
Advances in forensic haemogenetics

edited by B. Brinkmann and K. Hennigsen

Springer, 1986-

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大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



vol. l:11th Congress of the Society for Forensic Haemogenetics (Gesellschaft fur forendische Blutgruppenkunde) Copenhagen, August 6-10 1985

vol. 2:12th Congress of the Society for Forensic Haemogenetics (Gesellschaft fur forendische Blutgruppenkunde e. V.) Vienna, August 26-29 1987

vol. 3:13th Congress of the International Society for Forensic Haemogenetics (Internationale Gesellschaft für forensische Hämogenetik e. V.) New Orleans, Ocatober 19-21, 1989

Editors of vol. 3:H. F. Polesky and W. R. Mayr

vol. 4:14th Congress of the International Society for Forensic Haemogenetics (Internationale Gessellschaft für forensische Hämogenetik e. V.) Mainz, September 18-21, 1991

Editors of vol. 4:C. Rittner and P. M. Schneider

vol.5:15th Congress of the International Society for Forensic Haemogenetics (Internationale Gesellschaft für forensische Hämogenetik e.V.) Venezia, 13-15 October 1993

Editors of vol. 5:W. Bär, A. Fiori and U. Rossi

Includes bibliographical references and index



1 ISBN 9783540165002


For the first time, the proceedings of our biennial congress of the Society for Forensic Haemogenetics will be published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York. The different areas of research now include cellu- lar allotypes, i. e. not only the traditional red cell antigens, but also those of white cells and platelets. Plasma isoproteins and intracellular isoenzy- mes, DNA polymorphisms (restriction length fragment and banding), and biostatistics are further topics in our Society. They also deserve our special attention in the future. The practical applications comprise paren- tage testing, stain analysis, population genetics, molecular biology and other immunogenetic aspects. The 11th Congress in Copenhagen was an excellent opportunity to pre- sent our broad spectrum of scientific activities at an international forum. Among the many outstanding lectures from different parts of the world, D. A. Hopkinson's contribution on genetic variation of human enzymes and H. Matsumoto's lecture on immunoglobulin allotypes in China should be mentioned here and also L. Bolund's communication on DNA. An optimal exchange of scientific information was achieved by the arrangement of main lectures, poster sessions and workshops. The Con- gress president Dr. Klavs Henningsen deserves our special thanks for his efforts in the excellent organization of this congress.


  • I. Blood Cell Allotypes.- Erythrocytes.- Serological and Biochemical Investigations on the N. E. Variety of the Dantu Red Cell Phenotype.- Monoclonal Antibodies Against M and N Antigens.- A Rapid Screening Assay for Blood Group Specificity of Monoclonal Antibodies Using the Microtiter Plate System.- Lymphocytes.- The HLA System: Biological Function and Association with Disease.- The HLA System in Forensic Practice.- Amniotic Fluid Cell and Chorionic Villi Culture for Prenatal HLA-Determination.- Prenatal HLA-Determination.- The Influence of HLA Class II Antibodies on HTLV-III ("AIDS") Antibody ELISA Results.- II. Proteins and Enzymes.- Review Articles and Mixed Topics.- Recent Research on Genetic Regulation and Function of Some Serum Proteins.- Current Research on Enzyme Polymorphism.- Fluorescent Stains in Protein Detection on Immunoblots.- Determination of Red Cell Isoenzyme Groups of the Phosphoglycolate Phosphatase (PGP) and the Properdin Groups (Bf) in Stored Samples of Blood, Hemolysate and Serum Under Various Conditions.- The Isoenzymes AcP, EsD, and PGM1 in Human Inner Ear Fluid.- Complement System.- Polymorphism of C4 with Special Reference to the Serological Determinants, Rodgers and Chido.- Genetic Polymorphisms of Human Complement Components in Japanese and Their Application to Parentage Testing.- Isoelectric Focusing in the Study of the Bf System: Existence of Two Common Subtypes of the BfF Allele in Japanese and Italian Populations.- Investigations on the C8 System by Immunofixation Isoelectrofocusing.- A Silent Allele of Properdin Factor B Polymorphism (BF*QO) in Five Family Members.- Alpha-1 -Antitrypsin.- PI M5: An Additional Alpha-l-Antitrypsin PI M Subtype Revealed by IEF with Immobilized pH Gradients.- Alpha-l-Antitrypsin (Pi) Polymorphism. Improved Pi-M-Subtyping by PAGIF with Immobilized Gradients.- Improved Diagnosis of Antitrypsin Subtypes by Ultranarrow Immobilized pH Gradients.- Tf-System.- Observations on the Use of Isoelectric Focusing for Subtyping in the Transferrin (Tf) System.- Determination of Transferrin (Tf) and Group-Specific Component (Gc) Subtypes on a Single Polyacrylamide Gel with an Immobilized pH Gradient.- Separator Isoelectrofocusing: The Influence of Biological Buffers on the IEF Patterns of Transferrins.- Acid Phosphatase (ACP).- Characterization of the Phosphotransferase Activity of Red Cell Acid Phosphatase (ACP1).- Red Cell Acid Phosphatase: Only Two Different Enzymes - the "Slow" and the "Fast" Enzyme - Determine Different Biochemical Properties of the Six Common Phenotypes.- ACP1*K, ein neues Allel im System der sauren ErythrozytenPhosphatase.- Diverse Topics.- Subtyping of Haptoglobin.- Simple Method for Haptoglobin Subtyping.- Genetic FXIIIB-Variants Demonstrated by Isoelectric Focusing on Agarose Gels.- F13B*10, ein neues Allel im System der Untereinheit B des Gerinnungsfaktors 13.- Structural Studies of Another Human IgG3 Myeloma Protein (Kam) Carrying the Allotypic Markers Gm (s,t) and its Alteration Induced by Chemical Modification.- Monoclonal Antibodies to Immunoglobulin Allotypes: Specificity and Reactivity in Haemagglutination and ELISA Techniques.- Orosomucoid Polymorphism: Determination by Separator Isoelectric Focusing and Demonstration of ORM*F Subtypes.- Alpha-2-HS Glycoprotein Polymorphismus.- Genetic Study of Red Cell Esterase D Polymorphism by Isoelectric Focusing.- Electrophoretic "Subtyping" of Rare ESD Variants.- Application of the Polymorphism of Phosphoglycolate Phosphatase in Forensic Medicine.- Incompatible Mother-Child Pairs Found in the PGM1 System.- Salivary Protein Variation in Macaque Monkeys.- III. DNA and Chromosomes.- Recent Research on Human DNA-Polymorphism.- Application of DNA Polymorphisms to the Determination of Paternity.- Chromosome Polymorphisms in Legal Paternity Cases.- IV. Population Genetics.- HLA-System.- Estimation of HLA Haplotype Frequencies in National or Regional Populations.- The Frequencies of HLA-D Antigens in the Population of SerboCroatia.- Multiple-System Studies.- Blood Groups, Haptoglobins, Gc, and Red Cell Isoenzymes - a Population Genetics Study of the Jordanian Arabs.- Population Genetic Studies on Asmat (Irian-Jaya Indonesia).- Study of the Polymorphic Variants of AcP, PGM1 and GLO in the Population of Barcelona (Spain).- Polymorphisms in Leucocytes: Population Data on Malic Enzyme and Alpha-L-Fucosidase.- Frequency and Distribution of Pi, Gc, Tf and PLG Subtypes by Isoelectric Focusing in Barcelona.- Serum Genetic Markers in Sardinia II. Gc and PI in Cagliari and Nuoro.- Isoelectric Focusing of Gc, Tf and Pi Subtypes in a Northern Italian Population.- Single System Studies.- On the Variability of Gc-Subtypes in India.- Distribution of Gc Subtypes in Four Albanian and Three Serbo-Croatian Communities of Molise, Italy.- Coagulation Factor 13B Polymorphism in Sweden.- Gene Frequency Distribution of F13A and F13B in U.S.Whites, Blacks, Amerindians and Mexican-Americans.- Distribution of Bf and C3 Types in Tuscany (Italy).- Genetic Polymorphism of Human Complement Component C81 in the Japanese Population.- The Polymorphism of Plasminogen (PLG) in the Population of Veneto (Italy) by Isoelectric Focusing.- Genetic Polymorphism of Plasminogen in the Swiss Population.- Polymorphism of Serum Orosomucoid. Family and Population Studies in Galicia.- PGM1 Polymorphism in the Population of Ancona by Isoelectric Focusing.- Supplement to the Observed Arrangement of Blood Groups "ABO" in Maribor, Slovenia and the Republics and Provinces of Yugoslavia.- Distribution of Gm and Km Allotypes Among the Five Populations in the People's Republic of China.- V. Stains.- Methodological and Biochemical Aspects.- A Comparative Study of the Citrate and Lactate Concentrations in Stains from Semen, Vaginal Secretion and Mixtures of the Two Using Isotachophoresis.- Experimental Study on Detectability of Some Chosen Enzymes in Blood Stains.- ABO- and Lewis-System.- The Effect of Periodontal Disease on the Reliability of Grouping Saliva Stains in the ABO System. A Comparison of Polyclonal Antisera and Monoclonal Antibodies.- The Distribution of ABH-Bloodgroup Substance in Seminal Stains.- An ELISA Method for Detecting Lewis Antigens in Body Fluids.- Identification of ABH Blood Group Specific Substances from Latent Fingerprints.- Preliminary Investigations Into the Detection of the Antigens in Group AB Blood and Saliva Stains.- Immunohistochemical Detection of ABH-Antigens in Human Saliva.- Blood Group Investigations on Fetal Tissue.- A, B, H- and Lewis Grouping of Body Secretions from a Common Stain Extract.- Demonstration of Blood Group A and B Antigens in Human Tissue Using an Immunoperoxidase Staining Method.- Diverse Topics.- Application of DNA Polymorphisms to the Forensic Examination of Dried Blood Stains.- Application of DNA Polymorphisms to the Forensic Examination of Semen.- PGM Activity of Saliva and its Forensic Significance.- Extending the Detectability of Phosphoglucomutase in Old Bloodstains and Seminal Stains by Immunofixation with Anti-Human PGM: A Preliminary Report.- Investigations on PGM Activity and Electrophoretic Patterns from Ejaculates and Seminal Stains.- Isoelectric Focusing of Gc Subtypes on Reuseable Immobilized pH-Gradient Gels Followed by Detection with Antibody Conjugated Alkaline Phosphatase.- Practicability of Simultaneous Gc and Tf Subtyping in Blood Stains.- Advantages of Enzyme Immuno Assay After Blotting in Blood Stain Grouping. Application to the Gc Subtypes.- The Usefulness of Km(3) Typing in Bloodstains.- IgD Concentration: A Marker in Bloodstain Analysis.- Forensic Applications of Human Body Fluid Esterases.- Application of Immunoblotting to Serum Protein Phenotyping with Reference to ?2HS-Glycoprotein (AHS) Typing of Bloodstains.- Bf Typing in Blood Stains by Isoelectric Focusing.- VI. Paternity, Biostatistics and Quality Assurance.- Paternity.- Efficiency in Disputed Paternity Cases of a New Category of Markers: Chromosome Variants.- Parentage Testing for the Determination of Sibship.- Types of Exclusion and Efficiency Criteria for Paternity Testings.- Apparent Exclusion of Maternity by Both Duffy and Kidd.- Abnormal Haematological Characteristics in Disputed Paternity.- Interrepublic and International Regulation of Paternity and Maternity in Yugoslav Socialist Law.- Probability of Exclusion (PE) of the HLA-A, B System in North American Whites and Blacks.- Chance of Excluding Paternity by HLA in Men Not Excluded by Other Systems.- Genetical Identification of "Missing" Children in Argentina.- Biostatistics.- Biostatistical Evaluation of Paternity.- The ESSEN-MOELLER Method.- Paternity Index (PI).- The Standardized Paternity Index for the Statistical Evaluation of Blood Group Findings in Paternity Testing.- The Individual Exclusion Chance.- Statistical Considerations to the Methods Used in Paternity Testing.- Legal Considerations.- Serotype Frequencies in Different Human Populations
  • Racial Composition of Individuals
  • Statistical Evaluation with a Frequency Mix.- Advantages of the Exclusion Probability in the Biostatistics of Blood Group Opinions?.- Quality Assurance.- Professional Responsibility: Development and Enforcement of Standards Within United States Crime Laboratories for the Genetic Marker Typing of Physiological Stain Evidence.- Panel Discussion: Quality Assurance.

2 ISBN 9783540187653


Publication of papers presented at the 12th International Meeting for Forensic Haemogentics Wien 1987. Topics covered included: Formal genetics, population genetics, biochemistry and serology of nearly all hereditary blood group poly- morphisms. Also several reviews of e.g. enzyme polymor- phisms; problems and aspects of the application for paternity testing; extensive articles on forensic stain information with numerous new methods and description of artifacts; polymorphisms in body fluids; quality control methods; use of biostatistics in forensic haemogentics.


  • I. Alloantigens.- Alloantigens on Red Blood Cells.- Biochemistry of Red Blood Cell Antigens: Carbohydrate Antigens.- Alloantigens of Proteins and Glycoproteins in Membranes of Human Red Blood Cells.- Studies on the Landsteiner's Model.- Biochemical Characterization of Class VII and VIII Cells within the Miltenberger System.- Flow Cytometry: An Alternative Quantitative Method to Determine Antigen Zygosity and Its Application to Paternity Testing.- Application of Lectins in Forensic Serology: A Simple Practical Method to Establish Source of Blood.- Testierungsresultate einiger seltener Blutgruppen.- ABO Incompatibility, Immunocytochemical Findings in Hemolytic Transfusion Reactions.- Alloantigens on White Blood Cells.- Alloantigens on Leukocytes and Platelets: Biochemistry (Abstract).- HLA Polymorphisms in Southern African Populations.- Erfahrungen mit der HLA-DR-Typisierung in der Vaterschaftsserologie.- Serology as a Tool for Identification of Dead Bodies.- Personal Identification by HLA Typing of Cultured Fibroblast Derived from Cadaveric Tissues.- Alloantigens on Plasma Proteins.- Polymorphisms of Immunoglobulins: Gm, Am and Km Typing.- Investigations into the Inheritance of Serum IgD Concentration.- II. Electrophoretic Polymorphisms.- Red Cell Enzymes.- Isoenzyme.- Human Red Cell Acid Phosphatase (ACP1): Evidence for Differences in the Primary Structure of the Two Isozymes Expressed by Each Allele.- ACP1 Polymorphism: Five New Variants Detected by Multiple Electrophoretic Methods.- Discrepancy Between Gene and Protein Products Within the PGM1, System Shown by Improved Resolution on Immobiline Gels.- On the Significance of Isolated Exclusions in the PGM1 Subtype System.- Phenotyping Adenosine Deaminase Using Ultra-Thin Isoelectric Focusing.- PGD Duisburg: A New Variant of 6-Phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase.- A New Variant of Galactose-1-Phosphate-Uridyltransferase (Gt Oron).- Frequencies of the Red Cell Uridine-5-Monophosphate Kinase Groups (UMPK), E.C., in Schleswig Holstein.- Incidence of Rare Variants Among Serum Proteins and RBC Enzymes in US Whites and Blacks.- Proteins in Plasma and Urine.- Genetic Polymorphisms of Complement Components and Other Plasma Proteins.- C3-Subtypes Demonstrated by "Home-Made Immobiline" Generated Immobilized pH Gradients and Immunoblotting, Frequency Analysis for Hannover and Lower Saxony, FRG (Abstract).- Verbesserte C4-Typisierung durch IAGE Neuraminidase- und Carboxy-Peptidase B-behandelter EDTA-Plasmen.- Die Darstellung der humanen C6-Allotypen durch IAGIEF.- Subtyping of Factor B by Agarose Gel Electrophoresis.- Haptoglobin (Hp) Subtypes in the German Rhine-Ruhr Area.- Patterns and Frequencies of Common and Rare Hp ?-Chain Variants.- Subtyping of Hp: Common and Rare Phenotypes.- The Distribution of Hp Subtypes in Sweden.- Studies into Structure and Inheritance of the Genetical Hp Ca-Variant.- Classification of Alphal Antitrypsin Phenotypes by HighResolution Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis (2-D PAGE).- Characterization of Transferrin Subtypes by Hybrid IEF on Ultrathin Polyacrylamide Layers.- Tf, Pi and Gc Variants: A Study by Isoelectric Focusing with Immobilized pH Gradients.- Agarose Isoelectric Focusing for Classification of Plasminogen-Variants.- Improved FXIIIB-Phenotyping by Isoelectric Focusing with Immobilized pH-Gradients.- Orosomucoid (ORM) Subtyping: Application to Paternity Testing.- Improved Diagnosis of Orosomucoid (ORM) Phenotypes by Isoelectric Focusing in Immobilized pH Gradients. Comparison With Other Phenotyping Methods.- Genetic Study of Serum Orosomucoid (ORM) Polymorphism by Ultrathin Layer Isoelectric Focusing.- Polymorphism of Orosomucoid (ORM), Formal Genetics and Population Data.- ?2-HS-Glycoprotein: Improved Phenotyping by Focusing in an Immobilized pH-Gradient. Allele Frequencies in a South German Population Sample and Linkage Data from a Large Pedigree.- Polymorphism of AHS-Glycoprotein: Comparison of Different IEF and Detection Techniques.- Genetic Polymorphism of Urinary Pepsinogen (PGA) Detected by Immunoblotting.- Electrophoretic Transfer of Proteins from Electrofocusing Gels Cast on a Plastic Support Film.- Eine Methode zur schnellen und kostengunstigen Analyse geringer Probenmengen mittels IEF in dunnen Gelen (Abstract).- Silent Alleles.- Contrary Homozygosity of the PGM1, System in Disputed Paternity.- Nachweis des "stummen Gen" PGP Degrees am Phosphoglycolat-Phosphatase-Locus.- "Silent" Alleles in Paternity Testing.- Further Evidence of a Silent TF Allele.- Incidence of the PLG*QO Allele in Human Populations.- III. Monoclonal Antibodies.- Some Recent Aspects on Hybridoma Technology.- The Application of Monoclonal Antibodies for the Definition of Genetic Markers on Human Red Cells.- The Use of Monoclonal Antibodies in Forensic Science.- Specificity of the Monoclonal Antibody and its Application to Forensic Medicine.- Monoclonal Anti-D: Reactivity with Various D Phenotypes.- Monoclonal Antibodies Specific for Ag c/g and Ag a1/d Polymorphism of Human Low Density Lipoprotein.- The Use of Monoclonal Antibodies for the Detection of Red Cell Antigens in Stain Material.- IV. DNA Polymorphisms.- Recombinant DNA Technology and Human DNA-Polymorphism.- DNA Polymorphisms - Practical Use.- A Protokoll Using an Alkali Blotting Procedure for the Analysis of Restriction Length Fragments of Human DNA.- Identifying DNA RFLP's in Routine Paternity Cases: Non-Isotopic Methods of Detection.- The Application of DNA-Print for the Estimation of Paternity.- Ein Vergleich von 25 Blutgruppensystemen mit polymorphen DNA-Markern in der Vaterschaftsbegutachtung.- Comparison of Cost Benefit Between Traditional Paternity Systems and RFLP Analysis (Abstract).- RFLP als zusatzliches System in der Abstammungsbegutachtung.- An Evaluation of the Use of DNA Probe hMF1 in Cases of Disputed Paternity by Comparison with a Range of Well Established Blood Group Polymorphisms.- Allelic Frequency of Polymorphic DNA Sequences in Japanese and its Application to the Paternity Testing.- Restriction Site Polymorphism (RFLP) Detected with pG3PD and Taq 1.- Segregation Analysis and Determination of Parentship by Use of RFLP's Corresponding to Genes of the MHC on Chromosome 6 and the Short Arm of Chromosome 11.- HLA Typing on Single Human Hairs: DNA Probes to Enzymatically Amplified Genes.- Application of DNA Polymorphisms in Paternity Testing in Germany: Solution of an Incest Case Using Bacteriophage M13 Hybridization with Hypervariable Minisatellite DNA.- DNA: Postmortem Stability in Various Human Organ Tissues.- The Application of DNA-Print for Identification from Forensic Biological Materials.- Identification in Blood Stain Through DNA Typing with C4 and HLA-DR Probes (Abstract).- V. Stains.- Phylogeny and Ontogeny of Blood Group Antigens. A Study by Polychromatic Tissue Immunofluorescence of ABH and Related Antigens.- Typing of ABH Antigens in Body Fluids by a Two Dimensional Absorption-Inhibition Procedure.- Immunochemical Detection of ABH Antigens in Hairs.- Determination of ABH Antigens in Fingernails Using the APAAP (Immunoalkaline Phosphatase) Technique.- Absorption-Elution on Microplates (AEMP): An Improved Method for Identification of the ABH Major Glycoproteins in Saliva and Semen of Secretors.- Dot Blot ELISA on Nitrocellulose Membranes (NC): a New Method for Typing Lewis and ABO of Body Fluids (Saliva, Semen, Vaginal Secretions, Sweat and Urine).- Identification of Blood Group Substances of Fingerprints on the Murder Weapon by Means of the Adhesive Strip Method.- Interpretation of the ABH Reactions of Casework Seminal Stains.- Immunocytochemical ABH Blood Group Staining in Vaginal Swabs.- The Application of the Frozen Erythrocytes in the Bloodstain Diagnostic.- The Typing of ABH Antigens in Human Bone.- The Application of Immunoglobulin Allotyping in Forensic Stain Analysis
  • Reliability and Sensitivity of Gm and Km Typing.- Glm (f) Immunoblot Procedure.- Persistence of Gm Allotypes in Bloodstains Exposed to adverse Conditions.- An Approach to Individualisation of Micro-Bloodstains Using Immunochemophoresis.- Haptoglobin Subtyping in Bloodstains.- Sensitivity of a Micromethod for Haptoglobin Typing.- A Sensitive Method for Subtyping GC in Bloodstains.- Tf and Alpha-1-AT Typing in Bloodstains by Isoelectric Focusing.- Effects of Ultraviolet Irradiation on the Electrophoretical Typing of Serumprotein Polymorphisms.- Post Coital Changes in Semen Glyoxalase I (GLO).- PGM Subtyping of Semen and Vaginal Secretion.- DIA3-Typisierung an menschlichen Spermaproben, Spermaspuren, Zahnpulpen und Haarwurzeln mittels Isoelektrofokussierung.- P30 and Rape.- Zum Beweiswert des Schwangerschaftsnachweises an Blutspuren mittels fotometrischer Bestimmung der hitzestabilen alkalischen Phosphatase (hAP).- Bloodtyping in Human Dental Pulp by Immunoenzyme Techniques.- Simultaneous Typing of EsD and PGM1 Polymorphs in Dental Pulp (Abstract).- Mucosubstance and Lectin Histochemistry of Cervical Glands in Human Uteri.- Enzymdarstellung am fixierten Organgewebe.- VI. Population Genetics.- Population Genetics, a Short Introduction.- Population Genetics: Mathematical Problems (Abstract).- Practical Application of Population Genetics: The Genetic Survey "Provinces Francaises".- Genetic Heterogeneity in Italy (Abstract).- The Polymorphism of Bf and C3 in the Population of Veneto (Italy).- Distribution of Gc, Pi and Tf Subtypes in Sardinia (Italy).- Alpha-2-HS-Glycoprotein Polymorphism in Tuscany (Italy).- Distribution of Genetically Determined Deficient Variants of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) in Southern Italy.- Polymorphisms of Alpha-1-Antitrypsin and Transferrin in NorthWest Germany.- Formal Genetics Studies on ALAD, AMY2, ESD, GLO1, HP, ORM and PGP Polymorphisms.- Blood Groups, Serum Proteins and Red Cell Isoenzymes - A Population Genetic Study on South Africa/Mocambique.- Studies on the Human Immunoglobulin Allotypes Among Han and Minority Nationalities in China.- A National Bank for Genetic Data of Disappeared Children in Argentina: Task up to 2050.- VII. Biostatistics.- Paternity Testing with an Absent Mother: The Probability of Exclusion of Red Cell Surface Antigen, Gm, Hp, and HLA Systems in North American Whites and Blacks.- A Protocol for Reporting Single Indirect Exclusions.- The Bias of the Dichotomy Exclusion/Non-Exclusion and the Evidential Value of L (or W).- The Avuncular Index and the Incest Index.- Vaterschaftsstatistik in Erbsystemen mit n kodominanten Allelen.- Ein Statistikpaket fur die Abstammungsbegutachtung.- Empirical and Theoretical Studies on "Seroanalysis".- Seroanalysis as a Means of Establishing a Child's Unkown Putatively Alien Paternity.- Construction of Two Locus Haplotype HLA-A,B Matrices for Poorly Studied Populations.- On the Question of the Reliability of Silent Gene Frequencies Derived from Maximum-Likehood Estimates.- VIII. Varia.- Blood Group Determination in Stored Alcohol Containing Blood Samples for Identity Examination.- Blood Groups in Patients with Malignant Diseases.- Die Belastung des genetischen Materials im slowenischen Gebiet Zirovski VRH (Uranium Radioaktive Strahlung).- Rechtsvergleichende Darstellung der Vaterschaftsangelegenheiten in der SFR Jugoslawien mit besonderer Rucksicht auf die Reformbestrebungen in der SR Montenegro.

3 ISBN 9783540522713


The third volume of "Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics" contains the th scientific contributions presented at the 13 Congress of the International Society for Forensic Haemogenetics, held on October 19-21, 1989 in New Orleans, USA. The conference was organized and chaired by Dr. Herbert Polesky from Minneapolis. He and the local organizing committee which consisted of our friends and colleagues (J. Soubrada, L.R.Bryant, Dale D.Dykes, Ch.Harrison, P.Newall and R. Walker) deserve the thanks of our Society for a very successful meeting. Herb Polesky has also contributed a great deal to the preparation of this book. The contributions to the conference covered all fields of forensic haemo genetics, but an outstanding highlight of this conference was the application ofDNA-polymorphisms to paternity and to the identification of stains. This included basic lectures on biostatistical approaches as well as on molecular biology and many new technical approaches to our general and special aims. Forensic haemogenetics has now merged into a new discipline without having lost its original identity. On behalf of the Executive Committee of our Society I would like to extend my thanks to the authors of the articles contained in this book and to Springer-Verlag for having made such a quick publication possible. The volume should give the reader a picture of the state of the art and a survey of the most recent developments in the field of forensic and general haemo genetics.


  • 1 DNA Polymorphisms.- 1.1 Biostatistics.- Measurement Error in Determination of Band Size for Highly Polymorphic Single-Locus DNA Markers.- Use of a Spreadsheet Template and Microcomputer to Calculate Gene Frequencies of Multi-allele Systems.- Likelihood Calculations in Paternity Testing on the Basis of DNA Fingerprints.- Biostatistical Approaches Using Minisatellite DNA Patterns in Paternity Cases (Mother-Child-Putative Father Trios).- Kinship Plausibilities from DNA Fingerprints.- 1.2 Methodology, Data Bases.- Rapid Preparation of DNA for RFLP Analysis and DNA Fingerprinting.- A Simple and Efficient Non-organic Procedure for the Extraction of DNA from Evidentiary Samples.- DNA Extraction from Small Samples Using a Microextraction Method with Low Gelling Temperature (LGT) Agarose.- VNTR Polymorphism: Reproducibility in Techniques and Interpretation.- A Non-isotopic DNA Detection System with the Sensitivity of 32P: Applications for Paternity and Forensic Identifications.- Rapid, Simple, Non-isotopic Probing of Southern Blots for DNA Fingerprinting.- Simultaneous DNA Probing of Paternity Cases Using Non-isotopic Methods.- Comparison of Chemiluminescent and Radioactive Methods of DNA Typing.- On the Effectiveness of Three DNA Probes in Hybridization Experiments Over HINF I Blots Containing Aged/Degraded Samples.- Accuracy, Precision and Site-to-Site Reproducibility in Analysis of DNA Polymorphisms for Identity Testing.- Elements of a Quality Assurance (QA)/Quality Control (QC) Program for DNA Testing.- Investigation of Aged Blood Samples by Means of Single-Locus DNA Probes.- Problems Associated with the Determination of Band Match Probabilities.- Allele Frequencies Distribution of Two VNTR Markers (YNH24
  • YNZ22) in PST I Digests from Random Italian Individuals (Population of Rome).- Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Analysis of DNA Polymorphic Loci that Exhibit a Continuous Distribution of Fragment Sizes.- Segregation of Single-Locus DNA-Fragments in a Large Family.- 1.3 Practical Use.- Comparison of HLA Antigens and DNA Polymorphisms in Parentage Testing.- A Comparative Paternity Study: DNA vs Traditional Testing.- Compatibility of Several HVR-Type Probes with Pvu II Restriction Endonuclease and Advantages of Pvu II Over Other Commonly Used Enzymes.- Analysis of Case Work Samples by Single Locus VNTR Polymorphisms.- Routine Use of a Single Locus DNA Probe.- Results on Selected Trios Tested with Two Single Locus DNA Probes.- Paternity Testing Using the Hypervariable 3'HVR DNA Probe.- Analysis of Disputed Paternities Using Hae III/YNH24 and Hinf I/MS31 RFLPs.- Investigation of the Use of DNA Probes L336 and YNH24 in Problems of Doubtful Parentage.- Clarification of a Two-Man Case Only by DNA Markers.- Characterization of DNA Probe pH30 (D4S139) and Preparation of Related Synthetic Oligonucleotides.- Casework Experience with DNA Profiling.- Exclusion of an Individual Charged with Rape by Allele-Specific DNA Profiling on Fetal Tissues.- Rapid Sex Determination Using Restriction Enzymes Digestion.- DNA Fingerprinting with Simple Repetitive Oligonucleotide Probes in Forensic Medicine.- Application of Simple Repeat Oligonucleotides for DNA Fingerprinting.- DNA Fingerprinting with M13 Probe.- Minisatellite DNA Probe MZ 1.3: Application in Paternity Testing and Estimate of the Number of Genetic Loci.- Non-isotopic DNA Fingerprint Analyses with the Minisatellite Probe MZ 1.3.- DNA Fingerprinting in Paternity Analyses.- A Review of the Cases Submitted for DNA Analysis in the FBI Laboratory.- 1.4 PCR.- A Method for the Analysis of PCR Amplification Products to Identify Base-Pair Substitution and VNTR Polymorphisms.- Analysis of PCR Products (pMCT118) by Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis.- Effects of UV Damage on DNA Amplification by the Polymerase Chain Reaction.- Typing by Polymerase Chain Reaction Mediated Amplification of DNA Fragments in the HLA Class I Region and Direct DNA Sequencing.- Use of the Polymerase Chain Reaction for Typing GC Variants.- Amplification of Y-Chromosome-Specific Sequences in Biological Evidence.- 2 Conventional Markers.- 2.1 Alloantigens.- Differential Detection of A, B and H Antigens in Semen and Saliva Stains Detected by an ELISA Technique.- A Modified ELISA for the Detection of ABH Antigens in Bloodstains.- Mosaic Phenomenon of ABH and Lewis Antigen Expression in Minor Salivary Glands - An Immunohistochemical Demonstration of the Transferase Activity.- Different Expression of Blood Group A Antigen in the Secretory Cells of Salivary Glands from German and Japanese Nonsecretor Individuals.- Different Epitopes of ABH Antigens Exist in Red Cell and Body Fluids.- Production of Monoclonal Antibody to ABH-Carrying ?-2-Seminoglycoprotein for ABO-Grouping of Semen by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA).- Isolation and Identification of ABO Blood Group of Seminal Stains Mixed with Vaginal Secretion or Blood.- Histochemical Analysis of the Chemical Structure of Blood Group-Related Carbohydrate Chains in Human Pancreas.- Enzyme Immuno Assay for the Typing of the Gm(a) and Gm(f) Allotypes of Human IgG1 in Semen, Vaginal Secretions and Other Body Fluids.- Production of Monoclonal Antibodies IgG Allotypes and Their Use in Dot Immunobinding.- Allotyping by Immunoblot Using Polyclonal Antisera.- Whose Heritage is the Giant Stone Culture in Easter Island?.- The Generation of Class II Polymorphism by Recombination.- Polymorphism of HLA-DRB3 and DRB4 Genes Detected by RFLPs.- 2.2 Electrophoretic Polymorphisms.- Human Red Cell Acid Phosphatase (ACPI): The Primary Structure of the Two Isozymes, Bf and Bs, Encoded by the ACP1*B allele.- Further Evidence for a Silent Allele and a Rare Variant in the ADA System.- Intragenic Recombination Within the PGM1 Locus.- Practical Value of PGM 1 Subtyping in Blood and Semen Stains and Hair Roots.- Additional Data on PGP (EC Polymorphism in Dusseldorf.- Biochemical and Population Genetics of S-Adenosylhomocysteine Hydrolase in NW Portugal.- Group Specific Component Phenotyping by Ultrathin-Layer Agarose Isoelectric Focusing Using Chemical Spacers.- Haptoglobin Subtypes in the Swiss Population: Phenotype and Gene Frequencies - Description of an Easy Method for Routine Typing.- Haptoglobin Subtyping by Agarose Isoelectric Focusing.- Haptoglobin Subtype Determination of Bloodstains.- The Application of Agarose Isoelectric Focusing in Paternity Testing.- Fast IEF of Some Polymorphic Proteins and Enzymes in Bloodstains Using the PhastSystem.- Isoelectric Focusing in Miniaturized Gels: Application to GC, PI, TF, and ORM Subtyping in Central Spain.- The Use of Hybrid Isoelectric Focusing for the Detection of Polymorphic Proteins and Enzymes in Bloodstains Analysis.- Distribution of Twelve Human Salivary Polymorphisms in Japanese Populations.- Inheritance of Some Electrophoretic Phenotypes of Human Hair.- HP, GLO and GC Polymorphism in the Balearic Islands (Spain): The Mediterranean Blueprint.- A Simple Dilution Technique for Assessing Red Cell Enzyme Activity in Cases of Single System Incompatibilities.- A Rapid High Resolution Separator IEF Technique for Phenotyping Alpha1-Antitrypsin.- PI M Subtyping: Indication for an Alpha1-Antitrypsin Null Allele in Three Paternity Cases.- Transferrin C Subtypes in Different Ethnic Groups and Spontaneous Abortion.- Polymorphism of Plasminogen in West Germany.- The Significance of Current and of Origin and Concentration of Sialidases for the Determination of Plasminogen Groups.- Coagulation Factor XIIIA and XIIIB Polymorphisms in the North of Germany (Mecklenburg Area).- Polymorphisms of Coagulation Factors 13A and 13B in West Germany.- Identification of F13A*7 as a Population Specific Marker.- Factor XIIIB (FXIIIB) in Disputed Paternity: Complete Analysis of a Family with the Rare Phenotypes 4-1 and 4-2.- Study of Genetic Polymorphism of Coagulation Factor XIIIB in a Italian Population Sample Using PAGIEF and Semi-dry Electroblotting.- Isoelectric Focusing of Orosomucoid in Agarose Gels.- ORM1 Subtypes in Hanover and Lower Saxony, FRG, by PAG SIEF and Immunoblotting (N = 1934)
  • 11 Variants.- A Silent Allele in the Orosomucoid (ORM) System.- Genetic Polymorphism of Human Peptidase C (PEP C).- Kallikrein Phenotyping by Isoelectric Focusing.- 3 General Biostatistics.- The Probability of Paternity.- Seroanalysis and Expert Opinion in Practice.- The Effect of Blanks and Antigen Sharing in the HLA System on the Paternity Index.- Paternity Probability Calculation in "Exclusion" Cases.- 4 Varia.- A Remarkable Case of Affiliation: Exclusion from Paternity After 8 Years.- Legal Aspects of Disputed Paternities in Singapore.- Evaluation of Unusual Band Patterns in Stains of Biological Interest.- Characterisation of Vaginal Secretion Stains in Forensic Cases - A Critical Review.- Monoclonal Antibodies Detect Sperm Antigens in Seminal Stains.- GDA-J/F3 Monoclonal Antibody: The Ideal Probe for Sperm Detection in Forensic Science.- Preparation and Application of Monoclonal Anti-P30 Antibody.- Chromosome Polymorphism in Paternity Investigations.- Plasma Protein Polymorphism in HIV-Seropositive Patients: GC- and TF*C-Subtypes and PI-System.- Distribution of C3 and BF Phenotypes in HIV-Seropositive Patients.- Plasma Protein Polymorphism in HIV-Seropositive Patients: Allotype Frequencies in the GM- and KM-System.

4 ISBN 9783540551942


Neuere Entwicklungen in der Molekulargenetik sowie die Notwendigkeit, unanfechtbare Beweise zu liefern, haben zu immer schnelleren Fortschritten auf dem Gebiet der H{mogenetik in der Gerichtsmedizin gef}hrt. Dieser Band enth{lt die Beitr{ge mit neuesten Erkenntnissen, die hierzu auf dem Kongre~ im September 1991 in Mainz vorgetragen wurden. Im Zentrum steht die Frage der forensischen Anwendung bzw. Andwendbarkeit der DNS-technologischen Forschung. Einige Artikel befassen sich mit Standardisierungs-, Artefakt- und Identifikationsproblemen bez}glich menschlicher ]berreste. Auch ethische und juristische Gesichtspunkte werden diskutiert.


  • Speech of the Minister of Justice of Rheinland-Pfalz (Germany) Peter Caeser at the occasion of the opening of the 14th Congress of the International Society of Forensic Haemogenetics.- Speech of the Minister of Justice of Rheinland-Pfalz (Germany) Peter Caeser at the occasion of the opening of the 14th Congress of the International Society of Forensic Haemogenetics.- PCR Systems.- Some Considerations for Use of AMP-FLPs for Identity Testing.- Forensic Use of Short Tandem Repeats via PCR.- Automation of the Amplification and Sequencing of Mitochondrial DNA.- The Development and Evaluation of New Genetic Markers for the Application of PCR to Forensic Casework.- Investigations to Improve Allele Definition in the "Collagen 2A1" System (AMP-FLP).- Automated Analysis of Fluorescent Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms for DNA Typing.- Sex Identification of Forensic Samples Using PCR Analysis for the Presence of Y-Chromosome Specific DNA Sequences.- Automation of DNA Profiling by Fluorescent Labelling of PCR Products.- PCR Typing Including High Resolution Gel Electrophoresis Reveals new Alleles in the COL2Al VNTR.- The Usefulness of Chelating Resins for DNA Extraction from Forensic Material Prior to PCR Amplification.- The Isolation of DNA for Forensic PCR Analysis. An Evaluation of Available Methodologies.- Detection of Three Different VNTR's by DNA-Amplification.- Validation of the Use DNA Amplification for the Analysis of Forensic Samples by Comparison with Tests Using Non-Amplified DNA Polymorphisms.- Investigations on the Forensic application of 4 AMPFLP systems.- SDS-PAGE Typing of HLA-DQA1 and pMCT118 after PCR Amplification.- Gene frequencies of APOB alleles in a sample of random Italian individuals (Central and Southern Italy).- Study of the HLA DQ? polymorphism in the population of Catalonia (Spain).- Use of PCR for Forensic Analysis of DNA from Formaldehyde fixed and Paraffin embedded Human Tissues.- Comparison of Population data using 3 AMPFLP systems.- The Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Study of Locus pMCT118 and Its Application in Forensic Biology.- DNA typing from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues.- HLA-DQA1 and HLA-DPB1 gene polymorphisms in the Japanese populations.- The Study of apoB Locus Apm-FLP and Its Application in Forensic Sciences.- Application of HLA-class II Genotyping by the Modified PCR-RFLP Method to the Forensic Science.- Simultaneous DNA analysis of HLA-DPB and -DQB loci from single hairs: a criminal case report.- Sex Determination by Genomic Dot Blot Hybridization and HLA DQ? Typing by PCR from Fixed Tissues.- HLA DQ? Typing of Human Fingernails.- Identification of Fire Victims by Using DNA Amplification (PCR).- Polymerase Chain Reaction: Typing of DNA Isolated from Various Forms of Biological Evidence.- Analysis of D1S80 (pMCT 118) Locus Polymorphism in an Italian Population Sample by the Polymerase Chain Reaction.- Sex determination in bloodstains and single hairs.- Analysis of forensic stains via PCR amplification of polymorphic simple (gata)n repeats.- Species identification by polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing.- DNA (RFLP, VNTR) Systems.- Paternity Investigations Based on DNA-Analysis Only.- Achievement of Interlaboratory Uniformity - A Summary of Work Carried out by the EDNAP Group.- Cloning and Characterisation of Novel Single Locus Probes for Forensic Purposes.- The Use of a Chemiluminescent Detection System for Paternity and Forensic Testing. Verification of the Reliability of the Oligonucleotide-Probes Used for Genetic Analysis.- A Multi-locus Probe for Human DNA Fingerprinting Based on chi-like Sequences.- The Effects of Using Different Molecular Weight Markers in DNA Profiling.- Influence of Agarose Concentration and Electric Field Strength on the Separation of DNA-Fragments During Electrophoresis.- Size Calculations of Restriction Fragments: Comparison Between Two Laboratories.- Matching Criteria for Paternity Testing with VNTR Systems.- Computer-Aided Fragment Size Determination of Single Locus DNA Probes.- Chemiluminescent detection of single locus and multilocus hybridization patterns.- Precision and Accuracy in the Analysis of VNTR Polymorphisms for Paternity Testing.- A Simple Method to Prevent Inhibition of Taq Polymerase and Hinfi Restriction Enzyme in DNA Analysis of Stain Material.- Optimal Size Calling Methods for Electrophoretic Analysis Utilizing Internal Size Standards.- Extraction of DNA from Coagulated Blood Samples.- Investigation of variation in fragment size determinations found when using single locus DNA probes.- Optimization of the Digoxigenin/Chemiluminescence Method for the VNTR Detection.- Paternity Analysis Using the Multilocus DNA Probe MZ 1.3.- Analysis of Australian, Black, Caucasian, Chinese and Amerindian Populations with Hypervariable DNA Loci.- The Application of DNA-Polymorphisms in Paternity Testing.- Allele Frequency in the Population of Spain Using Several Single Locus Probes.- DNA Fingerprints of Families from Bejsce/South-East Poland.- Paternity Testing with Five VNTR Systems in Danes.- Comparison of Population Genetics of the Single Locus Probes pS194 and pL427-4.- Comparison of Minisatellite DNA Probes and Blood Group, Protein, and Enzyme Markers in Paternity Cases.- Allele frequency distribution of two VNTR polymorphisms (YNH24/ D2S44
  • Alpha globin 3?HVR/D16) in Italy.- DNA-Profiling with pHINS310, pMUC7, pMR24/1, pYNH24 and pMS43a for Paternity Testing.- Frequency Databases for the DNA Probes MS1, MS31, MS43A, and YNH24, Derived from Caucasians, and Afro-Caribbeans in the London Area.- An Evaluation of Single Locus Probes in Casework.- On DNA typing of hard tissues.- Use of the Minisatellite Probe MZ 1.3 for Identification and Relation of Dismembered Corpses.- RFLP in Conjunction with Anatomical Traits in Individualisation of Bone.- Application of DNA Fingerprinting to Problematical Paternity Cases.- Application of conventional polymorphisms and single locus DNA probes in cases of disputed paternity.- MS1, MS31 and MS43A Single Locus Probes: A Preliminarystudy in the Basque Population and its Application in Paternity Testing.- DNA Fingerprinting with Probes 33.15 and 33.6 in Population from the Basque Country.- Casuistic: The Use of DNA-Fingerprinting in Cases of Affiliation Without Mother.- Results of DNA Analysis from Six Forensic Science Laboratories in Germany.- Allele Frequencies for Five Different Single Locus Probes in a Population of South-West Germany.- Distribution of variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) DNA polymorphism at D2S44 locus in Tuscany (Italy).- Experiences with Six Single Locus Probes in Paternity Testing.- Detection of DNA polymorphisms by using ? satellite probes: Application to the forensic identification.- Population genetic studies of six hypervariable DNA-Loci.- Minisatellite DNA Probe MZ1.3: Band Sharing Rates among Siblings and the Part of Informative Bands among Children.- DNA Fingerprinting in Paternity Testing in Lithuania.- DNA typing in forensic casework in Norway: strategies and experiences.- Determination of Incest in Forensic Casework Using Multi-locus DNA Profiling.- Biostatistics and Databases.- The Robustness of Models for Evaluating Patterns of DNA Multi-Locus Probes.- Comparison of Different Methods for the Calculation of Indices of Paternity.- How to Deal with Mutations in DNA-Testing.- The Relationship of the HLA Phenotype Frequency of the Alleged Father to the Resulting Paternity Index in Caucasian Non-Exclusion Paternity Cases.- DNASYS: A User-Friendly Computer Program for Evaluating Single Locus Probe Data in Forensic Casework.- Series Sexual Crimes Identified by a DNA Computerised Database.- Experiences with a Computerised Database of DNA Profiles in Forensic Casework.- Conventional Systems.- Genetic and Molecular Aspects of the Human Red Cell Acid Phosphatase Polymorphism.- A de novo Mutation in the Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Gene detected in a Case of disputed Paternity by DNA Sequence Analysis.- Isoelectric Focusing of Inter-Alpha-Trypsin Inhibitor (ITI).- Human ZN-Alpha 2-Glycoprotein Phenotyping in Several Populations.- Comparative Typing of Orosomucoid Variants and Proposal for a New Nomenclature.- Intragenic Recombination within the Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Locus.- Blotting Techniques for the Detection of Protein Polymorphisms in Stains.- Two-Dimensional Isoelectric Focusing Analysis of Rare and Silent Esterase D Types. Description of a New ESD Variant Phenotype.- A Simple Technique for the Determination of GGTP Types.- New Variation in Low-Sulfur Keratins Detected by Hybrid Isoelectric Focusing (HIEF).- The Influence of Infused Erythrocytes on the Detection of Individual Membrane-, Enzyme- and DNA- Systems.- Serum Protein Typing/-Subtyping by IEF in PAG.- Dot Blot Immunoassay for Detection of HLA Antigens in Forensic Stains.- The use of microtiter techniques for the determination of red blood cell phenotypes in paternity testing.- Du detection by an automated direct agglutination method that equals detection by indirect antiglobulin test.- Absorption-Elution Test for ABO-Determination of Secretor and Nonsecretor Saliva Stains.- Determination of ORM Phenotypes using gels PRECOTES 4-6R and PhastSystem (TM).- Fast Determination of TF Phenotypes Using Minigel Gradient 4-6.5 Modificated.- The Use of Microtiter Plates and the Apparatus Dynatech for Automation of the Routine Determination of ABO-Group from Body Fluids (or Stains) and Hair.- PI, C2, GC, ATIII, PLG Typing in Bloodstains by Hybrid Isoelectric Focusing (HIEF).- Parentage Testing Using DBP Subtyping in South African (SA) Populations.- Iso-Electric Focusing Study of Serum Proteins (GC, TF, PI and ORM) in Four Endogamous Groups of Maharashtra, Western India: Application in Paternity Testing.- PGM1 System: A Rare Allele and an Intragenic Recombination in Two Cases of Disputed Paternity.- Genetic markers (HP, TF, GC and PI) in two Polish population samples Preliminary report.- Haptoglobin Subtypes in Lower Saxony (Germany).- C4 Phenotype and Gene Distribution in a Population of Eastern Lombardy (Italy).- Distribution of Transferrin (Tf), Red Cell Acid Phosphatase (EAP), Esterase D (EsD) and Group Specific Component (Gc) Phenotypes in China.- Null and Rare Alleles in Paternity Testing.- Comparative Subtyping of ACP-1, PGM-1 and ESD in Human Placenta and Cord Blood by Isoelectric Focusing: Practical Considerations of Forensic Significance.- Distribution of Adenosine Deaminase (EC Phenotypes in a Series of HIV-Seropositive Patients.- Determination of C1R Types in Bloodstains.- Coagulation Factor XIIIB Phenotyping in a Japanese Population and in Bloodstains.- Formal Genetic Data on ORM1 Subtypes.- Species identification from tissue particles using lectin- and immuno-histochemical methods.- Polymorphism of Plasminogen in Sardinia (Italy).- Haptaglobin Subtypes in a Population from South West Germany.- Plasma Protein Polymorphism in HIV-Seropositive Patients: GC- and TF*C-Subtypes and PI-System.- Determination Of PGM, EsD, GLO (1) and EAP Polymorphs from Human Dental Pulp.- Haptoglobin Subtyping by Polyacrylamide Gel Isoelectric Focusing of Serum, Hemolyzed Blood and Bloodstains.- Detection of Blood Group H Antigens of Red Cells, Blood and Saliva Stains, and Hairs by Anti-H Reagents.- Evaluation of Sperm Specific Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzyme C4 (LDH C4). Application to Semen Detection in Stains.- PGM1 Subtyping by Isoelectric Focusing (IEF) in Parentage Testing in South African (SA) Populations.- Orosomucoid (ORM) Phenotyping by Isoelectric Focusing in Immobilized pH-Gradient Followed by Immunoblotting.- ABO Blood Grouping and Species Identification of Bloodstains by Sandwich ELISA Using Monoclonal Antibody Specific for Human Erythrocyte Band 3.- Monoclonal Antibodies to Blood Group Substances in Vaginal Secretions.- Gc in Human Saliva Stains.- Immunoblotting and Immunofixation Techniques for Subtyping Gc in Old Bloodstains and Semen Stains.- Old Bloodstain and Semen stain Characterization in the Transferrin Typing System Using Minigels and PhastSystem.

5 ISBN 9783540576433


th This volume comprises the Proceedings of the 15 Congress of the International Society of Forensic Haemogenetics (ISFH), held for the first time in Venezia Lido, th th Italy, on 13 -15 October 1993. The abstracts of the scientific contributions sent to the Congress have been sub divided into chapters with numbers and headings corresponding to the Congress sessions listed in the final programme. A general index of all authors, in alpha betical order, is given at the end of the book. The book consists of 188 contributions and addresses several problems presently being discussed in forensic haemogenetics. The main portion is, of course, devoted to DNA technology: present and future trends in DNA method ology, DNA polymorphisms in paternity testing and in criminal investigation, DNA sequencing, PCR methodology, quality control and quality assurance. Data have been accumulated on population genetics and biostatistics. A new look has been given at old friends, with important contributions on the molecular biology of classical markers. Conventional genetic markers have been studied. Problems connected with genetic typing and human rights have been dealt with in depth, and the history and geography of human genes have been elucidated.


Opening lecture.- History and geography of human genes.- 1. Genetic typing and human rights.- DNA - A human rights profile.- The association of individual sociodemographic factors with paternity test results.- The expert's evidence and the judge's evaluation of all information in court decisions.- Ethical considerations about unexpected facts disclosed during genetic association studies.- 2. Molecular biology of classical markers.- Molecular analysis of classical red cell markers.- The molecular genetics of HLA.- A new look at old friends: the molecular biology of the protein markers.- The molecular basis of the "red cell" acid phosphatase polymorphism.- Human red cell acid phosphatase (ACP1): genetic typing at the DNA level.- Molecular analysis of esterase D polymorphism.- 3. Quality control and quality assurance.- Quality assessment as an essential tool for the achievement of total quality.- Quality control of paternity investigations in Scandinavia.- Comparison of DNA-profiling and classical blood grouping in criminal cases.- Fluorescent based typing of two short tandem repeat loci in a Swedish population sample and reproducibility of fragment size estimates.- Restriction fragment length polymorphism: image analysis and molecular weight calculation with a scanner-based computer system.- Quality control: interlaboratory comparison of RFLP results.- An optimised chemiluminescent detection system: is it compatible with data generated using 32P and a different ladder?.- 4. DNA methodology: present and future trends.- DNA variation and its analysis by hybridisation to olygonucleotide arrays.- Simultaneous analysis of STR and VNTR polymorphisms.- Streamlining VNTR analysis. A fast procedure for non isotopic DNA profiling.- Nonradioactive approach to type DNA by minisatellite variant repeats.- Minisatellites of the Y chromosome.- Anomalous electrophoretic behaviour of HUMACTBP2 (SE33).- Evaluation of the tris-glycine/tris-chloride discontinuous buffer system for the electrophoretic analysis of VNTR and STR loci.- Multilocus profiles of the Basque country population with dig-labelled probes 33. 15 and 33. 6.- Use of chemiluminescent labeled probes for forensic and paternity determinations.- Three VNTR and Y-chromosome identification from biological stains.- Application of the capillary DNA chromatography in the paternity testing using APOB amplified alleles.- Automated laser fluorescent analysis of amplified fragment length polymorphisms and short tandem repeats.- Further characterization of the VNTR probe LH1 (D5S110) and applications for DNA typing.- Method for the evaluation of C-bands heteromorphism in human chromosomes by image processing (I.P.).- Polymorphism of the D1S80 locus in Basque country population and its forensic application.- Studies on sex determination with different Y-specific probes after quantifying human genomic DNA with the slot blot hybridization method.- Typing human DNA using capillary electrophoresis: comparison of slab gel and capillary formats.- Comparison of DNA-extraction methods from compact bone tissue.- DNA-profiling on carpeting - Methods of purification, restriction and detection.- DNA-extraction for PCR: phenol-chloroform vs. chelex - A comparative study.- Simple and rapid typing for VNTR polymorphisms using high resolution electrophoresis of PCR products on rehydratable Polyacrylamide gels.- DNA typing of coagulation factor XIII "a" subunit by PCR-RFLP and SSCP.- Two different mechanisms are involved in the polymorphism shown by the locus D2S44.- 5. DNA polymorphisms in paternity testing.- Paternity testing by oligonucleotide DNA fingerprinting: a multi-centre study proving reliability and validity.- Population genetic studies of short tandem repeat loci (STRS): efficiency in paternity testing.- Application of a Y-linked tetranucleotide repeat polymorphism to paternity cases.- Clarification of a paternity case with the mother, two children and the mother of the putative father.- Analysis of the locus D1S80: frequency distribution in North-East England and application to paternity testing.- An unusual case of failed vasectomy confirmed by DNA profiling.- Development and validation of buccal swab collection methods for DNA testing for paternity testing.- Application of conventional and DNA polymorphism to paternity cases.- DNA typing - Strategies in paternity and forensic casework.- Parentage control in cattle by genotyping microsatellites.- Paternity testing with DNA systems: application of D1S80 phenotyping to Danish paternity cases analysed with five VNTR single locus systems.- PCR polymorphisms compared to other genetic markers in the paternity testing.- Case report of a disputed paternity with no biological sample from the putative father.- Paternity testing of endangered species of birds by DNA fingerprinting and random amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprinting.- Characterization of three micro satellites and their application in paternity testing.- Paternity testing in Italy using minisatellite variant repeat (MVR).- PCR-based analysis of HLA-DQ?, D1S80 and Apo B loci in paternity testing.- Proving paternity using formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissue samples from a deceased father.- Application of single-locus probes in cases of disputed paternity. The usefulness of the combination of HLA and DNA.- Expertise report in disputed paternity cases with two or more children.- 6. DNA polymorphisms in criminal investigation.- RFLP typing: a new highly polymorphic VNTR locus and chemiluminescent detection.- Evaluation of Amp-FLP markers and summary of PCR-based forensic casework.- Investigations on vaginal cell/sperm mixtures from microscopical slides.- Dealing with human remains sampled in disaster areas. The case of the Israelian embassy explosion occurred in Buenos Aires.- Casework experience with single locus DNA probes and chemiluminescent detection in Spain.- DNA analysis of human blood recovered from explosion debris.- Genetic identification from dental pulp by using DNA amplification (PCR).- The degradation of a VNTR polymorphic site in various biological specimens when subjected to different temperature conditions.- About a case of DNA analysis from some latent blood stains on overalls found in a river.- Forensic DNA-typing in the Netherlands using VNTR single locus probes.- The use of DNA profiling in the identification of victims of an aircrash.- CODIS: a national index of DNA identification records.- Post-mortem molecular identification. Biological kinship established by DNA analysis.- Application of PCR technique for the characterization of human bones.- Use of PCR for forensic analysis of DNA in cigarette ends.- Quantisation of mixed chimerism in blood and bone marrow.- PCR amplification of DNA from old blood stains.- Blood group typing and PCR-analysis in stored blood samples.- 7. PCR methodology.- Automated DNA profiling employing multiplex amplification of short tandem repeat loci.- An evaluation of automated fluorescent PCR-based DNA typing.- Comparison of manual and automated detection for STRs analysis.- Evaluation of native and denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for short tandem repeat analysis.- Analysis of the short tandem repeat polymorphism SE33: a new high resolution separation of SE33 alleles by means of direct blotting electrophoresis.- Analysis of the COL2A1 polymorphism in a small PAN troglodytes population, and its forensic application.- DNA sex test: a new rapid and quantitative forensic approach using amelogenin gene based fluorescent PCR.- DNA typing on single hair. Recent possibilities based on new extraction method.- Extraction and PCR amplification of DNA from hair shafts.- Forensic application of SSCP in the analysis of HLA-DQ, which was amplified by PCR.- PCR DNA typing of washed stains.- Genetic studies of a STR at the vWF locus and its application to individualization.- HLA-DQ? typing by DNA amplification of single human hair.- Comparison of two methods for HLA-DQA1 typing.- Rapid air cycling of D1S80 amplification.- PCR-based analyses for identity testing.- PCR amplification of the D1S80 locus: analysis using rehydratable horizontal Polyacrylamide gels.- Random priming and multiplex PCR with three short tandem repeats in forensic caseworks.- Improved conditions for genotype diagnosis of a STR of the hTPO locus.- Sex determination in forensic samples by PCR: a comparison of two alternative (AMGL/AMG and DYZ3/DXZ1) markers.- PCR on reusable matrix-fixed DNA.- Effect of degradation on PCR based DNA typing.- Use of PCR in forensic casework in Southern Spain.- Advantages and disadvantages of the application of nested PCR for typing of forensic samples.- Suitability and efficiency of PCR systems inforensics.- The use of capillary electrophoresis in forensic DNA analysis.- PCR inhibitor: water-soluble melanin, which inhibits DNA polymerases and DNases.- 8. DNA sequencing.- Identification of human remains using mitochondrial DNA sequencing: potential mother-child mutational events.- Genomic sequencing of alleles from STR loci.- Evidence for a mutation at 3'HVR COL2A1 locus - Segregation analysis and sequence data.- Isolation of a (ATTTT)N positive locus by cloning, PCR cycle sequencing and nonradioactive direct blotting electrophoresis.- Molecular analysis of a novel HLA-DQB1 allele and its gene frequency among Sardinians.- STR-polymorphisms in non-human primates.- PI*Mpalermo: a new alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency allele detected by DNA sequence analysis in two families.- Molecular basis for polymorphism of the "a" subunit of coagulation factor XIII.- High resolution analysis by PCR on an automated DNA sequencer of internal variation at a pseudoautosomal VNTR (DXYS17).- Digoxigenine labeled sequencing of the HPRT gene.- 9. Population studies and biostatistics.- The paternity index, population heterogeneity, and the product rule.- An Italian collaborative study on the HLA-DQA1 locus (GEFI's "Garda 2" project).- Estimation of genetic difference between subpopulations using DNA profiling data from crime investigations.- Semiparametric density estimation with applications to DNA profiling.- Bioassay of kinship using VNTR alleles.- Analysis by PCR/oligonucleotide typing of HLA class II alleles in a variety of human populations.- Evaluation of the product rule.- Population studies in Turkey.- Allele frequency distributions of five VNTR loci (D1S7, D7S21, D12S11, D5S43 and D2S44) in Spain.- Allelic heterogeneity of single locus probes in the populations of the Basque country, Spain: application in paternity testing.- Analysis of the short tandem repeat polymorphism TC 11 (HUMTH01): allele frequency and family studies.- Distribution of HLA-DR and -DQ alleles revealed by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis in donors from St. Petersburg.- Allele frequencies of the vWA STR locus in Italy.- Allelic frequency in the population of Spain using three hypervariable loci.- Polymorphism of the 3?-ApoB VNTR system in a population sample from the province of Parma.- Allele frequencies of three STRs in an Italian population sample.- Population genetics of VNTR markers (TPO and 3?ApoB Loci) in the Mediterranean area (Albania, Greece and Italy).- Distribution of HLA class II genes in a Caucasian population as determined by PCR and reversed-dot-blot typing.- Study of the ApoB polymorphism in Tuscany (Italy).- The distribution of HUMTH01 polymorphism in Northern and Central Italy.- HLA DQA1 polymorphism in a Portuguese population.- Suitability of the ACTBP2 (SE33) STR-polymorphism for legal medicine investigation in the population of Catalonia (North-East Spain).- Study of three minisatellites (D1S80, YNZ22, 3?ApoB) performed by PCR in the population of Catalonia (North-East Spain).- Population genetics of three STR polymorphisms in a Chinese population.- Comparison of different tests for deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium of AmpFLP population data.- Swiss population data for 3 STR-systems (SE33, HUMTH01, D21S11), HLA DQ? and D1S80.- RFLP and STR polymorphisms in a Swiss mountain population.- False paternity trios in white, black and Cape coloured population.- ApoB 3?VNTR polymorphism in Southern African populations.- Spanish population data for the short tandem repeat ACTBP2 (SE33).- Study of allele frequencies distribution of the 3?-HVR marker near ?-globin gene in the French population.- HLA-DQA1 subtyping by PCR followed by a combined SSO/RFLP method of detection. Distribution of alleles and genotypes in two Spanish populations.- A UK Caucasian database for TBQ7 (D10S28) locus derived from blood samples submitted for paternity analysis.- Four STRs in 300 Norwegians.- French population data of 6 AmpFL's.- Gardal (D2S44 SBA) - Harmonization of protocols and a collaborative database.- ApoB polymorphism in the district of Bologna (Italy).- HLA. DQ-alpha and D1S80 data from a French Caucasian population random sample versus a sample of aircrash victims.- Investigation of the STR locus HUMTH01 using PCR in Caucasian samples from England and Galicia, NW Spain.- The distribution of HLA DQA1 alleles in the population of the North of Portugal.- Study of D1S80 locus polymorphism in the North of Portugal.- Genetic substructure of the Italian population at the VNTR loci D1S80 and D17S30: the Tuscan region.- Allele frequencies at the D2S44, D10S28 and D14S13 loci in four Southern African populations.- HLA DQA1 and D1S80 polymorphisms in the population of Andalusia (Southern Spain).- Studies on the HUMFABP and HUMTH01 polymorphisms.- Phenotype and allele frequencies of 4 VNTR-AmpFLP's in an Austrian population sample.- Typing for STR-loci by electrophoresis on rehydratable Polyacrylamide gels: phenotype and allele frequencies of SE33 and TC11 in an Austrian population sample.- Allele frequency distribution in Schleswig-Holstein for the DNA probes MS1, MS31, MS43A, G3 and YNH24.- Allele frequencies of the HUMTH01 locus in the Italian population.- PCR typing of the COL2AI system: allelic frequencies in two population samples from North and Central Italy.- Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) HLA-DQ? frequency distribution in various sects of South Indian population.- Distribution of HLA-DQ? alleles in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from Caucasian and Black populations of Marion County, Indiana, USA.- HLA-DQ?A PCR system: frequencies of a South Bavarian population and family data.- 10. Conventional genetic markers.- Subtyping of coagulation factor XIIIA by isoelectric focusing.- Haptoglobin subtypes in Tuscany (Italy).- Haptoglobin subtypes in several populations of Spain.- Gc, Tf and PI polymorphisms in Madeira (Portugal) - PI*S allele and paternity testing.- Further evidence for transformation of genetic markers in recipients after BMT.- Two cases of duplication of the 1F and 1A2 genes in the vitamin D-binding protein (GC) system.- ABO blood grouping of old blood stains by ultra micro reverse agglutination with monoclonal anti-A,-B antibodies.- Transferrin subtyping in human organ tissues.- Serum protein detection in old dental pulp.- Genetic diversity in Sri Lanka: some implications in paternity and forensic testing.- Human inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor (ITI) silent allele found in a case of disputed paternity.- Lectin- and immuno-histochemistry on mucous substances of the taste buds and lingual glands in some mammals.- Immunization of thalassaemic patients against the AG system.- PI (alpha-1-antitrypsin) subtypes in NW Portugal.- Comparative lectin and immuno-histochemistry on antigen expression in blood group A1 and A2 individuals.- Orosomucoid phenotyping using monoclonal antibodies.- Study of rapid determination of ABO blood group in bloodstains by the improved Dot-ELISA with monoclonal antibodies.- Investigations on the distribution pattern of haptoglobin subtype allele frequencies in European populations - Preliminary report.- The distribution of Bf phenotypes in human sera in Beijing area and detection of Bf phenotypes in bloodstains.

6 ISBN 9783540604921


The 6th volume of "Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics" comprises the scientific contributions to the 16th Congress of the International Society for Forensic Haemogenetics ISFH held on Sept., 12-16, 1995 at Santiago de Compostela, Spain. The numerous papers mainly deal with the applicability of DNA technology to forensic questions. The invited speakers approached important topics such as variation of mitochondrial DNA in ancient and modern humans, the "STR approach" to solve forensic questions, the statistical analysis of STR data, automation of DNA analysis, long PCR and its applications, national DNA databases and ethical and legal aspects of DNA analysis. It has become obvious that PCR based polymorphic systems clearly dominate the scene of forensic DNA analysis worldwide. It will however be necessary to make efforts to standardize the still increasing number of systems with regard to nomenclature to achieve a universal comparability of results. Legal systems differ from country to country which has to be taken into account when reporting DNA results. There is still controversy about the way DNA results are to be presented in court-rooms. We should make efforts to assess the value of DNA evidence by a common scientifc statistical approach that is comprehensive enough to treat all possible hypotheses such as involved relatives, different ethnics and/or the not so rare situations with mixed stains.


1 Mitochondrial DNA.- Mitochondrial DNA Variation in Ancient and Modern Humans.- A Two Stage Strategy for the Automated Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA.- Mixing and Thermic Treatment of Mitochondrial PCR Fragments Reveal Sequence Differences by Heteroduplex Formation - A Rapid Method for Forensic Identity Testing.- Genetic Analysis of Single Hair Shafts by Automated Sequence Analysis of the Mitochondrial D-Loop Region.- Mitochondrial HVR1 Polymorphism in Italy.- mtDNA Sequences in Norwegian Saami and Main Populations.- Mitochondrial DNA Quantification in Animal Blood and Hair by Slot Blotting.- Detection of Sequence Variants in Hypervariable Segments of Mitochondrial DNA in the Asian Population.- Routine Mitochondrial DNA Identification.- Automated Fluorescent Sequencing of Mitochondrial DNA for Italian Population Frequency Data.- 2 DNA Sequencing Data.- The STR Approach.- Analysis of Sequence Variations in the Alleles From Three STR Loci.- AMPFLP Typing for the HUMCD4 STR Polymorphism in an Austrian Caucasoid Population Sample: Sequence Data and Allele Distribution.- Typing of the HUMVWA Microsatellite Polymorphism: Allele Frequencies and Sequencing Data.- Sequencing and Size Determination of the D1S80 Interallele.- Analysis of the Short Tandem Repeat Polymorphism D18S51: Allele Frequencies and Sequence Studies.- Investigation of the STR HUMLIPOL in Austrian Caucasoid Individuals: Sequence Data and Allele Frequencies.- D12S391: A Highly Useful STR for Forensic Purposes.- DNA Sequence Analysis of PCR Products of MCT118 Locus in Japanese DNA Samples.- 3 Statistics.- Statistical Analysis of STR Data.- The Use of Likelihood Ratios in Reporting Difficult Forensic Cases.- Identification of Biological Stains: Probability of Identity or of Kinship.- Decision-Making in Paternity Diagnostics Using SLPs.- Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium in RFLP Databases.- Sedna: A Computer Program for Semiparametric Estimation of Densities and Match Probabilities in DNA Forensic Identification and Paternity Cases.- DNA PCR Polymorphisms in Paternity Test Protocols: A Biostatistical Approach.- 4 DNA Polymorphisms.- Methods for Typing the STR Triplex CSF1PO, TPOX, and HUMTH01 That Enable Compatibility Among DNA Typing Laboratories.- Selection of STR Loci for Forensic Identification Systems.- PCR Typing of Alu Elements: Molecular Genetics and Forensic Application.- An Investigation of Variation in the Sizing of Short Tandem Repeat Loci.- Male Identification Using Y Chromosomal STR Polymophisms.- Corresponding Repeats in STRs and Internal Standard in Fragment Analysis.- Construction and Calibration of Allelic Ladders for the PCR-Based Systems D8S320 and AR.- Establishment of a Highly Discriminating Pentaplex PCR System for Detection of PCR Fragments in Silver-Stained Polyacrylamide Gels.- Multiplex Amplifications and Automated Fluorescent Typing of Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Loci: The French Experience.- A Tetraplex PCR System for the Analysis of Paternity Cases.- Development and Applications of High Throughput Multiplex STR Systems.- Properties of an STR Muliplex Marker System Suitable for Paternity and Forensic Determinations.- Analysis of D1S80 VNTR Allele Polymorphisms and Association with a Nearby Flanking Sequence Polymorphism in Two Spanish Populations.- Somatic Instability in Cancer at Seven Tetrameric STR Loci Used in Forensic Genetics.- Null Alleles Detection in Loci D1S7, D7S21, and D12S11 by PCR.- Mutation Rate Variation in the Hypervariable VNTR g3 (D7S22) is Associated with a Flanking DNA Sequence Polymorphism near the Repeat Array.- The Approach of Using Random Priming for Small Forensic DNA Samples.- Use of PCR Triplex System for DNA Typing of Forensic Samples.- Evaluation of New STR Loci for Forensic DNA Typing.- Automated Profiling of Multiplexed DNA Markers: An Italian Database of Four Co-Amplified STR Loci.- Microbial DNA Challenge Studies of PCR-Based Systems Used in Forensic Genetics.- Some Critical Comments and Experimental Calculations Used as Validation Standards in the Implementation of RFLP Analysis.- Analysis of Somatic Mutations at Short Tandem Repeat Loci in Colorectal Carcinomas.- Simple and Rapid Duplex PCR for Forensic and Paternity Testing.- Genetic Studies of a STR at the UGB Locus.- Tumor Inocculation between Two Unrelated Human Individuals: STR Analysis of Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Section.- Molecular Phenotyping of Two Trinucleotide Repeats (XT00444 and D5S373): Experimental Conditions.- Development and Optimisation of a Highly Discriminating Multiplex PCR System Suitable for Forensic Identification.- Manual DNA Typing via the Short Tandem Repeats (STRs): KW 426, TH and hTPO.- A Multiplex Amplification Approach for Simultaneous Typing of Five Loci in DNA of Ancient Basque Populations.- Triplex PCR of Three STR Loci with Nonoverlapping Allele Sizes.- Visualization of Epigenetic Toxicological DNA Changes.- The 3 Hypervariable VNTR Locus APO B: Three Different Analysing Methods Revealing Different Alleles and Large Family Studies.- Automated Fluorescent PCR Based Analysis of the STR Polymorphism at Locus D8S639 and at the CYP19 Gene.- Mutations of D2S44 and D4S139 Alleles and Presence of Two-Fragment Alleles for D4S139.- Nonautomatic Multiplex Analysis and Detection of Six STR-Loci: HPRT, FABP2, CD4, F13A1, CYP19 and LPL.- DNA Analysis of Polymorphism in Drug or Xenobiotic Metabolism.- Forensic Efficiency and German Population Data for the Tetrameric STR Polymophism DHFRP2 (HUMFOLP23).- 5 Forensic Applications.- Criminal Intelligence Databases and Interpretation of STRs.- Identification Through Genetic Typing of the Victims of the Sect of the Solar Temple (Cheiry/Salvan, Switzerland).- Design of Novel Oligonucleotide Probes for Sex Determination and Its Forensic Application.- Casework Experiences with a Multiplex STR System.- Multiplexed DNA Markers from Cigarette Butts in Forensic Casework.- DNA Polymorphisms in Dental Pulp: Effect of Environmental Factors.- Identification of Human Remains Using DNA Amplification (PCR).- The So-Called Alcohol-Blood Sample Identity Expertise.- Application of the STR Androgen Receptor (HUMARA) Polymorphism to Paternity Cases.- Multiplex Genetic Typing of CSF1PO, TPOX, and HUMTH01 in Forensic Samples.- A Five Minute Procedure for Extraction of Genomic DNA from Whole Blood, Semen and Forensic Stains for PCR.- False Results in the HLA-DQ? Typing: Two Cases Reported.- Forensic Use of PCR DNA Analysis in Hairs, Envelopes, and Cigarette Ends.- PCR-DNA Typing from Beard Samples.- PCR-Based Analyses of Epidermal Cells Found on Adhesive Tape.- Determination of Sex in Dental Pulp Using PCR.- Use of PCR in Forensic Casework in the Area of Berlin-Brandenburg: Allele Frequency Distribution of Six Microsatellites.- The Never Ending Story: A New Tsarevitch?.- Influence of Mediaeval Clothes Colour Pigments on DNA Extraction and Amplification.- Forensic Investigations After Sexual Abuse of Several Infants: A Criminal Case Report.- Sex Determination on Ancient Bones.- Identification of the Skeletal Remains of Two 12-Year Old Bodies by Nuclear DNA Polymorphisms Analysis.- Identification of Vestiges from Diverse Biological Sources Using Duplex Amplification of Short Tandem Repeat Loci.- A Rare Paternity Case with PP 99.99% and Exclusion at Three Loci.- Three Intriguing Identification Cases.- Forensic DNA Typing in the Spanish Police Using VNTR Single Locus Probes.- PCR Typing of DNA Extracted from Epidermal Particles Won by Scratching.- PCR Genotyping in Dental Pulp from Old Human Skeletal Remains and Fire Victims.- ABO Genotyping of the Suspects Using Their Sperm DNA.- Forensic Identification Using DNA Recovered from Saliva on Human Skin.- Analysis of STR Loci in Old Blood Stains Using Automated and Manual Genotyping Systems.- Microsatellite DNA Polymorphism Analysis in a Case of Illegal Cattle Purchase.- Disaster Victim Identification by Using the DNA Technology on Dental Pulp: Preliminary Results.- Combined STR VNTR and MVR Typing and mtDNA Sequencing Led to the Identification of Human Remains Emergent from the AMIA Explosion in Buenos Aires.- 6 Methodology.- Rapid Sex Typing by Fluorescent Based PCR of the X-Y Homologous Amelogenin Gene and Analysis by CGE.- Heteroduplex Analysis Is a Rapid Method for Detection of Suballeles Caused by Mixed Length and Sequence Variability in STR Systems.- Use of CDP-STAR in a Fast and Highly Sensitive Chemiluminescent Detection Procedure of VNTR Loci with Neutral or Charged Membranes.- Evaluation of Primer Extension Preamplification (PEP) in Forensic Studies.- Sequential Multiplex Amplification (SMA) in Cases with Minimal Amounts of DNA.- Detection of Single Base Changes in PCR Amplified DNA Using Double and Single Strand Conformational Polymophisms (SSCP and DSCP).- Evaluation of Hybridisation Equipment for Use with Nonisotopically Labelled Probes.- CDP-StarTH as a Chemiluminescent Substrate for Use with Alcaline Phosphatase Labelled Probes.- Simple and Rapid Typing of STRs on an Automated DNA Sequencer.- A Modification to the "Chelex" DNA Extraction Method for Casework Samples.- Application of HLA-DR Typing by PCR-SSP to Forensic Samples.- The MVR-PCR Approach for the Typing of the MS32 Locus: Usefulness and Technical Problems.- of Two New Electrophoresis Gel Systems for Screening and High Resolution Identification of STRs Under Native Conditions.- Oligo-AP Probes and Chemiluminescence: Sensitivity for Stains Analysis.- Automation of In Situ DNA Sample Preparation for PCR Using the FTATM DNA Collection System, Oral Swabs, and the Rosys Laboratory Workstation.- STR Typing without DNA Extraction Using an Infrared-Based Nonradioactive Automated DNA Sequencer.- Evaluation of Hereditary Distance by Restriction Landmark Genomic Scanning (RLGS).- 7 Conventional Markers.- The PI System: Genetic Variation, Forensic Application and Clinical Aspects.- A Parentage Testing Study Revealing a Possible Deletion at the PLG Locus.- Detection of the ABO, GC, ACP, and HLA-DQA1 Polymorphisms at the DNA Level Using PCR and SSCP.- Novel Polymorphisms in the Coding Sequence of the Coagulation Factor XIII A-Subunit and Their Halotype Diversity.- Nucleotide Changes in Various Variants of the Coagulation Factor XIII A-Subunit.- ABO Genotyping with PCR.- Indication for a Silent Allele of Properdin Factor B Polymorphism (BF*Q0) in a Paternity Case.- Preliminary Studies on the Population Substructure for C1R Protein in Chinese Populations.- A Study of Polymorphism of Antithrombin III at the Level of Both Protein and DNA in a Chinese Population.- Genetic Polymorphisms of Alpha-1-Antitrypsin and Group-Specfic Component in Spanish Gypsy Population.- Studies on Blood Genetic Markers in Some Mongoloid Populations of Eastern Siberia.- PI Subtyping in Dental Pulps.- GC Subtyping in Serum and Semen after Neuraminidase Treatment.- Simultaneous Focusing of PGM1 and ACP Phenotypes Using Miniaturized Gels and Three Electrode Technique.- Platelet and Granulozyte Alloantigen Typing Using Sequence-Specific Primer (SSP) PCR Amplification.- Plasma Protein Markers in S. Tome e Principe.- Detection of a Silent GC Allele in a Danish Mother and Child.- ABH-Related Antigens Participate in the Spermatogenesis of Cats and Rats.- Species Identification by Analysis of the Genes for ABO Blood Group.- 8 Population Genetics.- Statistical Issues in DNA Profiling.- Population Genetics of D1S80, HUMVWA31 A, and HUMF13A1 from Portugal and Goa (India).- Genetic Substructure at the STR Loci HUMTH01 and HUMVWA in Han Populations, China.- Collaborative Study on the Polymorphism of the D1S80 Locus in the Italian Population.- DNA Fingerprinting in Balearic Populations.- HLA-DQA1 and D1S80 in the Population of Valencia (Spain).- Gene Frequencies of Human Populations along Pyrenean Chain.- Multiplex PCR and Automated Flourescence Detection of Four Tetrameric STRs in an West-Austrian Population.- Population and Formal Genetics of the STRs TPO, TH01 and VWFA31/A in North Portugal.- Population Genetics of Three STRs: TH01, CSF1PO, and TPOX in Southern Spain.- Frequency Multivariate Analysis of LDLR, GYPA, HBGG, D7S8, and GC in 12 Different Populations.- Worldwide Distribution of D1S80 Polymorphism: Comparison of Genetic Distances and Cluster Analysis.- Allele Frequency Distributions of 3 STR-Loci in a Population Sample from Northern Germany.- Allele Frequency Distribution of Three STRs Loci: HUMARA, HUMPLA2, and VS17T in the Spanish Population.- Determination of the Allele and Genotype Frequencies of Loci HLA-DQA1, LDLR, GYPA, HBGG, D7S8, and GC in Bogota (Colombia).- Allele Distribution of the Amplitype PM Coamplification System in a Population of Northern Italy.- Characterization of YNZ22 Locus for Forensic Purposes, Allele and Genotype Frequencies in a Northern Italian Population.- D1S80 Population Data in the North East of Spain.- Population Study for the HLA-DQA1, LDLR, GYPA, HBGG, D7S8, and GC Loci in North East of Spain.- Allele Frequencies of Four STRs (HUMTH01, HUMVWFA31, HUMF13A01, HUMFESFPS) in the North East of Spain.- German Data on the Loci of Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor, Glycophorin A, Hemoglobin ?, D7S8, Group-Specific Component and HLA-DQ?.- Allele Frequencies of VWA, FESFPS, FXIIIA1, and D21S11 in an Italian Population Sample.- STR Analysis: HUMTHOl and HUMFESFPS for Forensic Application.- Profiling the North East Italian Population by Four Highly Polymorphic DNA Probes.- Allele Frequencies of HLA-DQ, LDLR, GYPA, HBGG, D7S8, and GC in the Resident and Autochthonous Populations of the Basque Country.- Study of HUMACTBP2 STR Polymorphism, Performed by PCR and Automated Laser Flourescence (ALF) Sequencer in a Population Sample of Catalonia.- Aymara and Quechua Amerindian Populations Characterized by HUMTH01 and HUMVWA STR Polymorphisms.- Suitability of the HUMTH01, HUMCD4, and HUMVWA STR Polymorphisms for Legal Medicine Investigations in the Population of Catalonia (North East Spain).- Population and Formal Genetics of the STR System MBP-Locus B in North Portugal.- Allele Frequency Distributions of Five Loci (LDLR, GYPA, HBGG, D7S8 and GC) in a Japanese Population.- Frequency Data on the Loci LDLR, GYPA, HBGG, D7S8, and GC in a Population Resident in Madrid (Spain).- German Data on the PCR-Based Loci HUMVWA 31, HUMTH01, HUMES/FPS, HUMF 13B, and D1S80.- D1S80 Alleles in Wielkopolska Population (Poland).- A Study on the Short Tandem Repeat System ACTBP2 (SE33) in an Austrian Population Sample Using Nondenaturing Electrophoresis and a Sequenced Allelic Ladder.- HLADQA1 Allele Frequencies in the World Using a Biplot to Visualize Alleles and Populations Simultaneously.- Efficiency of 6 STR Systems, HLADQ? and the Polymarker Systems (PM) in Paternity Testing.- Swiss Population Data for the STR Systems HUMVWA, HUMF13A1, and HUMFES.- Studies on the HUMTH01 and HUMVWA Polymorphisms in a South West German Population.- Spanish Population Data on Seven Loci (D1S80, D17S5, HUMTH01, HUMVWA, ACTBP2, D21S11, and DQA1): Equilibrium and Independence.- Two Highly Polymorphic VNTR Loci D5S110 (LH1) and D4S139 (PH30): Analysis, Formal and Population Genetic Data.- Allele Frequency Distribution of Five VNTR Loci and Paternity Testing in the North East of Spain.- Spanish Population Data on 13 PCR-Based Systems.- Allele Frequencies of D1S80, LDLR, GYPA, D7S8, GC, HBGG, and SE 33 in Polish Population Sample.- Haplotype Frequencies of Two STRs of the Chromosome 8q (D8S344 and D8S323).- Japanese Population Data on Six STR Loci.- Forensic Application of STR Polymorphic Markers.- Population Studies of Two AMPFLPS and Two STRs Systems in a North Polish Population.- Allele Frequency Distribution of 15 PCR-Based DNA Polymorphisms in the Population of Galicia (NW Spain).- The Allelic Distribution of Five STRs Systems in a North Italian Population.- Population Study of Three STR Loci in the North of Portugal.- Population Genetics of the STRs TPO, TH01, and VWFA31/A in S. Tome e Principe.- Automated Analyisis of Five STR Loci: Allele Frequencies and Family Studies in the German Population.- Southern Spain Population Frequencies of the Loci LDLR, GYPA, HBGG, D7S8, and Gc:A Comparison between Andalusian and Canary Islands Frequencies.- Allele Frequency Distribution of D2S44, D12S11, D7S21, D7S22, and D5S43 Loci in Southern Spain.- HLA-DQA1 Polymorphism in Two Portuguese Population Samples from Lisbon and the South of Portugal.- D1S80 Locus Polymorphism in a Population Sample from Lisbon.- AMPFLP Typing of the D21S11 Microsatellite Polymorphism: Allele Frequencies and Sequencing Data in the Austrian Population.- Typing for the HUMFES/FPS Short Tandem Repeat Polymorphism in an Austrian Caucasoid Population Sample.- Analysis of the SR Polymorphism VWA and FES: Allele Frequency and Family Studies in an Italian Population Sample.- Analysis of the Short Tandem Repeat Polymorphism D2S11 in German Caucasians.- Population Data of the VNTR Loci D10S28,D4S139, D16S309, and D5S110 in German Caucasians.- A Population Study of 5 PCR Genetic Markers: LDLR, GYPA, HBGG, D7S8, and GC in Italy.- Allele Frequencies of the HUMFES/FPS System in Northern and Central Italy.- The Y-Linked Locus Y27H39 (DYS 19), Frequency Distribution in South Bavarian and Application to Paternity Testing.- Studies on the HUMACTBP2 (SE33).- Hungarian Population Data for 11 PCR-Based Polymorphisms.- Allele Frequency Distribution of the STR System ACBP2 (SE33) in a Population of Portugal (Central Area).- Allele Frequencies in Four STRs for a Population of Portugal (Central Area).- DNA Profiling: A Genetic Study of Two VNTR Loci in the East Midlands.- Comparison of Turkish Subpopulations Using Two STRs.- The Genetic Structure of Four Argentine Ethnic Groups Reflected by the Analyses of Ten STRs.- D1S80 AMP-FLP Attributes in Two Different Ethnic Groups of Argentine Populations.- 9 Standardization, Ethics.- Ethical and Legal Aspects.- The Development of Quality Assurance Measures in Forensic DNA Typing.- The American Association of Blood Banks Inspection and Accreditation Program for Parentage Testing Laboratories.- Parentage Testing Survey Program of the College of American Pathologists: Red Cell Antigens, Serum Proteins an Red Cell Enzymes Testing Results.- The Parentage Testing Proficiency Survey Program of the College of American Pathologists.- A Review of the 1991-1994 Paternity Testing Workshop of the English-Speaking Working Group.- DNA Legislation in the Netherlands.- Science and Conscience: Regulation or Guidelines for Forensic Haemogenetics?.- HUMTHO1 Allele Frequencies in Italy - Report of the GEFI Collaborative Study.- A Review of the Collaborative Exercises of the Spanish and Portuguese ISFH Working Group.- Comparability of RFLP Results between Laboratories: AABB/CAP Survey Data.- Proficiency Testing in Forensic DNA Analysis.

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    • 3540187650
    • 3540522719
    • 3540551948
    • 3540576436
    • 3540604928
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