
Molecular bases of neural development

edited by Gerald M. Edelman, W. Einar Gall, W. Maxwell Cowan

John wiely, c1985

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



"A Neurosciences Institute publication."

Includes bibliographies and index



Emphasizing cellular interactions at the molecular level, this volume presents work on the embryological development of the nervous system. It contains sections on primary processes in early development, on the role of glia and cell migration in the central nervous system and in the periphery, of the formation of neurites and synapses, the development of the retinotectal map, and molecular genetic approaches to analysis of neural development. Included are examples from both vertebrate and invertebrate development, and experimental results on the complex pattern of temporal and spatial interactions that give rise to the adult nervous system.


  • Early Development: Cell Surface Molecules and Substrates
  • Glial Development and Neuronal Guidance
  • The Neural Crest and Development of the Periphery
  • Formation of Neurites and Synapses
  • Map Formation in the Retinotectal System
  • Gene Expression, Primary Processes and Behaviour.

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