Einstein as myth and muse


Einstein as myth and muse

Alan J. Friedman and Carol C. Donley

Cambridge University Press, 1985

  • : pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 21



Includes index



In this book a scientist and a literary critic combine their talents in order to assess the impact of the revolution in physical theory on literature. How did quantum theory and the general theory of relativity influence creative writers in the first half of this century? Beyond the community of scientists there was and still is much misunderstanding of Einstein and his achievements. Friedman and Donley review the impact of his theories on major contemporary writers, and particularly how writers have viewed the material (or 'real') world since the 1920s. The central thesis is that modern science does indeed have a deep influence on other aspects of culture, even those far removed, such as serious literature.


  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • 1. The popularization of the new physical ideas
  • 2. Newtonian mechanics and literary responses
  • 3. Einstein's revolution
  • 4. Einstein becomes a muse
  • 5. The second revolution
  • 6. A myth portrayed.

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