Publications mathématiques
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Publications mathématiques
Institut des hautes études scientifiques
- Other Title
Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS
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No. 14(1962)-, place of publication changes: Bures-sur-Yvette (S.-et.-O.)
No. 68: L'Institut des hautes études scientifiques et la rédaction des publications mathématiques dédient ce numéro à René Thom
Publishers vary: Presses Universitaires de France, Springer-Verlag
Related Books: 1-20 of 127
Riemannian hyperbolization . Covariantly functorial wrapped Floer theory on Liouville sectors . Quasimap wall-crossings and mirror symmetry . Discrete series multiplicities for classical groups over Z and level 1 algebraic cusp forms
by Pedro Ontaneda . by Sheel Ganatra, John Pardon, and Vivek Shende . by Ionuţ Ciocan-Fontanine and Bumsig Kim . by Gaëtan Chenevier and Olivier Taïbi
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no. 131
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E[2]-cells and mapping class groups . The period-index problem for real surfaces . Polyakov's formulation of 2d bosonic string theory . Separation for the stationary Prandtl equation . A local model for the trianguline variety and applications
by Søren Galatius, Alexander Kupers, and Oscar Randal-Williams . by Olivier Benoist . by Colin Guillarmou, Rémi Rhodes, and Vincent Vargas . by Anne-Laure Dalibard and Nader Masmoudi . by Christophe Breuil, Eugen Hellmann, and Benjamin Schraen
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no. 130
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Foliations with positive slopes and birational stability of orbifold cotangent bundles . Fourier interpolation on the real line . Joinings of higher rank torus actions on homogeneous spaces . Categorical actions on unipotent representations of finite unitary groups . Topological Hochschild homology and integral ρ-adic Hodge theory
by Frédéric Campana and Mihai Păun . by Danylo Radchenko and Maryna Viazovska . by Manfred Einsiedler and Elon Lindenstrauss . by O. Dudas, M. Varagnolo, and E. Vasserot . by Bhargav Bhatt, Matthew Morrow, and Peter Scholze
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no. 129
Available at 6 libraries
Measure concentration and the weak Pinsker property . Integral models of Shimura varieties with parahoric level structure . Integral p-adic Hodge theory
by Tim Austin . by M. Kisin, G. Pappas . by Bhargav Bhatt, Matthew Morrow, Peter Scholze
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no. 128
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Le lemme d'Abhyankar perfectoide ; La conjecture du facteur direct . Invariant and stationary measures for the SL(2, R) action on moduli space
par Yves André . by Alex Eskin and Maryam Mirzakhani
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no. 127
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Gaussian asymptotics of discrete β-ensembles . Geometric presentations of Lie groups and their Dehn functions . Double ramification cycles on the moduli spaces of curves . Meromorphic tensor equivalence for Yangians and quantum loop algebras
by Alexei Borodin, Vadim Gorin, and Alice Guionnet . by Yves Cornulier and Romain Tessera . by F. Janda ... [et al.] . by Sachin Gautam and Valerio Toledano Laredo
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no 125
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Teichmüller curves in genus three and just likely intersections in G[n][m] × G[n][a] . Relative Stanley-Reisner theory and Upper Bound Theorems for Minkowski sums . On the Fukaya category of a Fano hypersurface in projective space . Diffeomorphisms with positive metric entropy
by Matt Bainbridge, Philipp Habegger, and Martin Möller . by Karim A. Adiprasito and Raman Sanyal . by Nick Sheridan . by A. Avila, S. Crovisier, and A. Wilkinson
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no 124
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A category of kernels for equivariant factorizations and its implications for Hodge theory . Affine Mirković-Vilonen polytopes . Sum of Lyapunov exponents of the Hodge bundle with respect to the Teichmüller geodesic flow . The space of metrics of positive scalar curvature
by Matthew Ballard, David Favero, and Ludmil Katzarkov . by Pierre Baumann, Joel Kamnitzer, and Peter Tingley . by Alex Eskin, Maxim Kontsevich, Anton Zorich . by Bernhard Hanke, Thomas Schick, and Wolfgang Steimle
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no 120
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Nonlinear spectral calculus and super-expanders . K- and L-theory of group rings over GL n (Z) . Landau-Ginzburg/Calabi-Yau correspondence, global mirror symmetry and Orlov equivalence . On the inverse spectral problem for the quasi-periodic Schrödinger equation
by Manor Mendel and Assaf Naor . by Arthur Bartels ... [et al.] . by Alessandro Chiodo, Hiroshi Iritani, and Yongbin Ruan . by David Damanik and Michael Goldstein
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no 119
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The image of Colmez's Montreal functor . Virtually free pro-[p] groups . Cherednik algebras, W-algebras and the equivariant cohomology of the moduli space of instantons on A[2]
by Vytautas Paškūnas . by Wolfgang Herfort and Pavel Zalesskii . by Olivier Schiffmann and Eric Vasserot
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no 118
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Ramification theory for varieties over a local field . A variational approach to complex monge-ampère equations . Constant mean curvature surfaces in warped product manifolds . Shifted symplectic structures . Geometric phantom categories
by Kazuya Kato and Takeshi Saito . by Robert J. Berman ... [et al.] . by Simon Brendle . by Tony Pantev ... [et al.] . by Sergey Gorchinskiy and Dmitri Orlov
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no 117
Available at 14 libraries
Simply-laced isomonodromy systems . On the functions counting walks with small steps in the quarter plane . The structure of approximate groups . On stably free modules over affine algebras . Perfectoid spaces
by Philip Boalch . by Irina Kurkova and Kilian Raschel . by Emmanuel Breuillard, Ben Green, and Terence Tao . by J. Fasel, R.A. Rao, and R.G. Swan . by Peter Scholze
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no. 116
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Families of rationally simply connected varieties over surfaces and torsors for semisimple groups . Differential forms on log canonical spaces . The full renormalization horseshoe for unimodal maps of higher degree : exponential contraction along hybrid classes
by A.J. de Jong, Xuhua He, and Jason Michael Starr . by Daniel Greb, Stefan Kebekus, Sándor J. Kovács, and Thomas Peternell . by Arthur Avila and Mikhail Lyubich
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no 114
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Flat forms, bi-Lipschitz parametrizations, and smoothability of manifolds . Stability and absence of binding for multi-polaron systems . Exponential rarefaction of real curves with many components . Khovanov homology is an unknot-detector
by Juha Heinonen and Stephen Keith . by Rupert L. Frank, Elliott H. Lieb, Robert Seiringer, and Lawrence E. Thomas . by Damien Gayet and Jean-Yves Welschinger . by P.B. Kronheimer and T.S. Mrowka
Institut des hautes études scientifiques , Springer
Publications mathématiques
no. 113
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