
- Index.
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